Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 558: Happy Shuangfeiyan (5)

Li Xing's face is also very ugly. Well, whoever sees a man looking at his woman with such eyes will look bad, right?

"Who are you? Get out of here now, and I will assume that nothing happened." Li Xing said lightly. Li Xing did not want anything to ruin all plans for this evening.

Ren Xiaohua laughed as if he had heard the funniest thing.

"Brother, you can go down now. Your woman, how about letting me do it to my brother? Don't worry, you will never suffer a loss!" Ren Xiaohua said arrogantly, in front of women, especially the women he likes. In front of him, he should show his pride. Ren Xiaohua has always relied on this without any disadvantage!

"What did you just say? Tell me again?" Li Xing's face was pale as he walked to Ren Xiaohua's.

"Brother, don't be angry, isn't it a woman? The buddy will give you the money and say, how much?" Ren Xiaohua patted Li Xing on the shoulder. Well, isn't he just a nouveau riche? The nouveau riche are also buns, and they are also open-minded by money!

"Money? I have a lot of money. I think you came to find fault on purpose?" Li Xing gently held Ren Xiaohua's hand, a smile suddenly appeared on his face. This is a cruel smile. . .

"Ah..." A sharp pain came from Ren Xiaohua's wrist. Jiu Jin disappeared instantly under the attack of this pain. Therefore, what Ren Xiaohua saw was a smiling but cruel face.

"I don't care who you are, you have to pay for what you have said!" Li Xing said softly, although Li Xing did not bring anyone here today. But relying on Li Xing's hand, absolutely no one will be Li Xing's opponent.

"Xiaoxing... Just now this person molested me and gave me a slap. I guessed it was fine, so I didn't say, I didn't expect this person to catch up again. It's really annoying. Give me a good one. Let him have a lesson. It is correct to let him learn how to be a talented person!" Gu Tianxue walked slowly to Li Xing's, looked at Ren Xiaohua in disgust and said.

"What?" Li Xing looked at Gu Tianxue, and shook his head helplessly. Li Xing knew what Gu Tianxue thought.

Released Ren Xiaohua's hand, but at the same time kicked Ren Xiaohua's leg, causing Ren Xiaohua's leg to bend unnaturally, and then knelt in front of Li Xing fiercely.

Holding Ren Xiaohua's chin, Li Xing said seriously: "What is the way to die? Do you know what I hate most? What I hate most is molesting my woman, and you are honored to do so. So, you Must die! Tell me, what do you want to die?"

Li Xianglan shook her head slightly, the young people nowadays really don't know a little bit of importance. Is it an ordinary person who can make such a scene on the rooftop of the Ginza Hotel?

Therefore, Li Xianglan was not interested in Ren Xiaohua's end, and gave Bo Xin, Yang Lan, Lin Yuru, and Gu Tianxue a wink. Li Xianglan took the five seats gently. These things, let the men solve them, and the women, don't follow them.

"You...what did you say?" Ren Xiaohua was a little dimly affected by the repeated blows. Haven't fully understood the current situation.

"I asked you what you want to die. In other words, our civilized language, I ask you, what way do you want to leave this world?" Li Xing said with a smile, and simply got a chair to sit on. In front of Ren Xiaohua who was kneeling. Li Xing is not a person who gets angry because of a little thing, nor is he a person who makes a lot of trouble in everything. However, small things are not small things. When things touch Li Xing's negative scales, then, obviously, it is too difficult for Li Xing to give up.

"Who the **** do you want to die?" Ren Xiaohua understood this, and then went on fire. This is about to stand up.

"What do you mean?" Li Xing only moved the realm of the different space a little bit, and crushed Ren Xiaohua to death!

"Slap--" A slap was slapped, and a blood-red handprint immediately appeared on Ren Xiaohua's face.

"This is a punishment for your bad mouth. Do you want to try to scold again?" Li Xing said coldly. Seeing Ren Xiaohua's eyes, it became even colder.

"You..." Ren Xiaohua struggled a few times, but couldn't get up anymore. He felt the pain on his face, Li Xing's cold eyes, and the pressure brought by being condescending. If Ren Xiaohua wanted to be hard-hearted, he couldn't say anything!

"I'm asking what you want to die? If you don't say anything, then I will send you on the road now!" Li Xing said coldly.

"Xiaohua, about it, have you gotten into a girl?" At this moment, dozens of drunk and drunk Ren Xiaohua's friends, including Gu Xiaoxing, staggered up. Everyone can't wait for the feelings, wanting to see what kind of woman Ren Xiaohua looks after. Of course, this is also the narrative of several people who saw Gu Tianxue's face just now, and it has successfully aroused the desire of a bunch of people!

Li Xing's face changed.

However, Li Xing was not the only one who changed his face. Gu Xiaoxing was the first to change his face. When Gu Xiaoxing came up, he saw Ren Xiaohua kneeling down in front of Li Xing! Of course, there is secret joy in my heart. It seems that this time Ren Xiaohua and Li Xing's Liangzi is completely formed.

And then it was Ren Xiaohua's brothers who changed their faces. Even if I get drunk again, I can see clearly what is going on now.

Ren Xiaohua actually knelt down in front of Li Xing?

This. . . how is this possible?

"Damn, what the hell, brothers, copy guys, dare to bully our brother, he must be killed today!" I don't know who shouted. A gang of drunks rushed over immediately with passion!

Only Gu Xiaoxing did not rush forward. Although Gu Xiaoxing calculated Li Xing, Gu Xiaoxing still knew very well that if he rushed forward, it would be a direct conflict with Li Xing. This gave Li Xing a full excuse. His own power is not enough to fight Li Xing. Therefore, I can only watch from one side. As for what this group would think of Gu Xiaoxing. Well, no one seems to notice Gu Xiaoxing's abnormality at all now!

Li Xing smiled improperly, and at the same time, through the crowd, he saw the last Gu Xiaoxing. . .

Li Xing seems to understand something. A flash of murder in his heart flashed past. . .

Li Xing found that he couldn't control his anger more and more now. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. However, whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, Li Xing knew very well that he could never shrink back at this time.

What is sheep entering the wolf pack?

Li Xing now fully explained the true meaning of this point. More than a dozen drunkards, or drunks like brother brother. There is really no threat to Li Xing.

However, Li Xing can also see that the identity of this group of people seems to be very unusual, so the start is not so heavy. However, it is possible to make more than a dozen people feel the pain fully.

"Hehe, Brother Gu, I didn't think we would meet at this time. Hmm, are these all your friends? It's really not very polite. I don't know if Brother Gu should try it?" Li Xing said with a smile. .

"Li... Li Xing, let me tell you, I... I'm not afraid of you!" Gu Xiaoxing said tremblingly. He said that he was not afraid, but in actual tone, he had fully betrayed Gu Xiaoxing's true inner world.

"Do I need your fear? Why should Brother Gu be afraid? Tsk tsk, you and this group of people must be friends, but obviously, you didn't rush over like them. You are really friends! With you Such friends are really a blessing to these people!" Li Xing said with a smile.

Gu Xiaoxing was secretly angry. Gu Xiaoxing didn't expect Li Xing to say that, it was not. . . Sow discord?

I hadn't noticed the people of Gu Xiaoxing, but immediately saw Gu Xiaoxing standing there! That anger in my heart. What kind of friend is this?

Ren Xiaohua's face is also very ugly.

Gu Xiaoxing opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

However, Li Xing obviously does not intend to let Gu Xiaoxing go.

"Brother Gu, we are old acquaintances. I think, Brother Gu has known that I am here before? Haha, I wonder if you have persuaded your friends, or told them about my identity? , I see, none of your friends are ordinary people. But... I tell you, and tell all of you, if you provoke me, you are all waiting for the **** bad luck!" Li Xing came up angry Up. Thinking of being worried by such a group of people, Li Xing's anger burned indefinitely!

Suddenly looking at Gu Xiaoxing, why doesn't Li Xing understand how all this is caused?

"I'm telling you, you wait for me, I will make your end very miserable, very miserable, let's walk and see. If I don't trouble you, you will burn the incense. Now you dare to come and find My trouble. You... There is a kind." Li Xing said softly in Gu Xiaoxing's ear. Then no matter how Gu Xiaoxing's face changed. Turn around and return to the original position!

Ren Xiaohua didn't even get up within this period of time. . .

And a dozen people are all lying on the ground now. Only Gu Xiaoxing was still standing. . . It seems so conspicuous!

Gu Xiaoxing's heart jumped when Li Xing was murderous. Moreover, Gu Xiaoxing also clearly discovered that he seemed to have offended Ren Xiaohua and his gang at the same time! That bitterness in my heart. . . Don't talk about it.

Gu Xiaoxing really couldn't understand, how could Li Xing see that all this was designed by himself?

Uh. . . Gu Xiaoxing didn't think about it, the enemy. . . Do you think of others?

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