Cartoonist Code

Chapter 211:

Obviously they are a group of DDs, and the single push is a single push, but it is difficult to accept the fact that the virtual anchor has an object of the opposite sex.

Lily stickers are acceptable to them, but male and female collocation is prohibited.

Beheading DD requires boiling frogs in warm water. There is a step-by-step process. After sticking with foxes for a long time, everyone is used to sticking to them.

It suddenly broke out, and everyone would definitely not accept it.

So for the sake of his own life, he broadcast live in Nozaki-kun's room, and Nozaki-kun agreed, on the condition that he occasionally lent Pecora to Nozaki-kun.

Angel Pecora, who is currently a qualified tool person, works as Dongfang Ming's cartoonist assistant, helps him take care of the little peppers he planted and the side dishes in the yard, feeds Miss briquettes and Xiao Chao picks up the name "Miaozhuan teacher" "The kitten.

She had a very happy day, and she didn't have to live in the cardboard box on an empty stomach, except when she went out to find the angel ring, she met the little evil spirit.

"I'm ready."

Dongfang Ming put down what he was doing. There were two Pokémon, Sawarang and Pylas, so he didn't want to join in the fun and be a light bulb. He had to let them get along alone and create an environment for Pylas to express himself.

When he was leaving, Dongfang Ming did not forget to close the door and gave Pylas an encouraging look to him.

Come on, wild Miss Pylas, you have to shake this steel bar.

Sakura Chiyo, who was on the radio wave, was overjoyed, clenched her fist and waved it.

"Are you trying to beat him?"

Seeing Sakura Chiyo waving his fist, Nozaki-kun misunderstood something.

"No, no, no, hahaha."

Sakura Chiyo shook her head with a dry smile. She couldn't understand why Nozaki-kun thought she was going to beat the other party, so she clenched her fist and waved it up and down to cheer herself up.

Outside the door, Dongfang Ming was close to the door, and when he heard Nozaki-kun's conversation inside, he didn't know how to complain.

He eavesdropped for a while, and found that nothing really happened inside. Nozaki-kun really used Pylas as a tool person and let her do the work of the cartoonist's assistant.

Perhaps Pylas never expected this to happen.


Sakura Chiyo couldn't figure it out, and came to the boy's house in a confused way. She was a little worried and wanted to go back, but she didn't expect her worries to be superfluous.

black, black, black...

It's different from what I imagined, why is she like an ordinary cartoonist's assistant. She is mentally prepared, you actually gave me this?


When she made a question mark, it was not that she had a problem, but that Nozaki-kun had a problem.

"Oh, well painted."

Chiyo Sakura should be happy to hear praise from someone she likes, but she can't be happy with such a compliment.

"Hey, Nozaki-kun is a manga artist!"

Chiyo Sakura didn't know about it until he stayed to eat at the apartment.

"Not only Nozaki-kun, we have six cartoonists here."

Lianzuka Xiaomeng, who put pieces of meat in his mouth, said.

"Six, is this a cartoonist's apartment?"

Chiyo Sakura couldn't believe it. In her eyes, cartoonists were a rare species. She was surprised that her classmates were cartoonists. She didn't expect that there were five other cartoonists living here.

At the dinner table, she discovered that the apartment was full of yin and yang, and there were only Nozaki-kun and the boy who installed the computer.

"This is the manga artist's apartment." Lily Xianghuan replied with a smile, "It is impossible for ordinary people to enter the apartment, but you are a friend invited by Nozaki-kun, so there is no problem. In fact, this used to be the manga artist's apartment, but with the move in The number of people has increased, and it is not a cartoonist's apartment."

Baixue Fubuki, Kagura Mea, Minato Aqua, and Pecora, these four Pecora are cartoonist assistants, and they can be returned to cartoonists, and the other three are virtual anchors.

It is not so much an apartment for a cartoonist, but an apartment for a group of people who contribute to the beautiful world of the second dimension.

"It's amazing." Chiyo Sakura really didn't expect that many of these people around her age were cartoonists.

"No, I'm not a cartoonist, I'm just a street painting scum who can't even pass the review."

Kaoruko Moeda hugged herself distressedly, she was not worthy of the title of cartoonist.

That's a title that only big men like Xiaomeng, Ryuhime, Nozaki-kun, Xiaoyi, and Bai Mao can get.

The keys are three yuan each and three ten yuan.

So she doesn't deserve it!

Go, go, go. Dongfang Ming ate silently, keeping his voice to a minimum, reducing his sense of existence and pretending to not exist.

When it comes to cartoonists, everyone will talk about him. All of them are big bosses, shouting lines like "Teach me to draw" and "Teach me to draw" all day long.

Xiaomeng, Rukie often makes this kind of joke, even Tsubasa and Nozaki have made this kind of joke.

Especially Nozaki, when Dead Fisheye said "Teach me how to draw" seriously, it gave Dongfang Ming a particularly absurd feeling.

As for Little Chaos... She really needs to be taught how to draw. The basic brush painting Dongfang Ming is still arranging tasks for her to practice.

Brush painting is good, board painting is very easy to get started, board painting is good, pen painting is not necessarily, but pen painting is very important. If sketching is the foundation of painting, then the foundation of board painting is hand-painting.

If the basic skills are not solid in painting, you will find that this is not possible, and that is not possible. Wherever you draw it, it will not be pleasing to the eye.

Even good painters will hone their basic skills.

Depressed Little Chaos naturally has a small dream and they come to comfort them. Baishang Chuixue looked at Dongfang Ming who was sitting next to her and didn't speak, she didn't speak, and concentrated on eating.

Mea and Aqua, who were sitting together, talked about the live broadcast linkage at night, and planned to liven up the DDs.

Pecora, who enjoyed no meal, hummed like a pig, while Garden Lily Xiang lovingly added food to her.

Chiyo Sakura chatted with the cartoonist girl group of four, and asked Nozaki-kun from time to time.

There was a peaceful scene at the dinner table.

Chapter 184 The Second Women's Clothing

What gift do you get for Fubuki Shirakawa's birthday?

Funny cat sticks, cat cans, **** of yarn, bells, collars.

These gifts can be given on April Fool's Day, and Dongfang Ming on his birthday feels that he has lived too long.

Lu Xun famously said: If a person dies, he will die.

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