Conrad and the director were depressed, and the two had somber faces, and the former said quietly:

“If their tanks all have anti-aircraft missiles, the rebel fighters won’t be of much use.”

Then he gritted his teeth: “It means that we have sent a large amount of equipment to the umbrella in vain!” ”

After saying this, Conrad angrily smashed the table with his fist.

3000 apocalyptic tanks against 12 fighter-bombers.

The result is to think about it.

Conrad vomited blood for a moment.

I felt a sullen breath in my chest.

That’s all money!

More than a billion US dollar knives smashed into it, and no splash of water can be splashed, can you not regret it?

The director stared at the Apocalypse Tank for a long time.

Silently said to himself: “Four tracks, double 120mm gun barrels, look at the tonnage of almost seventy or eighty tons, and also with anti-aircraft missiles…”

He calmly analyzed and said slowly: “Air defense needs radar guidance, they are moving, the radar coverage is not so wide, so their air defense missiles all rely on satellites in the sky, which is also the reason why the umbrella was destroyed by Layton so big a reaction.” ”

The more the director said, the more radiant his face became, and his eyes bloomed.

Then a strange and dangerous smile appeared.

He looked at Conrad.

The other party is also a smart person, and suddenly shows a sneer of understanding.

“Start with their satellites!”

The commissioner laughed proudly, and Conrad said with ill will:

“The moment Layton destroys their satellites, and then orders Tiberger to launch missiles, hahaha, umbrella, your time of death has arrived!”

The two hit it off and picked up their phones to call Layton.



The city of Lilosa, the leader of the criminal rebels, Tiborg.

Watch as the missiles are all intercepted.

His eyes were as cold as those of a cold-blooded animal.

“Damn it!”

His expression was full of jealousy and urgency.

The anti-aircraft main battle tanks of the base made him a little breathless.

Don’t know how to deal with it!

Just as Tiberger was restless, the phone suddenly rang.

It was Conrad who called.

He picked up the phone, lowered his posture, and said, “Mr. Conrad, you should know the result, I need help now.” ”

“Don’t panic, listen to me…”

As the call progressed, Tiberger’s gloomy face gradually turned clear.

Then it turned into a triumphant laugh.

“Hahaha, Mr. Conrad, high! It’s really high, then I’ll wait for your good news now! ”

The two celebrated in advance on the phone at the same time: “Let the damn umbrella, see God go!” ”

After hanging up the phone, Tiberg could not stop the excitement in his heart.

The plan to destroy the satellite first and then shoot the missile is too cunning, and it can definitely put the umbrella to death!

He strode to the airport, ready for action!



Among the large troops at the base, Su Che did not know that the conspiracy against them was about to come again.

He was talking to Zhao Keze on the phone.

It was the other side who called.

“Old Zhao, have you arrived at the port?”

Zhao Ke returned to China by cruise ship, and there were no direct planes to China from neighboring countries.

“Arrived, old Sue, when is your friend coming?”

Zhao Ke stood outside the linhai port, looking east and west, and Wu Fang was also next to them.

At noon, Su Che asked them to bring medicine to their families.

Say let Zhao Ke say a word.

Someone gave it to him at the port.

Su Che quickly said, “Okay, old Zhao, you wait for 5 minutes, I’ll give him a call and I’ll arrive right away.” ”

“Hey, it’s okay, don’t worry.”

Hanging up the phone, Su Che used the base liaison to call the Time Soldier.

“They arrived, the picture showed you, right at the door.”

“Okay, Commander.”

Linhai City, next to the port, a small district roof.

The specially uniformed Time Soldier glanced at the outside of the dock, and on the helmet screen in the shape of technology, an enlarged image of Zhao Keze and others quickly appeared.

With the corresponding geographical latitude and longitude.

He looked to the side and there was a sky bridge that was being repaired, enclosed by tin sheets.

The Time Soldier presses the Hands-on button.

The void suddenly twisted.

Two minutes later, the muscular Time Soldier emerged from the enclosure wearing tight short sleeves.

He patted the ash on his body in disgust.

Walk towards Zhao Ke.

Zhao Keze and the others were looking east and west, when they saw a burly khan coming, as if staring at them.

Old Zhao hurriedly skimmed his head.

However, the other party walked all the way to Zhao Keze’s side, and asked in a low voice: “May I ask, is it Zhao Keze?” ”


Zhao Ke raised his head and looked up at the Time Soldier.

He swallowed his spit: “Big brother, are you a friend of Old Sue?” ”

“Yes, this is something for you.”

The Time Soldier handed the medicine bottle in his hand to Zhao Keze.

“Be sure to bring it.”

He gave a deep command, then turned and left.

Zhao Ke’s tense body relaxed, and he quietly sent a message to Su Che.

“Old Su, the thing got it, in other words, do you still know the big brother of society?” When to introduce me to know ah, multiple friends more roads. ”

Su Che laughed directly when he saw the news.


ps: the seventh more, there is still one more late, kneeling for free flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes!! Appreciate!!


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