Can You Love Me?

Chapter 522 I really envy you

But there was still no movement in the room, so Xin Ai quickly asked Su Xiaoling's parents to find her an ax to break down the door.

Otherwise, if Su Xiaoling really does something stupid inside, it will be too late.

Su Xiaoling's parents quickly brought an ax and a hammer and broke down the door with Xin Ai.

They banged for a while, and the door suddenly opened.

Su Xiaoling's haggard face appeared in front of them.

Xin Ai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the person standing still.

Su Xiaoling's mother cried at that time: Xiaoling, you scared your parents to death. What can't you tell us if you have anything to say? Don't hurt yourself because of such a scumbag...

Dad, Mom, I'm fine... Su Xiaoling shook her head.

Xin Ai sighed, turned to Su Xiaoling's parents and said, Uncle and aunt, let me have a few words with her.

Xin Ai closed the door that was almost broken, Do you know that we are all worried about this?

Su Xiaoling nodded: I know, I just... want to calm down, ease my mood and then go out... But, I didn't expect that after such a long time, I still haven't recovered...

Su Xiaoling's eyes were horribly swollen and she looked very haggard.

She didn't know how many times she cried secretly before they broke down the door.

Her voice was hoarse, there was no light in her eyes, and her whole body was lifeless. Although she was no longer crying, Xin Ai could still see from her body the impact of this incident on her How big.

The feeling of being betrayed by the person you love the most, maybe... is really more uncomfortable than killing her!

Xin Ai felt sorry for Su Xiaoling, but she couldn't tell whether she should blame Chu Jingzhi. After all, they both wanted each other's good.

Xin Ai held Su Xiaoling's hand: I know this matter is very hurtful to you, but... people should look forward. In life, there will always be all kinds of things that we can't even imagine. Otherwise...what is life? Do you think so?

Su Xiaoling nodded but said nothing.

Xin Ai took Su Xiaoling to sit down, went to the bathroom, and brought her a hot towel to wipe her face.

Then he picked up the comb and started to comb her hair. Her hair was messy and a little messy.

She combed her hair, tied it back with a rubber band, took out Su Xiaoling's facial mask and applied it to her.

During the whole process, Xin Ai didn't say a word.

Su Xiaoling felt her eyes getting more and more sore and her heart getting more and more uncomfortable. She originally thought that her tears were all gone and she couldn't cry anymore, but Xin Ai's actions slowly warmed her numb heart and made her want to To cry.

Su Xiaoling said: Do you think... I am useless and fragile, but... I just betrayed a man and I will live or die...

Compared with the small setback she suffered due to the disconnection, Xin Ai's experience was truly a test of life and death.

No matter how difficult the road is, Xin Ai has made it through it.

However, she tortured herself like this just for a little setback in love.

Xin Ai shook his head, No, no one can remain calm after receiving such a blow. This period will be very painful, but... you can always get over it slowly, but everyone has different physiques. , the recovery speed is different, do you think so?

After a moment of silence, Su Xiaoling suddenly began to sob and said: I don't know why he suddenly acted like this. I finally got his father to agree to us being together. I originally thought that no one would stop us, but... did not expect……

Xin Ai put his arm around her shoulders: Maybe, just because of this, you should have a better life, can't you... let him get what he wants?

Xin Ai sighed in her heart. She wanted to tell Su Xiaoling the truth, but Chu Jingzhi told them not to tell. ,

Just let Su Xiaoling think that she was betrayed and give up on him.

Therefore, Xin Ai wanted to say it now, but hesitated.

Also, you have to think about your parents. They are not young and worry about you all day long. If you are alone in the room without eating or drinking, they will feel more uncomfortable outside than you do...

Su Xiaoling cried louder.

But Xin Ai knew that after she finished crying and vented her anger, she might feel better than before.

Sure enough, what Xin Ai said was right. After Su Xiaoling cried in her arms, she put on the mask and went out.

Then, telling her parents that she wanted to eat.

Su Xiaoling's parents were overjoyed and hurried to cook.

Su Xiaoling ate a lot during this meal.

After eating, tell her parents that she is fine.

Su Xiaoling said: Mom and Dad, don't worry about me. I have already figured it out. I will not do stupid things for a man like that, nor will I be sad for him. In the future... I will slowly get better.

Su Xiaoling's parents cried with joy.

However, listening to what Su Xiaoling said, Xin Ai felt heavy.

She said to Su Xiaoling: How about you come with me to my house to stay for a few days?

Yes, you go and stay at Xin Ai's house for two days.

The scenery at Mrs. Jian's place was beautiful, and they felt relieved to have Xin Ai by their side.

At this time, talking among their friends is actually more useful than their parents.

Su Xiaoling nodded after hesitating. Mother Su quickly packed her things and let her and Xin Ai go.

At night, Xin Ai and Su Xiaoling slept in the same room.

The two of them were lying on the bed talking.

Su Xiaoling said to Xin Ai: I don't know why, I don't know if I'm stupid... I just feel that he is not that kind of person, he will not be like that, and I was wondering if... he has something Unspeakable hardship!”

Xin Ai sighed, yes, the person you like is not that kind of person.


What should I say?

Xin Ai pretended to be asleep and did not answer Su Xiaoling's words. She really didn't know what to say.

In the blink of an eye, Su Xiaoling has been living here in Xin Ai for a week, and the weather is getting colder and colder.

This week, it has been mostly cloudy and sunshine is rare.

During this week, Xin Ai would take Su Xiaoling with him wherever he went.

Even when I go to the company to watch the samples of Ivory Tower, I will take Su Xiaoling with me.

Lu Jincheng told Xin Ai that if there are no accidents in the release time of the movie Ivory Tower, it should be roughly in the summer of next year.

The edited samples have also come out. Xin Ai went to the company to watch them twice and was very satisfied!

However, Lu Jincheng said that the director is not very satisfied yet and may need to edit it a few more times. Moreover, the later soundtrack and some lens special effects still need to be properly processed.

Xin Ai knew that Su Xiaoling liked Lu Jincheng, so he brought her there specially, hoping that she could see her idol and be happy.

Sure enough, after meeting Lu Jincheng, Su Xiaoling had a smile on her face.

She got Lu Jincheng's signed photo and took a photo with him.

After coming out of the company, she said to Xin Ai: Xin Ai, I envy you so much right now...

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