Can You Love Me?

Chapter 73 Is He Protecting Her?

Xin Ai shook her head: No...Although she is my sister, she can't, but speaking of it, my sister has something to do with the third master...

Oh...what's the relationship? Jian Zechuan casually threw the photo aside, turned over and pressed Xin Ai under him.

She is... Dongxing's entertainer...

Would you like me to help support her?

The place where Jian Zechuan's hand slipped gave Xin Ai a shiver, and she was afraid of his tenderness.

Xin Ai always felt that there was a fatal danger exuding from Jian Zechuan at this moment, but when it came to this point, she could only continue to speak with her scalp: I really want to, but... my sister... can't find anyone ...Ah, third master...don't bite so hard...

After a lingering affair, Xin Ai fell asleep tiredly, and Jian Zechuan picked up the photo again.

In the group photo of the two sisters, both of them are smiling brightly. In the photo, Xin Aibi is still immature, with baby fat on her face, that smile, those eyes, are pure and pure, as transparent and warm as the sunshine in spring.

In the photo, she is several times prettier than she is now.

I thought I could hide the obvious things in my heart!

Jian Zechuan felt that she was really kind, if it was another person, there would be no bones left of her already eaten.

It was dawn, the sky was gray and misty, and Jian Si appeared downstairs with his bodyguards.

Third Master, everything is ready, should we go directly to the airport?


After getting in the car, Jian Zechuan said, Find someone to take care of her.

Don't worry, I will definitely arrange someone to protect Miss Xin.

Jian Si was thinking, Xin Ai is a good little girl, and the third master is going to protect her, and she seems to be a better mess than him.

But in the next second, Jian Zechuan said again: Look, don't let her be stupid, don't let her plant grass on my head.


The convoy got on the elevated road and went straight to the airport.

Have someone check Dongxing to see if there is really a problem?

Jian Si was startled, did the third master want to help Xin Ai?

Glancing at Jian Zechuan secretly from the rearview mirror, he didn't seem to have had a good rest, his complexion was a little pale, um, and there were faint dark circles under his eyes.

Jian Si calculated the time, went back at 2 o'clock in the morning, and was squeezed by Xin Ai's fox essence again, got up so early this morning, oops, I'm so worried that the third master's health will not be able to bear it!

Third don't look good, it's better...don't...don't be too obsessed with women... You will suffer from kidney deficiency.

Jian Zechuan threw a sharp eye, and Jian Si was so frightened that he quickly shut up.

However, he really felt that the third master went to Xin Aina a little too often recently.


As soon as Jian Zechuan left, Xin Ai opened her eyes. In fact...she couldn't fall asleep at all.

She didn't know if her temptation last night was correct, but she really couldn't think of any other way.

Jian Zechuan knew her purpose, and it probably didn't make any difference whether she said it or not.

Now, Xin Ai understands that whether she can stay with Jian Zechuan depends on what that man means.

Xin Ai's eyes are bloodshot. Tomorrow is the day when I make an appointment with Shen Ce. I hope... he can make progress.

Xin Ai closed her sore eyes, on earth... when will she see hope?

At around 8 o'clock, Xin Ai got up with a tired body and made a simple breakfast.

Heart-shaped poached eggs, two slices of bread, and a glass of milk!

As usual, take pictures and send them to Jiansi's mobile phone.

There is no class today on Saturday, Xin Ai finished posting the photos, drank a glass of milk, and fell on the sofa to catch up on sleep.

When I was about to fall asleep, I was woken up by the phone ringing.

Picking up the phone and hearing Li Yiran's voice, Xin Ai cheered up and asked, Is there any news?

No, but soon, that old bastard hasn't been looking for me for the past two days. I'll go look for him tonight. Don't worry, I'll definitely ask you.

Then what do you want from me?

Li Yiran asked mysteriously: Hey, Chen Ming was seriously injured and hospitalized, do you know that?

Xin Ai opened her eyes: Really, I really don't know? However, this is good news.

Yeah, I also think it's good news. He reported it to the police and said you did it. Guess what?

Can't guess.

The police went to check the surveillance cameras near where he was beaten, but found nothing, but a few witnesses said...he was beaten up by a few gangsters nearby and robbed his wallet.

Really, then he really deserves it.

Xin Ai was secretly surprised, was beaten by a few hooligans? Could it be that after her... a little hooligan went over and beat Chen Ming again?


Li Yiran said in a whimpering voice: He deserves it, but the strange thing is that Chen Ming said that he was beaten by one person, not those hooligans. By the way, you don't know, Chen Ming was beaten when you asked me about his whereabouts. That night, after you came out of the noble residence, you said... was it a coincidence?

Xin Ai knew what Li Yiran meant, and pretended to be stupid: Well, it's a bit of a coincidence.

Forget it, you're a smart person, sister, I won't talk nonsense with you, I'm telling you this because you gave me a business anyway, remind you, Chen Ming said, he I'm sure it's you, he won't let you go.

Xin Ai laughed and said, It's not certain who won't let go.

It's true, you are not an ordinary person now, you are from Mr. Jian!

After hanging up the phone, Xin Ai squeezed the phone slowly, the police found out that Chen Ming was beaten by some gangsters, but they didn't find her.

It's... something's wrong.

She now thinks about what she did the night before yesterday. There are many loopholes. The taxi followed her all the way from the door of the nobleman's house. It is impossible for the police not to find out the number of surveillance cameras along the way.

Also... Chen Ming's injuries were all caused by hammers, not fists.

Xin Ai bit her lip, what made the police not find her?

She thought of Jian Zechuan... hurriedly shook her head, impossible, no way!

This matter has troubled Xin Ai's mind for a whole day, but as Sunday came, and seeing Shen Ce, she didn't have time to think about anything else.

On Sunday, Shen Ce finally did not miss his appointment this time, and came to the coffee shop with Xin Ai Yuehao ahead of schedule.

The first thing Shen Ce said when he saw Xin Ai was: You lose weight.

Xin Ai touched her face, Really, it's okay, I didn't feel it myself.

Seeing the indelible sadness in Xin Ai's eyes, Shen Ce naturally understood why she was thin, and sighed secretly.

Captain Shen, did you find anything on those two calls?

Shen Ce put aside the thoughts just now, and said to Xin Ai: I asked someone from the technical team to check, and the phone number you mentioned for the two nights was the same number, and now it is an empty number, and it is not a real-name registration. , and...the first time this number contacted your sister was a week before she disappeared.

The last phone call that came in on the day of the disappearance was also from this number. Therefore, it is basically certain that it is indeed related to your sister's disappearance. I initially suspect that your sister may have been threatened by some kind, but there are no other clues to support it. With a phone number that's empty, it's hard to pinpoint anything, and it's hard to proceed.

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