

Under the silent night sky, the sound of footsteps continues to sound, echoing in the night sky.

Suddenly, the footsteps froze.


It is a ringtone for a telephone communication call.


Look at the phone screen.

Notes for incoming calls.

A slightly surprised look appeared on Li Jiang’s face, as if he was surprised that the caller would call him.

And the notes on the newsletter.

Impressively displayed.

Just one word.


The next moment, with the finger swiped.

Connect the phone.

The corner of Li Jiang’s mouth raised a smile, and while walking forward, he took the lead in speaking: “Hey, our always mysterious leader of the Shadow Society, how come he has time to contact me?” ”

A slightly frivolous word fell.

The other end of the phone.

There was a brief silence, followed by a sound that was obviously inaudible to anyone, like a cold machine.

“Help me kill someone.”


Hearing this, Li Jiang showed such an expression and laughed.

You can find yourself.

With a high probability, there is a purpose.

“I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you.”

“I’m not in the East Country now, and I still have a few perfect bounties with high prices and average target strength waiting for me to deal with, and I haven’t had any free time recently.”

The words fell, even if they were not explicitly said.

The meaning of rejection of 14.

It’s also very obvious.

Atmosphere.. At this moment.

Silence fell in.

But then, the mechanical voice sounded again: “Li Jiang, I didn’t consult with you, you can consider this an order!” ”

“Unless, you want to end our cooperation.”

“Don’t forget, those Gaia memories on your body were all provided to you by me!”

There is no emotion in the voice.

It’s full of threats.

Let answer the call.

Li Jiang, who was walking on foot, suddenly stopped his steps, and the smile on his face dissipated.

In its place, there was a touch of coldness.

An invisible murderous aura comes from his body.

Sudden spread.

That almost suffocating terrifying aura is enough to see how strong the strength of the person in front of him is.

Life that died at its hands.

There must be a lot!

And as a bounty hunter who hunts bounties for a living, hunter!

It’s a lot of freedom.

Li Jiang, the most disgusting is the threat.

Generally dares to threaten him.

It’s all already.

became him, the revenant under the sword.

But this cold killing intent.

With Li Jiang’s brows.

Slightly wrinkled.

It soon disappeared, only because of the threat of the leader of the Shadow Society on the other end of the phone, which forced him to focus on it.

Cooperation between them.

Impressively, it is the transaction of Gaia’s memory.

By him to help the Dead Society.

Deal with some guys.

Thus obtaining, the Gaia memory given by the other party as a reward.

This cooperation.

Amazingly, it has been going on for several years.

In just with a killer hit.

The fiery Gaia memory used to kill Kamen Rider Valkyrie was obtained from the hands of the Shadow Society.

Its power, naturally there is no need to say more!

Incredibly tough.

And these ways are also Li Jiang’s means to get more.

Even, the reason for the continuous strengthening!

Compared to Gaia memory.

What he received in his hand.

Those bounties that are as high as tens of millions even at a price seem to suddenly be unfragrant.

This is also, after a brief period of unhappiness.

Li Jiang was quick.

Reasons to calm down.


“Kill whom?”

He snorted coldly, indicating his slight dissatisfaction.

Li Jiang still spoke.


Along with the mobile phone, a message was sent with a tone.

Li Jiang’s gaze fell on the screen.

An electronic message.

Amazingly, it was sent.

Feel free to open it.

The gaze swept.

Li Jiang’s face gradually appeared, and a slight smile appeared: “Isn’t this the newly rising Kamen Rider Kabuto, who has recently become quite famous in the Dragon Country?” ”

“Sun God: Gee, this name has achieved quite loud. ”

“I just don’t know what the strength is.”

Listen to Li Jiang, that amazing words.

There was silence for a moment.

The machine-like voice sounded again: “How? You don’t pick up? ”

In the tone, even after processing.

I can hear it too.

That icy tone!

“No, no, no.”

“Since even you, the leader of the Mysterious Shadow Society, have spoken, I naturally accepted it, but the name of this target is so big, I am a little scared.”

“You: Afraid? ”

A surprised deep voice suddenly sounded.

This time, the sound was unprocessed.

The emotions contained in it.

Clearly audible.

In this regard, the smile on Li Jiang’s face appeared bright, as if it was inevitable, and then said: “I mean, you have to add money!” ”

The words fall!

On the other end of the phone, there was obvious silence for a moment.

With a cold snort.

“Four!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


After a brief conversation, the phone hung up.

After a smug smile.

Purpose achieved.

Li Jiang’s mood became excellent again.

It seemed that the threat that had just come from the leader of the Shadow Society was unhappy.

All dissipated.

The final deal between the two is Gaia’s memory, as long as they kill the bounty target they sent.

That one is called Qin Tian.

Then, four will be provided afterwards, with different performance and not on Li Jiang’s body.

Powerful Gaia memory!

“Qin Tian, Sun God?”

“O God… Gee, it’s really interesting, it’s a pity that this so-called sun will soon fall and extinguish, and will be targeted by death, only death is the only ending, the white god of death is coming to hunt you! ”

A slight murmur.

Echoing in the night sky.

Soon, Li Jiang’s figure disappeared on the plain.



The sun rises as usual, under the bright sun.

Among the detached villas.

For my sister, after making a delicate and nutritious breakfast.

Eat and drink.

Mu Ningxue returned to the room with some reluctance.

Because the school was damaged.

Online classes went.

Sit on the sofa in the living room, turn on the TV and watch the morning news broadcast daily.

Qin Tian’s hands.

Holding a steaming cup of black tea.

Sipping unhurriedly.

On this peaceful morning.

It was quite enjoyable.

After getting the Kabuto insect instrument, after several battles, it has been several days, and I have not enjoyed such a leisurely life so calmly.

Sip hot tea.

In front of the line of sight, the morning news on the TV.

Yesterday’s events are playing.

Don’t talk about those.

Minor trifles.

Finally, the important events broadcast are about the doping weirdo of the Dead Shadow Society, which wreaked havoc on the Jiangyang City Noble Academy and caused casualties.

How bad it is.

According to the news, it has been reported to the General Administration of Knights.

And, it was guaranteed.

Exact message.

Once again, the encirclement and suppression of evil organizations such as the Shadow Society will begin.

Do your best to destroy it.

Listen to the news.

Debriefing by the moderator.

Qin Tian’s eyes were 717, and a fluctuation flashed.

If it’s a special team.

When the Shadow Society is wiped out, he will naturally participate in it.

At that time, it will act together with the special response team.

Or go it alone.

Then say it again.

Quiet, after watching the morning news played on the TV.

Qin Tian also thought about it.

The invisible light curtain in front of him instantly emerged.

【Name:Qin Tian】

[Talent: Ultimate Knight Physique]

[Title: The Way of Heaven, Director-in-Chief Everything, M4 Control, The Weak Retreat, Guardian of the Blue Sky and the Dreamer]

[Knight Drive: Kamen Rider Kabuto, Kamen Rider DarkKabuto, Kamen Rider Faiz, Kamen Rider Fang, Kamen Rider Sku11, Kamen Rider AmazonNeoAlfa, Kamen Rider Delta, Kamen Rider Ixa, Kamen Rider Psyga, Kamen Rider Orga. 】

【Knight Points: 2866 points】

Since the end of the exploration of the secret realm, there have been several battles.

DarkKabuto, transformed by Lei Dao.

Yesterday’s twilight moment.

What was solved were the more than twenty doped body weirdos, as well as Kamen Rider Fangs.

At the moment, the original 2055 knight points.

Impressive growth.

Here it comes.

2866 points!

The increase in knight points of 811 points is enough to see how exaggerated the scale of knight points provided by the batch of doped freaks eliminated yesterday is.

And in terms of knight’s belt.

Qin Tian at this moment.

It is also the re-harvest of two, autonomous knight drives.

and Fangs Gaia memory.

Leisurely morning time.

Qin Tian also planned to try today’s luck.

Start the title:


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