Chapter 185

Army Missile Command.

Launched just a year ago, the Missile Command was one of the areas that was emerging as a key force in the Army.

It was launched as the Guided Missile Command in 2006, but has been expanded due to the exponentially increasing number of ballistic missiles.

Since it was a military secret, the exact number is not known externally, but currently approximately 3,000 Hyunmoo missiles are managed and operated in an integrated manner, and the number of them is expected to increase further in the future.

“We just received a request to launch the Hyunmoo 4 missile from the event venue.”

Commander Major General Lee Jeong-ho nodded at the operation officer’s report and picked up the receiver.

The first place I tried to call was a mobile launch base near Hwacheon.

For this day, a video information system was currently in operation there, and now the Mile launch scene being performed there will be immediately transmitted to the command room here.

[The count enters.]

From the speaker, the progress at the base was conveyed intact.

As soon as the number that started from 10 becomes 0, the Hyunmoo missile, which received a firing signal in the attention of everyone, escapes the ejector and quickly soars into the sky.


The video filmed by a local official was delivered to the situation room without any problems.

No, not only in the situation room, but also in Cheongju, where the president is visiting, must be seeing the same thing.

What is now important is whether the high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle responsible for detection caught the launch signal in time.


Commander Jeong-ho Lee, who was watching the missiles blowing fire, secretly pressed the button on the stopwatch.

The intent is to estimate the effective interception time.

But maybe that was reflected in anxiety, the operations officer who was standing next to him sneakily approached him and said:

“Are you worried?”

“If you don’t mind, that’s even weirder.”

“But, isn’t Jaewoo a company that has already developed a hypersonic cruise missile that can reach Mach 9? At that speed, I think it would be more than enough to reach it in time.”

“I’m not worried about the streets now. The concern is whether an interceptor moving at such a high speed would be able to accurately intercept a ballistic missile with only a single dot.”

The commander let out a short reply and looked at the screen.

Suddenly, the missile was out of sight, and now the only way to check whether the intercept was successful is the screen connected to the radar and infrared detection equipment.

At that time, another operations officer in the situation room reported the firing situation.

“Eighty seconds left to effective intercept.”

The commander was very nervous at those words.

No matter how much I think about it, I think this is reckless.

In fact, the horse is a ballistic missile defense using a hypersonic interceptor, isn’t this something that advanced military countries have not yet been able to achieve?

“No, I don’t know.”

However, the possibility of success could not be ruled out.

A place where a precision strike using hypersonic cruise missiles has already been successful in Jaewoo.

If it was an interceptor developed based on that technology, wouldn’t it be reliable?


“no. Just talk to yourself.”

Moreover, this test is not a method of projecting an interceptor from the ground, but a method of intercepting a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft by capturing the firing signal in advance.

In other words, it is a situation where there is an advantage in response time.

In that case, there is a possibility of stabilizing induction by slightly reducing the speed.

‘The problem is that it can be a trick. Since the purpose is to reassure the public, ttt, wouldn’t this experiment be meaningless if that happens?’

Hopefully not, but it’s very likely.

The distance from Cheongju, the venue of the event, to Hwacheon, the launch site, is about 150 kilometers away.

It is possible to reach within the effective interception time with only the speed of Mach 6, so the thought of reducing the speed a little and increasing the precision of the guidance is not a natural part.

‘Especially for Jaewoo who has to succeed in the test…’

As the thoughts ran through him, his worries grew.

If that happens, you can get drunk on the joy of success right away, but it will be difficult to understand the exact performance of the interceptor.

Possibility of successful interception at greater distances than this.

and the accuracy of the guidance system at higher speeds and so on.

Will Jaewoo really be able to resist the temptation in that yard?

Are they also just an interest group?

“There are 50 seconds left in the effective time of the intercept.”

His thoughts, which seemed quite long, seemed to last only a few tens of seconds.

Now, in a little while, success will be decided.

“Make sure to monitor.”

He tightened the tension again and looked towards the screen.


At that time, the AESA radar for anti-aircraft surveillance caught an object approaching Hyeonmu with tremendous speed.

What is disconcerting is that the estimated speed marked on the monitor reached a whopping Mach 12.

The commander, as well as all the officers and noncommissioned officers who were monitoring together, stood up from their seats at once, without anyone saying anything, with an exclamation that they were startled.

“Identified as an interceptor.”

The identity of the object was confirmed by someone’s shout.

If this were the case, what would your imagination be?

The commander smiled and looked at the monitor again, and at that moment, Hyunmoo’s signal, which was moving, disappeared from the radar.

“Well, what happened?”

The commander quickly approached the observation sergeant and asked.

The observer in charge, who was still unable to escape from his embarrassment, suddenly came to his senses and responded.

“There is no signal.”

That meant the interception was successful.

There’s no way the Missile Command’s AESA, which is said to have the best performance in the world, would have missed its target.

What is surprising is that it succeeded with the interception effective time left far longer.

As if still unbelievable, the commander only licked his lips.

“Is this really possible?”


His words, spit out as if muffled, echoed throughout the control room.

Proof that the son-in-law had been tainted with silence that much.

It was the operations officer who was next to him who broke the silence one after another.

“Commander. Does this not mean that North Korea can intercept nuclear weapons from anywhere?”

“right. In terms of the remaining effective time and distance, it means that it covers all areas of North Korea’s nuclear launch potential.”

“But how did you get the detection done so quickly?”

The operation officer seemed to have doubts about it.

Currently, there is only one high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle in operation.

Wouldn’t that mean that one unmanned aerial vehicle was equipped with all sorts of means for detecting launch signs?

“I heard rumors that it was equipped with an integrated ground surveillance system unlike the Global Hawk, but I’m just amazed by it now.”

The commander replied with a bewildered look on his face.

The situation room becomes bustling after all.

He came to his senses and looked at the operation officer again.

“What are you doing. Without giving the news to Cheongju quickly.”

The operations officer quickly picked up the receiver at those words.

As soon as he finished reporting the situation, he quietly puts down the receiver and mutters.

“Oh My God! I still can’t believe we really have the means to defend against nuclear missiles.”

The commander seemed to be able to understand the attitude of the operations officer, who was more excited than necessary.

Naturally, it is common knowledge that nuclear weapons are the absolute best means of armed force that cannot be defended.

However, after today, it was concluded that even the best means of force could eventually be defended.

“Try calling the local manager again. I wonder if the interception was successful even from the results observed there.”

Of course, being able to defend does not mean complete disarmament of nuclear weapons.

If only one detection fails.

And if the interceptor fails to function due to various variables, you will experience with your whole body why nuclear is the best means of force.

“After checking, it is clear that it was intercepted.”

However, 0 and 1 are completely different.

If 0 is absolute despair that nothing can be expected, 1 is the number that can at least have expectations.

In other words, there is a huge difference between having no defense at all and not having it.

‘Yes, 0 and 1 are clearly different. Anyway, that’s great. You mean no tricks?’


[Hello everyone. A few days ago, the government announced the successful results of an ascending-stage intercept test of a nuclear missile. Today, we will report on the interception scene obtained by MBS alone.]

Two days after the test, the atmosphere in the country, excited by the success of the intercept test in the ascending phase of the ballistic missile, was heated up again by MBS’s report.

The trajectory of Hyunmu flying across the sky was filmed by a resident near Hwacheon.

It was a sky without a single cloud that day, so luckily, the filming was successful.

“Even so, it’s great to be filming that.”

Of course, not all of the interception scenes were filmed accurately.

However, the long smoke that Hyunmoo exhaled. And as far as the twinkling light from beyond the sky was captured by the camera.

If you are lucky, you can say that the person filming the film is a professional cinematographer with a telephoto lens.

-I’m Hwacheon, and I think I saw an interceptor or something passing by with a tail at an incredible speed.

?Where are you hitting the ball? Can you see what has passed at that high altitude?

?No, if you look closely, it looks like the trajectory is as if the fighter had left behind a haze.

?Damn, what kind of eyesight do you all have like Mongolian nomads? Why do you see things that others can’t?

– Wouldn’t that be a problem now? According to the announcement, the speed of the interceptor hit Mach 12. Isn’t that surprising at all?

?Crazy. Jae-woo, who made it as if it was natural, is even more insane.

?I’m also speechless right now in absurdity. To be honest, when I said that we were developing a hypersonic missile that could reach Mach 9, I laughed. No, how do we do what the US can’t do? But beyond that, I take 12.

?It was Jaewoo’s specialty to do things that even the US couldn’t do. What’s even more surprising is the fact that it mainly came from Jin Hyunseung’s head. To be honest, at this point, I think we should question his identity.

?Well, you’re trying to hit an alien again?

Are you talking like an alien? Rather, it would be more scientific to question the existence of beings from another dimension.

You guys are doing it. that or that.

?I’m not joking, I’m a little suspicious of that. To be honest, it’s strange to see that they haven’t even gotten married until that age.

?Hey, isn’t Chairman Jin’s identity and marriage a separate issue? Why do you feel that the argument is a bit twisted?

?No, not getting married yet is actually a bit dubious. It’s okay to buy it for nothing. The characters aren’t even good enough to go anywhere. It’s strange that there isn’t a single woman in the yard because of what it lacks.

How do you know if there is a woman or not? Chaebols secretly making a woman in the yard is not a job.

A person like Jin Hyun-seung?

?Maybe that’s it, the owner of a special martial art that disappears when you have a relationship with a woman.

? This kid is very imaginative.

?noisy. i think it is A being who can’t help but get close to women.

????????(Read more @

?Why is it there? ‘I’m a go*!’


While I was still unable to take my eyes off the TV news, I suddenly heard Secretary Kim’s laughter.

At my request, I was organizing data to report to the President.

Today, I was looking for references to my request to attach a special overseas military trend. He seemed to have found something funny.


Curious, I immediately leaned over.

Surprised for some reason, she quickly closed her laptop and immediately spoke to me, who was embarrassed, with a blushing face.

“Oh, nothing.”

“It’s nothing, so why are you so upset?”

“I found it a bit funny looking at the comments related to the chairman. I’m just saying this just in case, but I recommend that you never do a portal search today.”

His eyes twitched at those words.

Judging from the tone of voice, it didn’t seem like a very good comment.

As I was about to give up and get up because I didn’t need to see it with my own eyes to get hurt, suddenly, with a knock, Natasha entered the room.

thump thump.

As she walked with a serious expression, she had a smartphone in her hand.

Recently, it has become a huge trend under the name of adult toys, and it seems that Natasha has bought one in the end.

Wait, but why did she suddenly bring up the phone…?

‘Did you finally get a call from Putin?’

Want to notify the decision to transfer space launch vehicle technology?

[Sorry, can you please check this?]

In an instant, as expected, she hands her phone to me.

A portal site is displayed on the screen of the smartphone that I looked at.

When she tilts her head at her puzzled mind, she says with a shy expression on her face.

[Since it is lunchtime, there is no one in the secretary’s office, and it is difficult to ask the security agents, but Secretary Kim seems to be in the president’s room, so it is inevitably…][Give it to me.]

I smiled and took the phone.

What caught my eye after that was the comments aimed at me.

Just in time, Natasha asked again, handing over one of her comments.

[What’s the star next to this text? This part of ‘I’m Go*!’ What does this star sign mean?]

Ah… such a dog**

I’m sure I’ll catch what kind of bird it is.

Can you make nuclear weapons too?-186

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