Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 503: Variables [seeking flowers! 】

The result of the discussion is still according to Li Xing's intention. The four Lin Yuru unconditionally supported.

This made Li Xing very moved. Although Li Xing is confident that his judgment will not make any mistakes. However, being able to receive the full support of Lin Yuru and the four people who did not understand them well still moved Li Xing very much. Although it seems that the support of the four women is a bit blind, it is also an absolute trust in Li Xing, right?

Li Xing thought secretly, he must take down Bai Xin and Yang Lan as soon as possible, thank them very much!

I just don’t know that Bai Xin and Yang Lan learned that Li Xing’s gratitude was the first time they had taken them away. I wonder if it was joy or anger? However, maybe it is more surprise. Because, in the hearts of Bai Xin and Yang Lan, they often think in shame why Li Xing doesn't want him? Well, for women, once you really let go of your body and mind, your thoughts will be completely different than usual.

However, Li Xing is ready here. But it does not mean you can act now. Li Xing is waiting for the military's response. Regardless of whether you agree to or not agree to Li Xing's ‘suggestion’, there must be an argument, right? Only when the military got the exact news, Li Xing could really make a series of reactions.

Of course, the necessary preparations still need to be done. Li Xing makes people pay attention to some talents in venture capital.

"Shao Li, where did you say Master and Aunt Xuemei went? Could something go wrong?" Yuan Rong said a little worried.

"What can happen? Who can threaten the safety of our two masters?" Li Xing said with a smile. After busying these two days, Tian Yuan and Xuemei did not see any more shadows.

Yuan Rong smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about Master and Aunt Xuemei... Oh, that's the case anyway!"

"Don't worry!" Li Xing smiled and patted Yuan Rong's shoulder and said, "Master and Aunt Xuemei must have gone to relive their previous lives. In other words, Master and Aunt Xuemei have seen everything clearly and went to find There is another person. For Yuandong, although we haven't confirmed it, it basically still exists!"

"Okay, let's leave the question about Master for now. I believe that when we see Master again, everything is absolutely perfect." Li Xing said with a smile.

Yuan Rong smiled, thought about it, and temporarily let go of the worry in his heart.

"The selected group of people has been sent to the blood wolf base. Guns of all sizes are also ready. You can use it anytime, anytime!" Yuan Rong said solemnly.

"Well, wait." Li Xing nodded. This is a force prepared for Japan and a force prepared for the future. This is the beginning. Li Xing must use the power in his own hands, and this power cannot be confined to the country, but because it is spread all over the world.

"Zhang Cheng's side has been completely formed. It has absorbed a large number of desperadoes. Although they are all old oilers, Guizai always obeys and understands the rules of mercenaries. Now they have tried to take over some small hires. Only now the strength It's still relatively small. However, the blood-forming function of Blood Wolf is very powerful. The speed of development will definitely be very fast!" Yuan Rong said with a smile. It is Yuan Rong who replaces Li Xing and Zhang Cheng.

"Well, tell Zhang Cheng, let Zhang Cheng remember the iron and blood, this kind of development is correct. Also tell Zhang Cheng, in two years, I will not use the power of the mercenary side, let Zhang Cheng in two years Give me the thorough development of mercenaries." Li Xing's determination is very big, mercenaries are the army in Li Xing's hands. Moreover, the headquarters is located in Africa, and the chaotic situation there is the best time for development. It is also the existence of mercenaries. Whether it can develop and grow among the many mercenaries, Zhang Cheng is still worth the test. However, Zhang Cheng is an iron-blooded soldier, believe this, he should be able to do it.

"Is there any news from Brother Tie?" Li Xing asked in a deep voice. Yuan Tie has been to New York to track down the fake Zheng Feng for a while, and there has been no progress. Li Xing always asks casually, expecting a surprise.

"No, not just Yuan Tie, there is no news from the blood wolf, and there is nothing to find from the Zheng family. There seems to be no clues. That person is very good at hiding himself, I believe it is very difficult to track down. , I suspect that he has turned into someone again. In this case, it will be really difficult for us to find that person!" Yuan Rong said with a gloomy expression. With such a powerful force to track down a person, there hasn't been any gains until now, which is really depressing.

"Don't worry, he must know that I am looking for him, so he definitely understands the idea that I will not give up. Wait for him to do it. Moreover, I don't believe that he really has no loopholes. It's just a bit deep. "Li Xin is also very upset, but Li Xing believes that he will definitely win in the end.

"Well, now take me to see the personnel you selected for me." Li Xing said with a smile.

"Okay!" Yuan Rong nodded.

The two went to the basement of the experimental building, in a basement independent of Jiang Yi's laboratory and Lin Chenghu's training room. It covers an area of ​​four hundred square meters. In the empty room now, there are more than twenty people standing quietly.

They dress differently. Different ages. However, they all entered middle age. Moreover, they wear various styles, but it can be seen that their lives are not so good. Even, in their eyes, there is a dead gray color.

"These people have gone through a big blow in life and have lost confidence in life. At the same time, they are also slightly distorted in their hearts. But they are not very serious. In fact, the most important thing is that they only need a circulatory system and they don't need to Appearing outside." Yuan Rong's meaning is obvious. When it comes to drugs, confidentiality comes first.

Li Xing nodded. Looking at these people, Li Xing walked slowly.

These people are very clear about what they are going to do here. There is no need for Li Xing to say anything about this.

"I don't need to know who you are and what kind of blows you have suffered. Since you are here now. Then, there is only one choice, which is to obey all my arrangements. Oh, of course, there is another way to choose, then It is death. However, I believe you would not choose this path, right? As long as you can keep your mouth, there is no betrayal in your heart. Then, whether it is money or beauty. No matter what blows you have suffered before, you can pay it back. Come back." Li Xing said in a deep voice.

Looking at his own words, it didn't seem to have caused any major reactions. Li Xing moved slightly, and the realm of different dimensions immediately enveloped all of them. Li Xing's expression slowly darkened.

An hour later, Li Xing smiled, Yuan Rong walked out with a wry smile and envy. After watching the activity center prepared by Yuan Rong for these people, the rest center, and the regulations on going out, etc., he left a large amount of cannabis, formulas, and the machinery prepared by Unicom. Start production as soon as possible.

In the hearts of more than twenty people, Li Xing is now a god-like existence, an omnipotent existence. Under the miracles of Li Xing, the twenty-odd people even fell to their knees and worshipped Li Xing very much. This gave Li Xing a sense of accomplishment. Well, it seems that I still have the potential to be religious.

Seeing Yuan Rong's uncontrollable smile, Li Xing first laughed and said, "Brother Rong, it's very hard to hold back, so don't hold back!"

Yuan Rong couldn't help laughing finally.

"I really didn't expect that you can produce such an effect with this ability!" Yuan Rong said with a laugh.

"This is normal. Of course, if it is for ordinary, normal people, it may not have such obvious effects. But these people you are looking for are good, they have lost all confidence in the blow to life. It seems to be A lost lamb is like a lamb without a direction for life. And my miracle is one of their beliefs. It's that simple. These people will not have any problems." Li Xing said confidently.

"Well, faith may be able to change them. Moreover, I told them who the drugs produced will be used on, and it is estimated that they will not have any psychological burden. However, when the production starts now, when will you contact Takeda? Jiro?" Yuanrong asked with a smile.

"Don't worry about this, just store it after production!" Li Xing said with a smile. Li Xing's plan is to be linked with going to Japan to make trouble.

Li Xing personally cooks, and in his cabin, there are now full of voices, Shen Chen, Wang Yuxue, Zhang Qian and Bo Xuan. Add Lin Yuru, Gu Tianxue, Bai Xin and Yang Lan. Oh, and Li Xianglan is also here. The women in the room were talking and laughing. Li Xing suddenly discovered that there are so many women who have a relationship with him. Just like these people sitting, although some of them don't know each other's existence. But Li Xing had already thought about it and would not let anyone go.

Well, speaking of Bo Xuan, Li Xing really didn't have such thoughts before. However, under Zhang Qian's statement, Bo Xuan, Nizi, now has a very good opinion of Li Xing. Li Xing is now a pervert, and originally admired Bo Xuan so much, so he naturally made a decision for himself to take Bo Xuan.

It is rare to relax, Li Xing personally cooks a large table of good dishes. Everyone feasted, very happy.

In fact, people with or without money can live happily. The key is a mentality of enjoying life. Although Li Xing has developed the Daxing Group to a degree of myth. But life still has to be dedicated. In life, it is impossible to all be work.

However, after eating, Li Xing answered a phone call and had to devote himself to work. However, everyone was very chatty. Li Xing's departure did not cause the girls to disperse immediately.

Shen Jianglong called. Just now, Japan announced that Xingyi Technology is really insincere, making things difficult, and there is really no need to continue negotiations. Negotiations have been interrupted.

This was beyond Li Xing's expectation. Japan can feel Xingyi's deliberate efforts to make things difficult, and there is no problem. This is obvious. If the Japanese are really not aware of it, then that is strange. It's just that Li Xing didn't expect Japan to have such a spine! Dare to announce the interruption of negotiations. You know, Japan interrupted the negotiations, then, it gave Xingyi Technology a good reason to make things difficult for the next time. Unless Japan does not want to introduce Xingyi car exhaust gas processor. However, there is still a high demand for this in Japan, and it is impossible for the Japanese government to really do so. So, what reason is there for Japan to do this? There must be some variables behind this.

Li Xing soon arrived at the office building inside the Xingyi Technology Factory. Shen Jianglong, Chu Chuan and Su Yu were already waiting for Li Xing.

"What's going on? What are the variables behind Japan's suspension of negotiations?" Li Xing asked when he came up.

"Does the chairman already know?" Chu Chuan was obviously in a daze after hearing Li Xing's words.

"What I know, I know that there are variables, but I still don't know what it is. However, it seems that you know. Moreover, this variable still makes you very difficult? Tell me, what is it?" Li Xing Said in a deep voice.

"Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Australia, Austria and other countries have been secretly organized. They are discussing things about us together." Chu Chuan said in a deep voice.

"Discuss our business? What are our business?" Li Xing asked inquiringly.

"The price issue, according to the information I have received, although they have not yet publicly negotiated the results. But it is almost the case, that is, we believe that our price should not be so high. It violates the problem of the ratio between cost and selling price, and has squeezed them. Meaning. Even, they want to take us to court!" Su Yu said in a deep voice.

"The price is too high? Take it to court? Ha ha, good, great! Remember, as soon as they announce such news, you will immediately hold a press conference. If these countries do not announce an apology to Xingyi Technology, it will never be right. They open up the processor market. Joke, the price is too high, so, are their products too expensive? Why are their products at one price in China, but at another price in our country? And, such products even It’s raw materials. I can find thousands of them. Well, if they promise to lower the price of these thousands of products. Then, I can make the price of the processor the same as ours. Can they? Those. Can the capitalists? Also, go to court? Our price source is based on our calculation method, right? Jiang Long." Li Xing said gloomily.

"Well, a very reasonable calculation method." Shen Jianglong said.

"That's it." Li Xing was not worried at all, but said flatly.

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