Chapter 121, the thirteen giant city lords gathered

in the City of Hope, this incident caused an uproar in the academy, and it also made most people, including Li Changsheng, know about Asura City for the first time and remember this strange city!

In fact, there are not five people from Asura City, but six!

The City of Hope, the City Lord's Mansion, a very secret underground conference room, at this time, it is full of people who come to the meeting!

At the head is a strong man with cold eyebrows, exuding a kind of military iron and blood temperament, forging ahead bravely and indomitably!

And Han Ruoyu's father, who forgot the god of worries and respected the cold and carefree, and the shadow leader who had decided to cultivate Li Changsheng, Dark One, were already here!

Seeing that everyone had already arrived and sat down, the cold man spoke: "The last time I gathered with you so together, it was three years ago, so I won't talk more nonsense, the purpose of summoning everyone this time has been passed to you in advance, I will talk about the overall situation first, and then we will discuss and decide!" Seeing

that everyone nodded one after another, the cold man continued: "After our years of efforts, the situation in the south of the Origin Continent has basically stabilized, as for the three evil cults, they are just jumping beam clowns, if it weren't for eliminating them, the forces behind them would have cultivated new lackeys, and they would have disappeared long ago!" "

Last time, the Blood Demon Sect united with the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Demon God Sect to wreak havoc on various villages and cities, and sent masters of various sects to steal the Heart of the Treasure of Time in the Vast City, fortunately, the Shadow Organization discovered it early, otherwise, if we capsized in the gutter and were succeeded by them, it would be a lot of fun!"

Everyone present nodded one after another, mentioning the Shadow Organization, everyone tacitly did not ask, they understood and understood, but the matter of the shadow will generally never be said on the bright side!

Next to the cold man, a kind old man said: "This matter is also thanks to the help of the chairman and everyone here, the old man has refined the Heart of Time into the Essence Spirit Treasure, and such a thing will not happen again, rest assured!" "

Elder Feng is polite!"

"It's all as it should be, and we didn't help much!" Everyone here responded politely!

This kind old man who spoke, but a well-known veteran Divine Power Realm powerhouse in the alliance, the City Lord of the Vast City, and the Vast God Venerable Qifeng!

And the cold man called the chairman is the first person in the Origin Alliance today, the alliance council, the prime minister, the remnant yang god, and the blood remnant yang!

Blood Remnant Yang also said politely, then nodded, indicating that this matter had passed, and then said: "Since the invasion of the Ten Thousand Realms, the revival of the aura, and the crazy expansion of the continent area by a hundred times, the southern continent and the northern continent have been intercepted by the river of Hengduan!"

"The sky above this river is full of thunder every day, lightning slides down, the river water is like the weak water of ancient mythology, three thousand weak water depth, goose feathers can not float, reed flowers sink to the bottom. There are only three ways to go to the North Continent, the Bridge of Heaven in the middle, the Forest of Pain in the west, and the Forest of Life in the east!

"Among them, the Bridge of Heaven is narrow, and at most three people can walk side by side, and it is surrounded by thunder all year round, accompanied by violent winds, which is extremely dangerous. The Forest of Pain in the west covers part of the Hengduan River, but there are many demons and monsters in it, and if you want to enter the northern continent, you have to pass through the extremely dangerous Azure Waterfall!

"The Forest of Life in the east links the north and south continents, which is called the Life Forest in our southern continent and the Blue Forest in the northern continent, which also gathers countless fierce beasts and demon beasts, but relatively speaking, it is much safer than the other two passages!"

"The five people who came to Asura City to participate in the ranking competition of the Shuka Master Academy this time are vertically interspersed with half of the Life Forest, led by the Asura Academy, Chief Director Long Qingyu, the peak cultivator of the Emperor Realm, led the four academy chiefs to the City of Hope, and the result was that Long Qingyu was seriously injured, and the rest of the trainees were also slightly and severely injured!"

"Although the River of Hengduan made some powerful races unable to easily cross over to attack us, it is also a kind of restraint and shackle on us to retake the Northern Continent now!"

"This time I called everyone over to discuss whether the next plan of our Origin Alliance is to continue to lurk and accumulate strength, or plan to reclaim the northern part of the continent!"

Speaking of this, Blood Yang no longer made a sound, quietly waiting for everyone to speak, and the entire conference room suddenly became quiet!

I don't know how long it took, a calm voice suddenly said: "I am in favor of slowly recovering the northern continent, after all, that is originally our human place, but the strength of the demon of the Steel Shield City for many years, the demon of the Painful Forest, and the brutal amphibian of the Azure Waterfall cannot be underestimated!"

"So, I suggest not doing it on a large scale, so as not to make a big change!" The one who spoke was a middle-aged man with a resolute appearance and extremely tall appearance, it was none other than the alliance's veteran Divine Power Realm powerhouse, Optimus God Venerable, and Yue Zhengqi!

A young man with a relatively young appearance, who looked less than thirty years old, had a grim face and did not smile, said: "I also agree with the decision of the chairman to slowly recover the Northern Continent, but the form of the Northern Continent at this time is not ideal for us!"

After a pause, the young man began to elaborate: "When I was fine, I went to the Northern Continent, the danger of the Azure Forest, compared with the Life Forest, is at least two levels higher, the Northern Continent is the birthplace of the aura, so the aura is more intense, and many powerful fierce beasts and demons prefer to stay in the northern continent!"

"And because of the dense formation of spiritual energy, dangerous forbidden places abound, and close to the Azure Forest is the Falling Moon Mountain Range, which contains Divine Power Realm demon beasts, and there are more than one!"

"To the north of the blue forest is the River of Forgetting River, which is a spirit river, and according to the surrounding demons, there lives a "true dragon" with magical powers!

"Then to the north, there are dangerous places occupied by the abyss, places where the abyss gazes, and go west, as well as the land of eternal life, the forbidden land of heaven, the heartless demon hell, the hopeless field, the forest of the wilderness, the gray desert, etc., each of which is almost a forbidden place for us humans!"

"Therefore, my suggestion is that we can send masters, or directly issue tasks, let a small number of elite personnel slowly explore, and use the atmospheric luck of those top demons to break through the blockade of this environment and forbidden land!"

"At the same time, a big danger means a big opportunity, this forbidden secret realm formed because of the dense aura has a terrifying great opportunity, if the young people of our alliance can get some, the future achievements are limitless, and it is only a matter of time before we surpass us!"

The young man who spoke was the sixth person in Asura City who secretly came with Long Qingyu, the Asura City Lord, the Asura God Venerable, and Qin Feng!

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