Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 275: Fighting wits and courage [three shifts, please flowers! 】

"Mr. Li, right? Li Yongjun is your father? Now your father, mother and grandfather are in our hands. I don't want to say anything. You bring five million and come directly to Tai'an. When you come, just hit This call. Don’t call the police, and don’t let anyone follow you. Otherwise, tsk tsk, three lives, it may be lost like this. Isn’t this a regrettable thing? So, you’d better follow my words It’s hard to do any tricks. Otherwise, your mom, dad or grandfather will be dead. Or, tsk tsk... Your mom is pretty pretty, I can’t guarantee that my subordinates will do something. .Well, you should understand what I mean? Also, don’t tell me you have no money. You are very rich, we already know this very well. So, you better bring five million to Tai'an now Come!" The excitement and happiness of a gloomy man's voice completely disappeared in an instant.

Li Xingqiang endured the anger in his heart and said: "Money is not a problem, and I will do exactly what you said. But you must ensure the safety of my parents and grandpa. If you let me know that you dare to touch them, even if it is. After chasing to the end of the world, I will kill you all!" Li Xing was very angry, really angry, parents and grandfather were kidnapped. This. . . This was completely unexpected to Li Xing, and he did not dare to think about it.

"Hehe, as long as you do what we say, why should we hurt your relatives? We are just asking for money, asking for money." The gloomy man answered Li Xing's words for a while.

"Okay. I will call you when I get to Tai'an. Besides, can I know who you are?" Li Xing said simply.

"Do you think I will tell you?" The gloomy man smiled and said, "Come to Tai'an soon. I don't want to wait too long!"

Li Xing hung up. His face was full of frost.

Chen Jing and Zhang Qian had already heard something on the phone. So now it is very quiet, and his face is very anxious.

"My parents and grandpa have been kidnapped. I have to go to Tai'an now. I am alone. In addition, they are not allowed to take other people with them, nor can they call the police. Therefore, it is better to tell anyone temporarily. Believe me, As long as I see my parents and grandpa, I will ensure their safety. Get off the car now and I will rush to Tai'an. Remember, no one can tell!" Li Xing said seriously, his face still gloomy and terrible. The anger in my heart is even stronger.

It was the first time Chen Jing and Zhang Qian saw Li Xing like this. But at the same time, he was shocked by what Li Xing said. I don't know what to do.

"Get off the car, I'm going to Tai'an soon." Li Xing said anxiously, seeing the two dumbfounded.

"Qian'er, let's get off!" Chen Jing first reacted. Pulled Zhang Qian and got out of the car.

"Xiaoxing, you must be careful yourself!" Chen Jing stared at Li Xing and said.

"Don't worry, don't you believe in my ability?" Li Xing reluctantly smiled and said.

Then I had to drive away, thinking of something, and said to Chen Jing: "Sister Jing, let me use your phone!"

Chen Jing quickly gave the phone to Li Xing.

Li Xing really worried that his mobile phone was monitored. In modern society, high technology can be regarded as ubiquitous. It is still very simple to monitor some common signals.

I took Chen Jing's cell phone and found the number of "Lightning" from her own number.

After waiting for a while, ‘Lightning’ answered the call.

"It's me, where are you?" Li Xing said directly.

"It's near you. How did you use this number?"'Lightning' asked suspiciously.

"I use someone else’s number. I’m worried about someone’s eavesdropping on my number. My parents and grandfather were kidnapped. They are in Tai’an. I’ll go over right now, and you can follow me. But don’t let it go or let it People discovered your existence. Do you understand?" Li Xing said in a deep voice.

"What?"'Lightning' was surprised, and then said calmly: "I understand, don't worry, I won't let anyone discover me. When you need me, just raise your arms and make a fist. I will show up!"

"Okay, that's it!" Li Xing simply hung up the phone.

"Sister Jing, Qian'er, wait at home first, don't worry, nothing will happen. I'm leaving now!" Li Xing returned the phone to Chen Jing, exhorted, and immediately started the car.

Chen Jing and Zhang Qian looked at Li Xingyuan's car. The faces of the two men were full of worried expressions.

"Sister Jing, elder brother... are you going to be okay with your brother? Uncles, aunts and grandfathers, they... are they going to be okay?" Zhang Qian's voice trembled, obviously worried.

"Don't worry, believe in Xiaoxing's ability. He will be fine!" Chen Jing calmed down a lot. Said comforting Zhang Qian. But it was not as confident in her heart as she was on the outside, even Chen Jing herself didn't know that much.

"That... Then don't we really call the police?" Zhang Qian was still worried.

"No, don't call the police. Calling the police will only make Xiaoxing more dangerous. Obediently, we don't do anything now, and wait at home." Chen Jing said softly, pulling Zhang Qian into a taxi and going home went!

"Hey, Sister Yuru? You are now playing five million on my card. No more, no less. Five million. I'll do it right away. I'm in a hurry. Well, I don't have time to explain to you now. I'll tell you tonight!" Li Xing dialed Lin Yuru's cell phone. Let Lin Yuru help fill up five million! Cary was originally rich. But yesterday I took Chen Jing and Zhang Qian to go shopping all spent. Therefore, Li Xing asked Lin Yuru to pay the money.

Li Xing drove the car fast. On the highway from the outer ring, you will go all the way south.

Taian is away from Jecheng, if you drive fast, less than an hour. But this period of time is so long in Li Xing's mind now! Different space has already used the ability of different space domain. The speed is a lot faster. Now Li Xing just wants to hurry!

At the same time, Li Xing was also thinking about why this happened. Was it a coincidence? Still premeditated? First of all, the possibility of coincidence is really pitiful. Intuition tells Li Xing that this is a premeditated kidnapping operation. But, who is going to do it? Li Xing was really unexpected.

And, are they really asking for money? Or is it your own enemy before? These Li Xing are not clear now. Li Xing's current mind is a bit messy, and a bit baffled. What happened was so sudden that Li Xing didn't expect it at all. Li Xing really didn't dare to imagine what Li Xing would do if his parents really had an accident. But in Li Xing's heart, the person who called him is now completely dead! Kidnapped his mom, dad and grandpa. Insult your mother. These have caused these people to die hundreds of times!

Moreover, Li Xing was also reviewing himself whether he was too careless. It's not the same as before. He is now a big tree. In the eyes of some people, they are mysterious. But in the eyes of some people, they have no secrets. Some things from the Daxing Group alone are enough to make people jealous. Is your protection of your relatives too weak?

When Li Xing was thinking about it, the car entered the city of Antai! And Li Xing only took less than forty minutes.

When he arrived in the city of Antai, Li Xing immediately dialed his father's cell phone!

"Hey, you are very fast. Are you alone? Did you bring the money?" The gloomy voice appeared in Li Xing's ear again.

"I have arrived in Tai'an city now, alone, and I have brought the money. Cash can't be raised in a short time, so I brought a bank card. Besides, how can I give the money to you?" Li Xing said in a deep voice Said, Li Xing understood very well that he should not be anxious now and must stabilize. Although Li Xing is sure to meet his parents and grandfather, he can guarantee their safety. But what if you can't see them at all? Then there is no guarantee for safety. Therefore, Li Xing should not be anxious now. To be prudent, the first thing is to see his parents and grandfather.

"Very well, you are very obedient. Now you are in the central square of Tai'an. I will call you at that time!" The gloomy voice said with satisfaction, and then hung up the phone.

Li Xing frowned tightly. Li Xing's concern is that they will not collect money at the kidnapping site. In this way, do you pay or not? What if they take the money and tear the ticket directly?

However, now Li Xing has nothing to do. Can only leave slowly according to their arrangements. In addition, Li Xing also looked forward to something in his heart, expecting these people to be kidnapped premeditated, but not for money, but to control himself. If this is the case, Li Xing is still promising. Otherwise, Li Xing would be too passive.

Li Xing drove slowly to the central square. The current problem cannot be solved in a hurry. Therefore, Li Xing did not panic. Do exactly what the person on the phone wants. While stabilizing them, he was also protecting the safety of his parents and grandpa in disguise. Although Li Xing is sure to eliminate all these people in the future. But now that my parents and grandfather are still in their hands, I can only think about this idea.

Tai'an is smaller than Jicheng, so Li Xing quickly reached the central square. Because today is Sunday. So there is a lot of traffic in the central square!

Li Xing watched everywhere, but there was no gain. Who is the person you are looking for?

Li Xing was able to determine that they should be somewhere in the city. But it is not known exactly where. From when my father called from Linyi to the gloomy voice telling Li Xing that his relative was kidnapped. It should be when they first entered Tai'an. And there was an interval of more than forty minutes in between. Then for more than forty minutes, even if you want to transfer, you can transfer. But since they let Li Xing rush to Tai'an, it also made Li Xing be sure that they did not leave Tai'an. But what is the use of knowing this? Not knowing the specific location means that his parents and grandfather are in danger at any time.

Li Xing parked his car beside the central square. Waiting for the phone to ring. Since that voice told Li Xing to wait for their call. Then just wait. Li Xing wants them to understand that he cares about his relatives and is doing exactly what they want. No other thoughts. Hope to make them feel at ease. In this way, Li Xing will have hope to see if he can see his parents and grandfather.

Of course, Li Xing's alien space is now fully opened. It is also highly concentrated mentally. Be prepared to deal with any unexpected situation at any time.

I waited anxiously for about five minutes. The phone finally rang.

"Very well, you are very cooperative!" the gloomy voice said faintly.

"I'll give you money, but please don't hurt my family!" Li Xing said hastily, behaving very anxiously. It's time to fight wits and courage. Li Xing is calm and can explain when he doesn't answer the phone. If he becomes calm when receiving the call, it will inevitably make them think otherwise. Li Xing did not want them to have any vigilant emotions towards him.

"Very good, very good. Well, now, get off the car. Walk to the central pool in the central square. I will call you again!" The gloomy voice said, without giving Li Xing a chance to speak. Hung up immediately.

Li Xing put away the phone. Got out of the car. Follow the flow of people and walk towards the center of the central square!

The different space covers a range of twenty meters around him. However, no suspicious people were found. At the same time, Li Xing can now be sure that these people must be looking at him in certain places and through some means. Otherwise, they would not let themselves go here and there like this! Therefore, Li Xing allowed himself to work hard to calm down, and it didn't matter how much money was lost. Strive to see your parents and grandpa. As long as their safety can be guaranteed. So, Li Xing is not worried about the rest, no matter what the situation is.

Li Xing understands that now is the time to fight wit and courage. The ultimate goal is to meet your parents and grandfather!

Li Xing slowly came to the big pool in the central square. This pool is very big. With the nature of music. Water will be sprayed with the high and low notes of the music. It's pretty. It's just not going on now.

Now that spring has begun, the weather is slowly warming up. Therefore, there are many people playing by the pool.

Li Xing walked slowly, just near the pool. Then waited for the call with the gloomy voice. The trading location will never be here. Li Xing can be sure that there are too many people here!

After Li Xing waited for ten minutes, the phone finally rang. . . .

—————————— Brothers and sisters, I beg for the trace. Everyone, please support me with flowers. One month's hard work has been in vain? Snatch marks are really unwilling, unwilling! ! !

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