Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 335: Sleeping Chen Jing [One more flower! 】

This night is a perfect night. Although the Blood Fiend No. 2 had affected Li Xing's mood in the early stage, Chen Jing's understanding and even support made these influences disappear immediately. And because of your love and my wish, Chen Jing has also come to a path that all women can go, from girl to woman. This is a. . . Well, the process.

The morning sun shines in Li Xing's bedroom, brightening the light in the bedroom. Wake up early. . . Still Li Xing's habit. The exercise last night was not enough to make Li Xing tired of sleeping to restore his energy.

Chen Jing looked at the octopus hanging on her body. Li Xing chuckled lightly. Chen Jing. . . Like her character, when she was in bed, she was crazy. When Li Xing tried to make some posture requirements, Chen Jing was shy and agreed. Li Xing laughed from the bottom of his heart.

Although Li Xing did not enjoy himself last night. But it gave Chen Jing a perfect first night. For a woman, this is very important.

Li Xing wanted to get up to make some breakfast, but it was a pity. . . The current situation is that as long as Li Xing moves slightly, Chen Jing will wake up. Li Xing knew that Chen Jing was absolutely exhausted yesterday. So let Chen Jing rest more simply. I'm fine anyway. Well, seeing Chen Jing still smiling while sleeping, Li Xing laughed very happily.

I thought that Tang Long had already settled the German delegation. Li Xing was excited for a while. Say not to develop overseas markets? It can also be fake. After all, the overseas market is the real profitable market for Xingyi automobile exhaust gas processors. The Chinese market is big, but the number of cars is here. Although now China has become the world's largest producer and marketer of automobiles. But in terms of the total number of cars owned, there is also the per capita number. Compared with those developed countries, the gap is not generally large. Well, so to speak, the Chinese market has great potential. But this potential cannot be achieved in a short time. Therefore, if you want to make money in a short time, you still have to work hard in overseas markets. In particular, we must seize the critical moment when environmental problems have become a worldwide problem, and we must not let this opportunity pass. Of course, it is Li Xing's goal to use the resources in his hands to make progress and gains in the country's diplomacy. Well, it should be said that it is the responsibility of every capable and qualified Chinese!

It doesn't matter what agreement has been reached between Germany and the country's high level. This is a good beginning. Hehe. . . Under the almost crazy publicity and agitation of those foreign media, under the excellent performance of Xingyi automobile exhaust processor. Can those developed countries sit and watch steadily? Inaction? Those who did not move on the march went to the street.

Well, their kind of system still has certain advantages. March at every turn, Khan. . . Is there anything that doesn’t seem to be a very good thing, right?

Well, Germany is a start, and this start must be in line with Li Xing's long-term plan. The price purchased to Germany, etc., must take into account the foreign trade policies of the two countries and so on. The price is of course higher than domestic ones. Well, this is not the main aspect. Since the German side has already obtained the consent of the high level of the country, then it is clear that they have the determination to introduce the Xingyi car exhaust gas processor. And this kind of determination won't care about price. At most, it is just a bit more talkative when negotiating.

There are other aspects, such as quantity. These are not too big problems. The key is Li Xing's long-term plan. Well, it uses this processor. Change the environment of the Chinese auto market. It cannot be denied that with China's accession to the World Trade Organization. The domestic auto manufacturers that can survive now have certain strengths. But on what basis are their development and this so-called strength built? It is relying on the huge and booming domestic market. If it is true technical strength, there are also various soft powers. Compared with foreign countries, and even some Sino-foreign joint ventures, they are not even worse.

Even in this market. Can only be active in the low-end market. In the high-end market, take a closer look. Where is the shadow of domestic cars?

Of course, Li Xing is not in this industry, but this is the status quo. . . Li Xing was very dissatisfied. Well, maybe it is now that the strength is stronger, and the vision and vision are also different. The angle of view of the problem has also been raised. Whatever it is. Li Xing saw this problem. Therefore, I intend to use the processor. . . To stimulate domestic auto manufacturers. Restrain foreign automakers, especially those junk Japanese cars. by. . . See how many of their cars are in China!

Li Xing's idea is very simple. It is in negotiations with Germany and other countries. It is stipulated that the processor must be based on the number of cars in use that enter the market. It is impossible and not allowed to sell processors to car manufacturers. Of course, cars exported to China are absolutely not allowed to install such processors. To follow, or to install in the country, after sales. Anyway, any car that wants to enter the Chinese market must not have a processor.

In China, processors are used by domestic automakers. It should be able to improve competitiveness?

Although this idea has many problems. For example, domestic automakers all get their own processors. Well. . . What else does the government eat? Well, this is a problem. But, think about it the other way around. There are many cars in use now, right? This one. . . It can satisfy their appetite.

Of course, in terms of time, we also make a slight definition. At this time, it depends on the sincerity of those foreign auto manufacturers.

This is a long-term plan and a problem that can slightly improve the living environment of Chinese auto manufacturers.

Germany, thinking of Germany, Li Xing can not think of a blood wolf. The blood wolf is in Germany. . . Busy with the questions of the German delegation. Li Xing planned to meet the blood wolf immediately. Li Xing does not allow such a big threat to exist all the time. Must be destroyed!

Just thinking about it, the phone rang suddenly.

Li Xing quickly took the phone in his hand. If you didn't see it, you refused to answer. But looking at Chen Jing, she was still awakened.

"What time is it?" Chen Jing opened her eyes a little bit distressed, then closed them again, hugging Li Xing's hands harder.

"It's still early, let's go to bed." Li Xing said with a smile, smoothing Chen Jing's hair gently so that it would not cover Chen Jing's face.

"What's still early? The sun is so high. I'm confused for a while, you can call. I will get up after the call. Don't have anything important." Chen Jing moved a little bit and found a more comfortable one. In the posture, his eyes have not been opened.

Li Xing smiled and squeezed Chen Jing's nose affectionately. I picked up the phone and looked at it and found that it was Fan Shan's phone. Thinking that Fan Shan should be ready. So he called back.

"Shao Li, haha, haven't gotten up yet? Didn't disturb you?" Fan Shan said with a smile.

"No. Well, what's the matter? Are you ready?" Li Xing said with a smile. Although Fan Shan's energy is not great, Li Xing just likes and trusts Fan Shan a little bit. Maybe it's the last experience in Beijing. Fan Shan helped Li Xing very well. When dealing with enemies, Li Xing must repay him, but when dealing with friends, Li Xing treats each other sincerely.

"I'm ready, and I have found a few partners. We are going to Jicheng now. We will arrive around eleven o'clock at noon." Fan Shan said with a smile.

Li Xing would like to ask what partner it is. But think about it and forget it. Don't you see it in a while?

"Okay, which flight? I'll send someone to pick you up." Li Xing said with a smile.

"No need?" Fan Shan said with a smile.

"I'm doing business? OK? Okay, let's post it on my mobile phone later." Li Xing said with a smile.

Hung up the phone. After Fan Shan sent the information, Li Xing called Shen Jianglong and asked Shen Jianglong to arrange the reception. and. . . At the Tianyu Hotel, Li Xing prepared to accompany him personally at noon. One is to give Fan Shan face, and the other is to see who Fan Shan’s partners are. Li Xing is very aware of Fan Shan's energy. I will definitely find some people with some ability to be partners. This is also the purpose of Li Xing. . . Knowing more people is always harmless, isn’t it?

"By the way, the German side has already obtained the above agreement. It is estimated that a delegation will come in the next few days. It is hard to say whether the private or the state. But you must be prepared for this." Li Xing urged Said, well, by the way, this problem was solved.

"Germany? Has it finally come to develop foreign markets? Okay, President Li, don't worry. I will make arrangements right away." Shen Jianglong's voice seemed very excited.

"Well, and, well, at noon, you can eat with me. People from Beijing also come to talk about the processor." Li Xing thought for a while, it seems inappropriate to not bring a person here. Women, Li Xing really doesn't want them to go to such an occasion. Well, Shen Jianglong is very suitable.

"Okay. Li, is there anything else?" Shen Jianglong readily agreed.

"No, you are busy!" Li Xing smiled and hung up the phone.

"Haha, Piggy, get up?" Li Xing put the phone aside and squeezed Chen Jing's nose and said with a tired voice. He gave Chen Jing a hard kiss on the cheek. . . .

※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※Today's first update, I beg your flowers to support me, let’s not say now Chasing second, immediately third, or even fourth, we don’t have our place anymore!

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