Can You Love Me?

Chapter 93 Clearly a vixen

Jian Zechuan realized that he was unable to refute.

He even felt that Xin Ai's appearance of playing tricks was really cute. If he didn't see her seductive and perverted goblin appearance, he might really think that she had a fairy air about her.

It's a pity, Jian Zechuan knows that this is a little vixen who always loves to pretend to be clever.

He thinks he has achieved the Tao, but he doesn't know that his fox tail is always showing.

Sitting beside Jian Zechuan, Xin Ai received attention from all directions, probing, disdain, jealousy, hatred... those eyes seemed to stick to her body, making her uncomfortable, but she couldn't get rid of it.

Jian Zechuan did have a serious matter to discuss today. Xin Ai didn't know what the project was, but from the conversation between the two, it could be heard that the other party had a lot of background, otherwise Jian Zechuan would not have come forward in person.

The man was in his thirties, with a very gentle appearance, dressed and spoken with an indescribably warm aura, different from Jian Zechuan's uncivilized coldness all year round, he seemed to have a constant temperature, and his body would always maintain a constant temperature. A warm temperature makes it easy for people to let go of their vigilance.

He teased Jian Zechuan a few words, and the look in his eyes was also a polite appreciation, which was different from others.

Xin Ai nestled obediently beside Jian Zechuan. When he talked about things, he didn't say a word, trying to maintain a smile on his face, not daring to relax, for fear that he would show his flaws if he was careless.

I'm even more afraid that Jian Zechuan will find out why she came suddenly.

Two or three hours had passed since Zhao Tiande's death, but Xin Ai still couldn't calm down completely, the smile on her face was pretending to be good, but her palms were sweating all the time, she was still afraid, afraid of a sudden The police came to take her away.

I am afraid that if Zhao Tiande's line is broken, it will be even more hopeless to find Xin Huan.

I'm also afraid that if the people behind him don't succeed in framing her this time, they will continue to attack her.

Jian Zechuan suddenly asked her: Is it cold?

Xin Ai was taken aback, only to realize that she was trembling, she nodded hurriedly: Well, a little bit, maybe the air conditioner is turned on too much.

She pinched her palm, the pain temporarily stabilized her mind, at this moment, she couldn't think about anything else.

Jian Zechuan touched her face, the tentacles were indeed slightly cool, he turned his head and said, Lanzhou.

Jian Zechuan's cousin raised her head: What's your order, third brother?

Take her to rest.

After the cousin was surprised, she immediately said, Okay.

Jian Zechuan patted Xin Ai on the back: Go.

Xin Ai really wanted to leave here, she needed to sort out her emotions.

Pulling Jian Zechuan's hand, he made a look of reluctance: Then remember to pick me up after you finish talking.


Xin Ai followed cousin Jian Zechuan, left, walked to the door, and turned her head to look at him, which was full of urging.

Many women in the house secretly cut off their fingers. Who the hell said she was a little fairy?

After leaving the door, cousin Jian Zechuan exclaimed exaggeratedly: Oh my God, it's the first time in my life that I know that my third brother will be sympathetic to me. You don't know that today you saw him help me because I live so hard. He helped me for the first time. When I was a child, I fell to death in front of him and had a nosebleed. He would not even bother me...

She looked at Xin Ai and said with emotion: I really didn't expect that the third brother is not soft-hearted when he abuses small animals.

Small animals?

Single dog!

Even though Xin Aidang laughed out loud, Jian Zechuan's cousin is really interesting.

Little fairy, my name is Xie Lanzhou, third brother's cousin, you are Xin Ai, I've heard about you a long time ago, and I told third brother several times that I want to see you, but he refused. When I saw you today, I really told others. Same, no wonder you can take down my cousin.

Upon hearing her name, Xin Ai asked, Xie Qingzhou... are you siblings?

You know that brat? Haha, I forgot, you must know him. He was the one who said earlier that the three raised a little fairy sister.

Xin Ai smiled: I've seen it twice.

Last time at Yunding, Xin Ai saw Xie Qingzhou. When she was besieged by a group of women, he gloated and took pictures.

That guy is a big boy who looks sunny and enthusiastic on the surface, but after cutting it open, it is probably dark inside.

In other words, how many people around Jian Zechuan are kind?

Thinking about it this way, Xin Ai became somewhat defensive towards Xie Lanzhou.

Xie Lanzhou had a cheerful personality and wanted to get close to Xin Ai, but after a while, he put his arm around her shoulders, as if he had known her for a long time.

She took Xin Ai to a special lounge, had someone deliver a fruit plate, dessert drink, and asked Xin Ai about her and Jian Zechuan.

I'm really curious, how did you subdue my third brother?

Xin Ai lowered her head, brushed her hair back, made a show of twisting, and said shyly: I didn't conquer him, he conquered me first, I fell in love with the third master at first sight, and then... I shamelessly chased after him.

Xie Lanzhou wanted to see Xin Ai's face, but she couldn't. She looked at Xin Ai and said, There are many people chasing after my third brother, but apart from you, I haven't seen any successful ones. You must have some unique skills.

If it is possible to catch up, her third brother's current children will probably be soy sauce.

Xin Ai is beautiful, but are there not many beauties who have been around the third brother for so many years? Why can't others succeed, only she succeeds?

Xin Ai raised her head, her cheeks flushed slightly, and said embarrassedly: Probably...they are not as thick-skinned as me.

Xie Lanzhou looked at Xin Ai's charming face, swallowed her saliva, rubbed her fingers, and couldn't help reaching out to touch it. The smooth and delicate touch made her sigh: No, you are more attractive than them, I didn't expect that third brother is also a face control.

Xin Ai joked with her: I'm the one who controls the face, once I see the face of the third master, I can't help it.

She is different now. In the past, when others showed her a little kindness, she would accept it unpreparedly and return more kindness.

But now, no matter how enthusiastic Xie Lanzhou was, Xin Ai never completely let go of her defenses.

Xie Lanzhou handed Xin Ai a glass of juice: It's my birthday at the beginning of next month, why don't you come?

Xin Ai paused, then shook his head: I...don't go.

Don't worry, they are all young people. Some of my friends and elders are not here. I think you are quite introverted. You should come out more to meet people and make more friends.

Xie Lanzhou may have said it unintentionally, but Xin Ai still understood what she meant. With her identity, it is impossible for her to meet Jian's elders.

Probably in the eyes of all Jian Zechuan's friends, she is just a little thing.

Even if Jian Zechuan makes an exception for her many times, she is still a plaything, and she will never be able to enter the room.

Although it was really uncomfortable to be said so, what they said was right, not to mention, even she thought so.

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