Carry a Ride-and-slash System with You

: Ten, it's not a game after all

Time passed by like a white horse, and it arrived at dusk without attention. Under Geralt's arrangement, the two Nord recruits simply taught the peasants and soldiers the skills of using axe, so that they could improve their fighting ability a little.

"Drink! Ha!"

The peasants are training.

Geralt was not idle either. He simply made a few archery targets, and practiced bow and arrow shooting for an afternoon with the short bow he bought from Harry. He achieved very little, and only received the proficiency reward prompted by the 5-point system. .

"Hmm~ huh, it seems... the only way to grow is to fight." Geralt rubbed his sore wrist.

Put away bows and arrows.

"Okay, let's rest, and ask two people to cook." Geralt took out half a bag of wheat and a few salted fish left over from the morning from the inventory and put it on the ground.

"Understood, my lord! Everyone rests, you still have you to cook!" A Nord recruit paid two peasants to let them cook.


During the training, a farmer challenged the Nord recruits, the Nord recruits took over, and Geralt was attracted to watch them fight with a laugh: "Then you are together, the Nord recruits, ten of you. One team, there are rewards for winning.”


The scene became lively.

The two Nord recruits who heard the reward also started to get serious. Back to back, they slashed with the wooden axe cut by Geralt, and each cut a farmer to the ground and stepped forward to fight. , and then the battle ended quickly in a one-sided form. After all, they were soldiers of the Nord Kingdom, and their folk customs were sturdy. Even the first-order arms were not something that ordinary farmers could defeat.

The victorious Nord recruits clapped their hands to celebrate, and came to Geralt's side to invite rewards. Geralt gave each of them a dozen bronze coins, which attracted everyone's cheers.

In the midst of the excitement, the farmer who was cooking ran over and said, "Sir, it's time to eat."

"Understood." Geralt responded, stepped forward and clapped his hands, and said, "Guys, please stop, you can enjoy sweet food."

"Yes, my lord."

"Let's go, let's eat."

"Long live adults"

Geralt walked to the place where the rice was served, and looked at the food. The plump wheat had absorbed enough water and there were still a few pieces of salted fish in it.

After taking a bowl of rice, Geralt sat on the stump of a tree, cut a pair of chopsticks and started eating, "Bah, it's salty."

The soldiers also filled their meals one by one, sat together in twos and threes, and sighed while pulling the rice: "Your lord is so generous, I've never seen so much salt when eating before." The emotion of the recruited farmer, after speaking, aroused a lot of approval.

Hearing everyone's talk, Geralt smiled shyly, he just forgot to buy food.

After dinner, it was already night. Geralt arranged for each of the Nord recruits to take three people on duty at night, and was ready to go to bed. There is still a battle to be fought tomorrow.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

The moon sets and the sun rises, and it's a new day.

Geralt, who woke up early, was still sighing about his life. Thinking about the life that was upside down today and the life that went to bed early and woke up early today, hey, it's already mixed with five flavors.

After waking everyone up, Geralt came out of the warehouse and cleared his throat and said, "Team 1, we must have two spears to cut wooden sticks this morning. Team 2, go collect them now. Throwing pebbles, do you understand!"

"Understood, my lord!" A dozen soldiers responded in unison.

"Then go ahead, guys."

Geralt formed a team of ten farmers last night, and the captains were naturally the two Nord recruits.

Taking into account the habit of the wolves to be nocturnal, Geralt set the time to launch the attack at noon, when the weather was the hottest, and the wolves would definitely rest near the wolf's nest.

After making arrangements, Geralt went to an open space to practice bow and arrow.

time flies.

The second team that went out to find the pebbles has returned, packed the pebbles into bags, and went to help the first team to harden the sharpened spears. This is what Geralt explained. When everything is clarified, the time will pass. , Geralt came to the soldiers and distributed a bag of pebbles to each of them.

"Set off!"


It was found that the Nord recruits in the wolf's nest were leading the way, and Geralt and the others followed behind. The weather was hot and they had a hard time walking, but the soldiers had no complaints under the blessing of loyalty. The problem is Geralt, he Overestimating his endurance, he gritted his teeth and held on, Geralt ordered: "Speed ​​up and make repairs when you are 2 miles away from the target."

Hearing the order, the soldiers quickened their pace, and Geralt gritted his teeth to keep up.

Finally, when Geralt heard what the Nord recruit said, he sat on the ground, poured a bag of water on his face, and ordered repairs.

Everyone rested, and Geralt also recovered.

The decisive battle time... has come!


Hold your breath, aim, shoot!

With a whoosh, a sharp arrow was shot from Geralt's hand, who was standing behind the tree, followed by a tragic wolf howl, followed by another sound in the next second, and the arrow of the Vicya partisan shooter also hit one. The wild wolf that was only resting, the battle started, and the large wolf pack with more than a dozen adult wolves reacted instantly, and a wolf howl came from the long and narrow cave.

Hunting time! The wolves began to run at the command of howling.

"Arrange!" Seeing the wolves moving, Geralt ordered, drawing his bow quickly.

The soldiers obeyed the order and lined up in a semicircle with their backs against a big tree, their spears stood upright, and they took out the prepared pebbles.

"Whoosh, whoosh," two arrows shot out again.

Two Nord recruits commanded their respective queues, "Smash!"

The pebbles were quickly thrown out of the hands of the farmers, UU reading www. uukanshu. com don't want to be accurate, just aim at the place where there are many wolves and hit it.

Soon the wolves were approaching, and the pebble still had some effect. It knocked a few heads out, but that's all.

"Change the spear!"

The first to approach are a few pioneer wolves. When hunting, they usually rush in front, and the rest of the wolves hunt around.


After the battle, the farmers' spears stabbed out and stabbed a few vanguard wolves fiercely.

"Don't worry about them, hold it down, make up for it!"

The farmers quickly used their axes to eliminate a few vanguard wolves, but at this time the formation was in chaos. The real chaos is here!

Geralt quickly shot a few arrows, threw down the bow and arrow, drew out his long sword and stepped forward to melee. He killed the wolf, and killed it on the first day.

"Kill!" Geralt let out a low roar, stepped forward quickly, and stabbed a wolf who was biting the farmer with a sword. Farmer, found another wild wolf.

The roar, the sound of axe chopping meat one after another, a wolf howl came from the rear of the battle, the wolves with few remaining wolves quickly retreated, and the wolves who lost many adult wolves were afraid.

"My lord, they're going to escape." The Vicya partisan shooter shouted at Geralt.

"Those who can still stand up continue to smash rocks, and the shooter continues to shoot! Aim at the alpha wolf, kill!" Geralt quickly ordered, rushed over, picked up the bow and arrow and shot.

The wolves dispersed, leaving only the cubs in the wolf's nest screaming miserably. When the wolves dispersed, the alpha wolf was caught on fire and fell on the way to escape.

"It's not a game after all..." Geralt murmured lowly, looking at the farmers who fell to the ground and could never get up.

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