Carry a Ride-and-slash System with You

: Sixty-five, phase 1 mission completed

The morning flag raising ceremony is over.

White Wolf Town was caught up in busy work again.

The 300 acres of wheat fields are ready to be harvested. Harry organized manpower to harvest them. With the participation of a large number of people, the area of ​​300 acres of land was almost harvested in half a day. As for the crops harvested for the first time in White Wolf Town, Jie said: Lott was still concerned.

When the farmers finished harvesting all the wheat, a long-lost system prompt sounded in Geralt's ears.

[Long Quest: Power]

【Stage 1: Stronghold (Completed)】

[Rewards are now issued, please wait, random, random completed. 】

[Private house (Kuset) (only one): Five people belonging to the Kusette force can be brought in daily (parents and children), and one craftsman of the Kusette force can be brought in every month (random)]

[Base: White Wolf Town, Type: Self-built Base, Scale: Small Town, Size: Very Large, System Power Blessing...]

[The blessing is completed, White Wolf Town, self-built stronghold, small town, can now accommodate 200 soldiers (single blessing, does not occupy the host's total number of soldiers, the effect is the same, and can be freely commanded.) (When the scale is increased, the number of soldiers that can be accommodated will increase. )]

[Policy: White Wolf Town can choose one policy every year, namely, 10% growth in agriculture, 10% in industry, 10% in commerce, and 10% in population. 】

[The first phase of the rewards has been distributed, I wish the host a long and prosperous Wu Yun! 】

[The second stage task is issued: Overlord! 】

[Task requirements: Become the overlord of a certain area! (no time limit) (achievement conditions depend on the size)]

[Quest completion reward: random top-tier troops X200 (does not occupy the total number of troops), functional architectural drawings X3. 】

The reward and the new quest appeared in Geralt's mind at the same time. He froze in place, looking at the reward given by the quest and felt like he was dreaming for a while.

"Is this done?"

The corners of Geralt's mouth began to rise upward, and laughter gradually came out of his throat.


Everyone thought that their adults were happy for the harvest, and they all showed smiles.

"It's Kusette's house! Not Kugit!"

Geralt discovered Blind Spot from the reward, Kuset, the predecessor of the Kujit Khanate, the absolute ruler of the grasslands of Calradia in the past, and the Kuseite heavy mounted archer and Khan's personal guard Ling Kara. Any country on the continent of Dia is terrified!

"I didn't expect, ah, I didn't expect that the time span of this random reward is so large. This gave me a big surprise."

"There are also new tasks, which are encouraging me to expand! But don't worry, first develop White Wolf Town to plan for the grasslands, or..."

"The whole north!"

Geralt's thoughts flowed, and he slowly returned his attention to reality, but the corners of his mouth were raised to indicate that he was in a good mood at this time.

"How's the output?"

Geralt questioned Harry gently.

Harry replied with some surprise.

"Three hundred acres of wheat fields produce more than 79,000 catties of grain-bearing wheat. On average, each mu of land has a yield of more than 260 catties."

Geralt's originally happy expression was a little disappointed. He thought that under the watering of the clinker and manure that the earthworms swallowed, even if the crop harvest in the first year of reclamation from the wasteland was not high, it would not be the same. Mu is only 260 catties.

Seeing that Geralt was a little unhappy, Harry explained with a smile.

"My lord, the yield of wheat per mu of land is 260 catties. This is the yield that can only be achieved by mature fields. We have been very successful, sir."

"That's not enough! These grains are not enough for the people in the town to eat for a month. Although we have enough grain reserves, I can't feel at ease if we don't achieve self-sufficiency for a day!"

Geralt watched the townspeople spread the baskets of wheat on the drying field after the weighing, and said earnestly.

In his mind, choosing this year's policy to be agricultural growth, Geralt ordered Harry.

"The corn seedlings have already been planted, and now it's time for corn sowing. Plant corn on all the 2,000 acres of fields near the tributaries, and plant beans for the rest of the thousands of acres of fields. Let's fertilize the fields first!"

Originally thought that under the irrigation of earthworms and manure, the amount of fertilizer in the field was sufficient, but Geralt could see from the output of wheat that the land was still not fertile enough. In this case, the original planting plan was cancelled, except that the corn was cultivated according to the original plan. All other fields are planted with soybeans first.

"Also, the worm fields continue to expand until enough clinker is produced to irrigate all the fields."

"Your will, my lord."

Harry respectfully accepted the order, and then said.

"But my lord, the breeding of earthworm fields may not be able to expand now, and our animal feces are not enough."

On the way from Wangcheng to the grassland, Geralt and his party brought a total of nearly 300 horses. The number of horses has been maintained at this scale after subsequent losses and seizures.

The animal dung in the earthworm field is the best bait. With the beet residue and forage, the earthworms are well developed. However, now that Harry suddenly said that the animal dung is insufficient, Geralt was stunned for a while, and immediately reacted.

"Then send cavalry to look for horses, cattle and all livestock that can be raised on the grassland."

"Our meat can be obtained from these livestock before the chickens get and it is also just enough to provide the manure we need to raise earthworms."

"Then ours will start to stand out, sir."

Harry frowned and thought for a moment, returning to Geralt.

And Geralt laughed.

"Hahaha, Harry, we don't need to be afraid anymore! The city wall... is almost done!"

"Also, the number of our companions can be expanded!"

"I see." Harry's frowning brows eased, and a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

"Sir, I'll make arrangements now."

After a salute, Harry was about to retire, but was stopped by Geralt.

"Wait, tell me first, how is the training of the militia regiment."

Harry stopped, recalled it in his mind for a while, and replied.

"My lord, according to your instructions, I have selected 300 people from the commoners brought back from the grasslands, reduced their daily labor and handed them over to the two knights, Conn and Bryce, who have been trained by the two knights. More than two months."

"Judging from the training results submitted by Commander Conn every day, they also have the strength to fight. What's worse now is the experience of fighting on the battlefield."

Geralt looked at his army page and listened to Harry's answer. The soldiers in the original reserve team had also been upgraded to the top tier of the mercenary system despite their long-term 'coaching' skills and daily practice. Arms.

"All the soldiers in the reserve team will be transferred to the main battle force 'White Wolf Regiment', and they will be controlled by three commanders according to the type of arms."

"In addition, bring the top 100 out of the 300 militiamen to the conference hall tonight!"

"Understood, my lord!"

Harry gave a respectful military salute.

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