There was an uproar among the students who were watching.

Prince Alger usually pays attention to his image, but today he seems to have lost his mind on the court. He not only tortured his opponent, but also seemed to have to attack his sister Jian Xia. He was crazy!

Rao Ko Nuoer believes in Jian Xia's strength, and can't help but feel a little worried at this moment.

Prince Alger's current state of mind is absolutely problematic. What if he goes crazy and doesn't recognize him?

Connor frowned and looked at the scene in front of him, his hands clenched into fists.

At this moment, Jian Xia, who faces Prince Alger alone, is very relaxed.

After hearing Prince Alger's words, Jian Xia said in a relaxed tone: "Now there are two of us in the copy, and I will soon be the only one left."

Prince Alger sneered: "It's not up to you to decide who is left in the end."

His current mental power is ten times that of the original! Jian Xia's estimated mental power in the school trials last week was only twice his. Now he is playing Jian Xia like trampling an ant to death.

Prince Alger at this time did not know that Jian Xia used only one percent of his mental power in last week's game. Even if Prince Alger's mental power soared tenfold, he would still be easily crushed by Jian Xia.

Jian Xia said: "I can make you pop out of the game with one finger, brother, if you don't want to lose too ugly, let's just give in."

Prince Alger only regarded her as a stiff mouth and didn't want to talk to her anymore, and said impatiently: "Even if you delay time, it's useless. You should admit defeat."

Prince Alger finished speaking, without giving Jian Xia time to react, the blue veins on his neck violently, and he directly raised his fist and rushed towards Jian Xia's face.

Jian Xia turned out to be faster than him, moving slightly, easily avoiding Prince Alger's fist.

Prince Alger missed a punch, his eyes were sharp, and he punched again. Accompanied by the sharp wind, his fist brushed against Jian Xia's ear.

Prince Alger missed two hits, Jian Xia smiled and said: "I've said that I won't let you, then it's me."

As soon as the voice fell, Jian Xia’s slender fingers fluttered on Prince Alger’s shoulders, arms, stomach...

It was just a momentary matter. Everyone watching the game flashed. In the next second, Prince Alger had fallen to the ground, his body convulsed continuously, and the expression on his face was even more painful than the person who had been beaten by him just now!

Everything ended suddenly, everyone hadn't reacted yet, Prince Alger had been ejected from the game, and only Jian Xia was left in the entire desert field.

Jian Xia stood on the spot, smiling at the place where Alger disappeared, her figure faded a little.

After being surprised, Konuoer quickly left the holographic world. After opening his eyes and taking off the device, Konuoer walked to Jian Xia.

Jian Xia's thick black eyelashes trembled, her eyelids opened lightly, revealing green pupils, her eyes were deep, until she saw Ko Nuoer, a light flashed and became clear.

Ke Nuoer helped Jian Xia unload her equipment and said happily: "Jian Xia, you are so amazing, Prince Alger has no power to fight back in front of you~"

Jian Xia smiled slightly, Yu Guang glanced at Prince Alger not far away, and he glared angrily and said, "It's okay."

After the results of the game came out, the school immediately spread the news that Jian Xia easily defeated Prince Alger, and some people were rumoring that Prince Alger had mental problems. Not only did they abuse their opponents during the game, but they also caused psychological distress to the opponents. Hurt, and immediately returned to the Platinum Palace with a gloomy expression on his face for ten days.

Many people guessed that he went back for treatment.

Prince Alger’s loyal supporters are dedicated to making excuses for his abnormality.

"Prince Alger certainly doesn't want to be like this either. He didn't deliberately abused that male classmate. He was really helpless when he was sick and out of control."

"Yeah, his behavior is not under his control. It is not what he thinks to hurt people. Prince Alger is too pitiful."

"Prince Alger must be doing this because of too much pressure. Hey, Prince Alger is kind and noble. He definitely doesn't want to fight against his sister. I even suspect that Prince Alger deliberately lost to King Jianxia."

Ko Nuoer felt speechless when she heard that, and sure enough, no matter where she was, she could refresh her three views.

Before participating in the college competition, Jian Xia and Connor went to the Platinum Palace to visit Sean II and Ernest Abel, and also visited the legendary Prince Alger who was healing.

When he arrived at the palace where Prince Alger lived, the royal guard outside the door saluted and said: "His Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness, Prince Alger, it is not convenient for Prince Alger to see people now."

Connor said: "Didn't anyone go in just now?"

Before she and Jian Xia came to the front, they saw a person entering Prince Alger's palace.

The royal guard said: "His Royal Highness, the person you mentioned is Doctor Phillips. After Prince Alger comes back, no one will be seen except Doctor Phillips."

"Doctor Phillips?" Jian Xia raised her eyebrows. "We just came from the mother and father's palace, and the medical officer Phillips is treating her mother and father. How could he come here in a blink of an eye? Are you sure you didn't admit your mistake?"

The royal guard was shocked, "But what I saw was indeed the face of Doctor Phillips!"

He quickly contacted the guards in the palace through the optical brain. Prince Alger is now extremely weak physically and mentally. If the Doctor Phillips is impersonated, the consequences will be disastrous!

Jian Xia said to Ke Nuoer: "You go back to your mother and father first, I'll go in and have a look."

Although Ke Nuoer was curious, she also knew that his weak body was dragging his feet when he followed up. He nodded when he heard the words, and turned to the energy vehicle.

Jian Xia watched the energy car disappear into sight, and walked into Prince Alger's palace. The royal guards were communicating with the guards in the palace, and she didn't care to stop Jian Xia.

Jian Xia caught a royal guard to lead the way, and the two rushed to Prince Alger's palace as quickly as possible.

The royal guards who led Jian Xia originally thought Jian Xia was making a fuss. The Royal Guards of the Platinum Palace were astonishing and impenetrable. For decades, the assassins had never returned. Maybe the energy vehicle used by Doctor Phillips was indeed faster.

When I came to the door of Alger's bedroom, I saw two servants falling on the ground and bleeding like a shot, and the royal guards were terrified.

"His Royal Highness, what should I do now?" The royal guard asked Jian Xia nervously.

Jian Xia used mental energy to detect the two people who fell on the ground: "They are completely dead. You are waiting for me here, I will go in and take a look."

The royal guard said: "His Royal Highness! Let me go in and take a look, it's too dangerous!"

Jian Xia said without turning her head: "There is no danger that can hurt me."

Prince Alger’s bedroom was at the end of the long corridor. Jian Xia walked over a few steps, trying to explore the situation in the room with mental power as he walked, but the mental power was blocked by an invisible force and could not penetrate at all.

It seems that the "Doctor Phillips" inside is very good at using magic cubes.

Jian Xia walked to the door of the bedroom and tried to open the door.

She didn't have any hope, but she didn't expect the door to be opened easily, and the scene in the bedroom was in full view.

Prince Alger was lying on the bed, his face pale and mad, his eyes opened and he was muttering words. A man in a white robe stood by the bed, looking at Prince Alger with the face of Grand Medical Officer Phillips with compassion.

The guards in the palace rushed over one after another. The captain of the guard asked Jian Xia nervously: "His Royal Highness, what should I do now?"

The two corpses outside the dormitory proved that the assassin was indeed in the assassin. The biggest suspect, "Doctor Phillips", was standing next to Prince Alger. For the safety of Prince Alger, they did not dare to act rashly.

Jian Xia said: "You stand here and don't move."

After saying this, he raised his foot and walked into the bedroom in the nervous sight of everyone.

"Who are you?" Jian Xia always felt that the "Doctor Phillips" in front of her was a bit familiar. She should have seen this person, but she didn't have a deep impression of him.

"Doctor Phillips" looked at Prince Alger and smiled: "Look, how pitiful he is. He lost his mother and father first, and then lost to you in the game yesterday, because Connor became your fiancée, and there is no hope of succession to the throne. …"

"Medical Officer Phillips" turned his head and smiled at Jian Xia: "He has already lost to you. He is completely defeated. He has no more value in living."

"I think he should decide whether he wants to live or not." Jian Xia looked at him calmly.

"Doctor Phillips" still smiled: "It's a pity that he has lost the qualification to decide his own life and death."

"Really." Jian Xia said lightly.

In the next second, "Doctor Phillips" suddenly stiffened, as if the ice and snow melted, and the "mask" on his face melted and disappeared, revealing his original face.

"Prophet Ignatius Woods." Jane Xia stared at him and asked: "Why do you do this?"

The prophet Ignatius Woods once served as the eyeliner of Sean II and the Queen Bekiel Warren exchanged Princess Anne and Jane Xia, pretending to poison Ernest Abel.

Ignatius Woods smiled and said, "Jane Xia, do you know that my prediction has never been wrong. Eighteen years ago, in my prediction, Alger, the third son born to Bill Warren, will be Become the next king, and I will become the unique great priest of the Platinum Empire. But eight years ago, I prophesied again, but found that the result was completely changed..."

It was the time when Jian Xia entered another world eight years ago.

"I secretly supported Prince Alger and helped him eliminate dissidents. As a result, Connor still became your fiancée. Even if he absorbed the magic cube and his mental power soared tenfold yesterday, he still easily lost to you.

All the facts tell me that the established destiny cannot be changed, but why did it change eight years ago? "

Jian Xia asked: "What exactly was the prophecy eight years ago?"

Ignati Woods finally stopped smiling. He was silent for a moment and said: "You, Queen Jane Xia will become the next queen, Connor will become the queen, and Prince Alger and I will die for a lifetime."

"Killing Alger is your last effort to resist fate?"

Ignati Woods said: "I have fed him the poison, and he is about to die."

Fate is fair, if one of him and Alger must be thrown into the arms of Death, it will definitely be Alger.

The death of Alger means that fate can be changed, and this is his only life.

Jian Xia said: "It's a pity that Alger won't die with me, you are the one who died."

Jian Xia stretched out a slender finger to point to his forehead, Ignati Woods' eyes widened in horror, Jian Xia's speed was too fast, he couldn't avoid it at all.

Jane Xia retracted her hand, and Ignati Woods fell to the ground.

The royal guards outside the door immediately rushed in, and the captain personally inspected Ignatius Woods' body, "He is dead."

Jian Xia said: "Take his body out."

The royal guards were completely convinced by Jian Xia, and without asking anything, they all left Prince Alger's bedroom and closed the door thoughtfully by the way.

A minute later, Jian Xia walked out of the dormitory, and was immediately surrounded by a group of royal guards with admiration: "His Royal Highness, how is Prince Alger?"

Although it was a questioning sentence, Jian Xia was already omnipotent in their hearts, and curing Prince Alger was a matter of minutes.

Jian Xia said: "I have solved 80% of the toxicity for him, and there is no life-threatening. Ask someone to call the Doctor Phillips."

After Jian Xia finished speaking, she left Prince Alger’s bedroom and went to find Sean II.

Sean II has just finished the cabinet meeting. He still doesn't know what happened. He was happy to see Jian Xialai: "Next time you join the cabinet meeting with your mother, you have to adapt in advance."

Jian Xia is so good, Sean II never thought of giving the throne to anyone else.

Jian Xia said: "Mother, something happened just now."

Jane Xia told about Ignati Woods.

Sean II was shocked. She had always trusted Ignatius Woods, but she didn't expect this to happen.

"Jian Xia, you are going to participate in the college competition tomorrow. I teach my mother to deal with this matter. You and Konuo will go back to school and have a good rest." Sean II said solemnly.

Jane Xia nodded, went to Ernest Abel to pick Konorr back to school.

On the second day, Jian Xia took an energy vehicle to the Imperial Capital Online Center in the city center. Students from colleges and universities across the country gathered here to participate in the college competition.

Five days later, Jian Xia won the championship trophy for the Imperial First Military Academy.

The Royal News reported the news specially.

I am glad that in the history of the competition, no first-year student has won the championship. Jian Xia surpassed Prince Alger and became the most popular Alpha in the Platinum Empire, with unprecedented popularity.

After four years of college, Jian Xia was studying to deal with public affairs while studying. Upon graduation from college, Sean II immediately passed the throne to her, and she and Ernest Abel were happily aged.

The wedding of the new Queen Jane Xia and Queen Connor Coste was unprecedentedly grand, and many years later, it is still the talk of the citizens of the Platinum Empire.

In the 68th year of the summer calendar, Queen Jian Xia and Queen Connor Coste passed away while hugging and taking a nap. Their decades of love was written into novels and poems.

Jian Xia is known as the greatest queen of the platinum empire because of a series of actions during his reign.

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