Can You Love Me?

Chapter 526 Take Care of Her

The word-of-mouth and box office of the ivory tower are rapidly fermenting on the Internet.

Many netizens, willing to be tap water, amway this drama to those around them.

Xin Ai, the screenwriter, has also received unprecedented attention.

Until the box office earned 1 billion, only 8 days had passed since the first day of release.

Lu Jincheng happily told Xin Ai: Let me tell you, don't worry about this movie, we both have word of mouth and box office!

Xin Ai couldn't help laughing, her heart could really be safely placed in her stomach.

In the end, The Ivory Tower ended with a box office of 2.3 billion and a score of 7.9.

For Xin Ai, this result is so high that it is hard to be confident.

Her Weibo finally started to have real fans of her, and many people began to look forward to it, saying that they hoped to see her next play.

Xin Ai wrote on Weibo: We live in a very good era, as long as you have put enough sincerity and correct attitude, the audience will give you the greatest return after realizing your sincerity. Thank you everyone for giving People who support, I will continue to work hard!

No one is a fool, the success of a movie depends entirely on attitude.

The heat of the movie faded, and Xin Ai's life remained the same as before.

The company asked her if she could write the next scene as soon as possible, Xin Ai only replied that she would try her best.

The company has tasted the taste of success, thinking that Xin Ai can quickly write another script to replicate the last success.

However, Xin Ai felt that she needed to think about it carefully, and settle down again. The script she hadn't finished, looking at it now, still had a lot of shortcomings.

This year, she will study.

As Jian Zechuan said before, she can enroll her in a training class for film and television screenwriters in the university.

Xin Ai hopes that she can receive systematic training. She loves this profession now, so she wants to make herself better!

Everyone celebrated together in the evening, and Mrs. Jane specially took out the red wine that someone gave her a few days ago.

The whole family raised their glasses to celebrate the complete success of Xin Ai's movie.

After the meal, Jian Zechuan said to take Xin Ai out for a walk.

But Xin Ai didn't expect that this turn would take her to the place where she was once hidden in the golden house by Jian Zechuan.

After a long absence, returning to Fengluyuan, Xin Ai felt as if...the time when she lived here was a matter of her previous life.

Thinking back to the beginning, it feels like a long time ago.

Xin Ai asked curiously, Why... brought me here?

Well, I have a gift for you.

Jian Zechuan took Xin Ai's hand upstairs and opened the door.


The lights in the room came on.

Seeing everything in front of her, Xin Ai opened her mouth wide in surprise.


She turned her head and asked Jian Zechuan:

The room is full, on the table, on the wall, all are her photos, from when she was very young, until recently, she has impressions, not impressions, all of them!

What's even more precious is that there are many photos of her and Xin Huan together, as well as photos with her parents when she was very young!

She thought she would never find those group photos again in her life.

However, I didn't expect that I could see it here.

Jian Zechuan took her hand, walked to a photo of Xin Ai, and picked it up: During the two years you were away, I lived by these photos!

When Xin Ai saw a photo of her parents when she was young, her eyes turned red.

This photo is the last photo of them together before their parents died.

Looking at these photos, all the memories and scenes of the past came to the fore.

These... have you been looking for them for a long time?

It took some time.

Thank you……

Jian Zechuan raised his hand and wiped away the tears on Xin Ai's face.

He stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms: A husband should do these things for his wife, isn't it... a matter of course?

In the past, he didn't understand love, did many things wrong, and wasted a lot of time.

Now, all he wanted was to guard her well, to be a good husband like an ordinary man!

Heartbroken, Xin Ai lay in Jian Zechuan's arms, sobbing softly: Then why didn't you bring me here sooner?

That's not...the photos haven't been found yet...

Mainly, Jian Zechuan was hesitating.

He was worried that bringing Xin Ai here would remind her of some bad memories.

So I have been hesitating.

Now the relationship between him and Xin Ai has stabilized and deepened, so he dared to bring Xin Ai here.

Obviously, bringing Xin Ai here now is the right choice.

Especially those photos of Xin Ai and her family, finally, can fill the regret in her heart.


It's New Years Eve again in a blink of an eye, and the family is as lively as ever.

Xin Ai's mood this year is even better than last year. It seems that since she got married, she has become happier every day.

After eating the New Year's Eve dinner and watching the New Year's Eve until the early morning, everyone went back to their houses.

When Xin Ai came out of the bathroom, Jian Zechuan picked up a towel and wiped her hair: I seem to be very happy today.

Xin Ai nodded: I am very happy every day.

But today feels different...

Today is Chinese New Year, of course it's different!

Jian Zechuan smiled, anyway, he felt that today's Xin Ai was different from usual.

However, as long as she is happy, she doesn't want to say... forget it.

Time passed quickly, and after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Lu Jincheng informed her to attend an awards ceremony next month, and their crew had several nominations.

It's not surprising that Xin Ai was nominated, and it's not surprising that she won the award.

However, it's fine for the director and all the actors to go, she...isn't necessary?

But Lu Jincheng said that she still wants to go, after all, she is a screenwriter.

So Xin Ai agreed, she knew that this award was a heavyweight award in the Chinese film industry, and every day many actors rushed for this award.

But the selection of this award is also notoriously rigorous.

On the day of the award ceremony, the temperature was still quite cold. Xin Ai did not walk on the red carpet. She is really no match for those female stars. She can still smile brightly while walking in the cold wind. If she was walking, she would probably freeze to the ground while walking.

So, it's really not easy to be a star.

The awards ceremony began, and as the awards were handed out, the little girl who played the younger sister in The Ivory Tower won the Best Newcomer Award as expected, and the director also won the Best Director Award.

Receiving these two awards would have been exciting.

When it was announced that Lu Jincheng was the best actor this year, Xin Ai was so happy that he could cry.

They are the only crew that have won three awards.

Originally, Xin Ai thought that this was enough.

However, more surprises are yet to come.

When the host announced that the next best screenwriter award was going to be awarded, all the nominated works were played on the big screen.

When Xin Ai heard that she was included in the nomination, she was really shocked. Oh my god, she was included in the nomination.

She hurriedly turned her head to look at Lu Jincheng, who blinked at her.

The camera gave Xin Ai a close-up, because she... looks good!

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