Can You Love Me?

Chapter 514 Helping the Children

Since they all care so much about their seniority, then... the old lady thought, she would give them a solution.

Mrs. Mei really didn't say this casually. She came up with the solution after careful consideration for several days.

Compared to her granddaughter's happiness, the old lady didn't feel that what she did would have any impact on herself.

She is already old, what has she not experienced or seen?

Mr. Chu said angrily: Do you know what you are talking about?

Old Mrs. Mei smiled: Of course I know. It is precisely because I know that I leave everyone here to explain this clearly today.

She was not afraid of Mr. Chu. She still had a calm and indifferent smile on her face, calm and calm.

Chu Jingzhi's second brother said: Aunt Mei, have to think clearly that it is useless for you to threaten us like this.

Mrs. Mei smiled and said: I'm not threatening, I just think this method is the best...the simplest, and everyone will be more worry-free, right? Since we divorced Lao Chu, there is no such thing as Jingzhi and Xiaoling. They want to be together, and others have nothing to say, right?

The old lady has actually been thinking about this for a long time. She thinks this may be the best way for everyone.

Including her.

She had not been happy in the Chu family these years.

Before, she always felt that as she got older, how many more years would she have left, so be it, at least Mr. Chu was very kind to her.

However, after the incident between Su Xiaoling and Chu Jingzhi came out.

The old lady suddenly realized that enduring it was not the best way.

Su Xiaoling and Chu Jingzhi are both children she loves very much.

In addition to being surprised at first, later on, she actually didn't object in her heart. Instead, she felt that this was quite good.

In the past, the old lady was always worried about her only granddaughter. What if she couldn't find a good husband in the future?

However, if that person is Chu Jingzhi, the old lady feels at ease.

Both of them were children she had watched grow up. She knew very well what kind of nature they had.

If her leaving can help her two children, it will be worth it.

Moreover, she actually didn't want to stay in the Chu family anymore.

Especially today when I saw Mrs. Jian living so happily after the divorce, the old lady became even more determined in her previous thoughts.

Mr. Chu slammed the table: Absurd!

Mrs. Mei looked at him and said: You know how difficult it is to meet someone you like in this life... That is your son. He will be 30 years old this year. Why is he not married at his age? Because of Jingzhi He is not a casual person. If you prevent him from being with the girl he likes when he is thirty years old, do you want to see him die alone?

These words blocked Mr. Chu to death.

The old lady looked at Chu Laowen: Still, in fact, in your hearts, what you care about is not the relationship between Xiaoling and Jingzhi, but... you think Xiaoling's family background is not worthy of the Chu family?

Brother Chu Jingzhi quickly said: No, no... Aunt Mei, we don't mean this...

If not, let's just let this matter be settled for Lao Chu...

Chu Wenlan gritted her teeth and said, It's a good idea. After getting divorced, not only can my granddaughter marry into the Chu family, but I can also make a lot of money. The calculation is really clear.

Her voice was not loud, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear clearly.

Mr. Chu slapped the table: Shut up. If you say another random word, get out of here immediately.

Chu Wenlan trembled, bit her lip and stopped talking.

Old Mrs. Chu smiled: I'm already at this age, so it's useless to ask for money. My daughter and son-in-law don't need me to give them anything. Although their lives are not as rich as the Chu family, they don't lack anything...

When the old lady decided this matter, she had no intention of asking the Chu family for any money.

What's more, she has saved a lot of money over the years, and the jewelry is enough for her to spend, and she is not that stupid.

Mr. Chu frowned and said, Just pretend you have never heard of what happened today. No one is allowed to go out and say a word to me. If I let you know, and you continue to talk nonsense outside, then from now on, you will Don’t plan to enter the Chu family’s door, let’s all disperse.”

Everyone trembled.

Especially the eldest and second child of the Chu family, they grew up being whipped under the belt of the old man.

They had not seen the old man so angry for many years.

He was even more angry than when the love affair between Chu Jingzhi and Su Xiaoling broke out.

From this, it is clear what position the old lady holds in his heart.

Mrs. Mei sighed: Old Chu, this matter...

This matter is not allowed to be discussed again.

But Jingzhi and Xiaoling...

We'll talk about the two of them later, but I won't agree with what you said.

After Mr. Chu finished speaking, he stood up and left first.

The others looked at each other.

The eldest son of the Chu family said to the old lady: Aunt Mei, don't worry too much. Maybe Jingzhi and Xiaoling have other options...

As soon as he finished speaking, his wife pinched his arm from behind.

What do you mean there are other solutions? Is there any other solution to this matter? The two of them want to be together, unless that relationship is gone. Since someone is willing to sacrifice himself to fulfill her granddaughter, you don't care. What are you doing? Do you want to be criticized forever when you go out?

Brother Chu Jingzhi's face changed with fright when he heard this. He quickly looked around to make sure his father was not there, then turned around and scolded him sternly: Shut up! If dad hears what you just said, get out of here. Go back to your parents’ home and never come back.”

Sister-in-law Chu Jingzhi was also scared, but because of her appearance, she whispered: I...I am telling the truth...

Brother Chu Jingzhi said angrily: I don't care what you tell the truth. If you want to die, I won't stop you.

Mrs. Mei smiled and said, Okay, you two, stop arguing and go back to rest.

Brother Chu Jingzhi pulled his wife cleanly: Apologise.

But his wife didn't want to.

Brother Chu Jingzhi scolded: Hurry up, don't wait any longer.

His wife then said reluctantly: I'm sorry...Aunt Mei, I shouldn't have talked to you like that just now...

Mrs. Mei smiled, said nothing, got up and went upstairs.

Look, I'm apologizing even...

Brother Chu Jingzhi: Shut up!

He turned around and said, Let's all go away. You all remember what dad just said. Don't talk nonsense when you go out...

Chu Wenlan said: Brother, I heard what you just said. Do you have no objection to Jingzhi and the girl from the Su family?

Brother Chu Jingzhi said: Haven't you seen this clearly? It's useless if I object and you object. The key is dad. As long as dad agrees, is it useful for you to make trouble again? Put away your thoughts. , Aunt Mei doesn’t owe you anything, if you have that thought and take good care of your children, it’s better than anything else.”

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