Chapter 036 Escort Warhammer (H~20) Strategic Bomber

Generally speaking, Hanlong strategic bombers consist of a bomber crew of eight people, consisting of a captain, co-pilot, electronic/communications officer, and pilot/bomber officer.

The pilot bomber officer is the highest military officer of the bomber crew.

But this time is different.

Because it is a test of a new model, Captain Zhou Haiyang is not only the highest military chief of the aircraft, but even the highest military chief of the entire flight formation, which is under the overall command of Zhou Haiyang.

Moreover, on this new strategic bomber, there are not only communication officers, pilot bomber officers, and even two scientific researchers who developed the aircraft, responsible for recording various data of the aircraft’s ocean-going cruise.

“Report East Point, about to arrive in our East China Sea Aviation Identification Zone, please instruct.”

Zhou Haiyang, the military chief of the strategic bomber formation that was circling the sea off Yizhou Island, checked the data obtained by the airborne avionics display through the battlefield data link, connected to the encrypted communication channel through satellite communication connection, and reported the latest situation to the eastern finger.

“There was an attempt by enemy aircraft to approach, and the escort fighters immediately carried out the task of expulsion.”

East refers to sending back instructions.


Zhou Haiyang replied.

Without his order, the two escort fighters had deviated from the group and rushed towards the three ‘enemy’ fighters coming from west to east.

Seeing the Raptors rushing towards them, these three fighters immediately turned their noses and fled westward.

The Raptors (J~11) fighters carrying out the expulsion mission must not be spared, and they are on guard on the periphery.

Whenever an enemy aircraft approaches, the mission of expulsion is carried out.

If the enemy plane recognizes the face and only takes pictures from a distance to collect evidence, they will not stop it.

After a while, the bomber formation had completed the orbital flight operation outside Yizhou Island.

At this time, the aircraft formation was about to arrive in the East China Sea of Hanlong Country, across the sea from the Foot Basin Chicken Country.

Six flounder (J~10C) fighters have arrived outside the East China Sea Air Identification Zone.

Like 6 sharp swords, they shine brightly in the sun.

These six flounder (J~10C) fighters are all equipped with live ammunition, and each of the left and right wings is equipped with two silver-white Thunderbolt-10 combat missiles, and the wing roots are two Thunderbolt-2 medium-range air-to-air missiles.

Coupled with the ammunition of the machine gun, these 6 fighters alone can sweep the entire air force of a small country.

However, the foot-basin chicken across the sea from the Hanlong Kingdom is not a small country.

A few decades ago, when the foot-basin chicken was called the foot-basin crane, it was one of the largest countries on the planet. Later, for some reason, he was beaten by Eagle Sauce and other countries, and since then the foot basin crane has become a foot basin chicken.

But this chicken still has subversive military strength.

Its air force has always been a fierce rival of the Hanlong Air Force.

Especially on the border of the East China Sea, he has been fighting with Hanlong Guoming for decades, although he has not achieved any results, but he has not fallen behind.

Wang Cheng’s biggest opponent of their escort this time is the Foot Basin Chicken Air Force.

Around Feiyizhou Island, the difficulty factor is not great.

Those earth turtles on Yizhou Island did not dare to ruffle the beard of the Air Force of the Hanlong Kingdom.

But footpot chicken and eagle sauce don’t have to be.

Therefore, after Wang Cheng received the escort mission from Hainan Airlines, the real test began.

“Dongyi, the bomber formation is about to arrive in the East China Sea Air Identification Zone, and your department is responsible for the next escort mission, do you understand.”

The latest directive came from the East Finger.


Wang Cheng replied calmly.

Using the communication channel to get in touch with the pilots of several other fighters, after giving the order, the entire escort group flew out of the East China Sea Air Identification Zone.

Just a few minutes later, a huge fleet of aircraft came into view.

At the head were 3 planes that Wang Cheng had never seen before.

These three aircraft are very large, like a flying fortress, even larger than the average medium-sized passenger aircraft.

Deep ink color, unique triangular canard design, very sci-fi.

When people look at it, they can’t help but be fascinated.

Wang Cheng’s heart was grabbed at once.

Because he already recognized what type of aircraft it was.

This turned out to be the latest strategic bomber developed by the Hanlong Air Force – Warhammer (H~20).

This long-range strategic bomber is said to be comparable in performance to the Ghost (B~2) strategic bomber of Eagle Sauce, and much more powerful than the ‘backfire’ of Mao Xiang.

The specific data of the Hanlong Air Force has not yet been released, but looking at its appearance, it is necessary to have a certain stealth.

And as a strategic bomber, the range of tens of thousands of kilometers should be no problem.

As for the bomb load.

Huh, the Flying Fortress will have less bomb load?

Wang Cheng pressed the excitement in his heart, quickly opened the communication channel, and got in touch with the Warhammer (H~20) strategic bomber flight formation.

“3233 (Warhammer strategic bomber number piloted by Zhou Haiyang), our department is ordered to escort you, please continue to fly to 10 airspace according to the established route.”

In the communication channel, Zhou Haiyang’s somewhat hoarse voice came.

“Thanks to the Dong Yi for escorting our department, our department will fly to the airspace No. 10 according to the established route.”

At the same time, Hainan Airlines fighter pilots also got in touch with Wang Cheng and Zhou Haiyang.

After the three parties completed the handover in the air, nine Raptors fighters of Hainan Airlines turned their noses and returned home.

And Wang Cheng and them, also over the strategic bombers, drew 6 beautiful arcs, and then dispersed into two columns, one left and one right, protecting the three strategic bombers in the middle, like 6 bodyguards, vigilantly observing the surrounding situation.


ps: Ah, ah, going home is a lot of things, and today only 3 chapters are updated, so the little pariah is equivalent to owing 3 chapters, thank you very much for the big guys who rewarded, the account owed by the little pariah will definitely be repaid.

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