Can You Love Me?

Chapter 492 Make Wife Happy

Xin Ai turned around, raised her head and kissed Jian Zechuan on the chin: Sure enough, after having a husband, it is good...

When Jian Zechuan heard Xin Ai say the word husband, his whole body almost floated.

He threw away the tablet, hugged Xin Ai tightly, and looked at her with burning eyes: Wife...can you call me again?

Xin Ai pretended not to know: What is it called?

Just now, you called...

Xin Ai smiled evilly: Want to hear it?

Jian Zechuan nodded repeatedly: Yeah, yeah... I really want to...

Xin Ai tapped the tip of his nose: If you want to hear it, just... wait until you make me happy next time.

Jian Zechuan: ...

He sighed, it didn't matter, he would work hard tomorrow.

Jian Zechuan's motivation in life now make his wife happy!

Yes, nothing more.

If I have to add one more thing, it would be...make money for your wife to spend.

Also, give flowers to future children.

Xin Ai watched two more episodes, but Jian Zechuan forbade her from watching, Stop watching, watch again tomorrow, it's already 11 o'clock, it's time to go to bed, be good...go to sleep.

Then... okay... Xin Ai felt itchy in her heart, but looking at the time, it was indeed getting late, so she nodded.

After Jian Zechuan turned off the tablet, he turned off the lights in the room, hugged Xin Ai and closed his eyes.

Although he was thinking about that, he still held it back.

He knew that his current body was weak and he couldn't help but take good care of himself.

Before falling asleep, Jian Zechuan thought about taking Xin Ai to Fang Zihengna tomorrow, asking him to take her pulse and prescribe some Chinese medicine to regulate her body.

With this thought in his mind, the next day after breakfast, Jian Zechuan said to Xin Ai and Mrs. Jian: Mom, Xiao Ai, let's go, I'll take you to Zi Heng's place and ask him to check your pulses and take care of yourself. Body.

Mrs. Jian was stunned: What should I adjust properly?

Xin Ai nodded: Me too?

Mrs. Jian and Jian Zechuan said at the same time: You are not!

Mrs. Jian said to Xin Ai: Xiao Ai, you really should go and have a look. You are weak. Look how thin you are. Your face is usually not very good. It seems that you are a little short of energy and blood. Take some Chinese medicine. It’s still good to adjust it.”

Jian Zechuan touched Xin Ai's head: It doesn't necessarily mean taking Chinese medicine. Let's see if there is any dietary therapy.

Anyway, that's it, Xin Ai was taken there.

After Fang Ziheng took Xin Ai's pulse, he indeed said that Xin Ai was very weak.

After all, that car accident was too serious and the physical damage was too great.

It's only been more than two years, and I can't raise it back.

You have to give birth and raise yourself well, otherwise, you will definitely have problems when you get older...

So Fang Ziheng gave Xin Ai a week's worth of medicine and asked her to take it for a week first, and then come back for a follow-up visit to see if she needed to adjust the prescription.

After coming out with the medicine, Mrs. Jian sighed: Look, we are lucky to be here, otherwise, you will definitely suffer in the future. Take good care of your body while you are young, and you will be less likely to get sick when you are older.

Xin Ai nodded, her body was indeed in very bad shape now.

It's good to take care of it, after all... maybe, there will be children in the future?

After they came out, Jian Zechuan wanted to take them home, but Mrs. Jian said, Just send Xiao Ai and I to the mall. Let's go buy something.

Jian Zechuan: Then I will accompany you.

Mrs. Jian reprimanded: Why don't you accompany me? Go to work and don't think about skipping work all day long.

Jian Zechuan...

He looked at Xin Ai, and then she said: Mom is right, you have a family to support, so it doesn't matter if you skip work all day long, just go to work.

Jian Zechuan sighed, why did he feel that his mother and wife were united in married life.

Jian Zechuan had no choice but to send the two of them to the mall first.

I'll have the driver come and take you home later.

Mrs. Jian waved her hand: Okay, I understand, you can go.

After the two got out of the car, they left without looking back.

Jian Zechuan sighed again, his family status is getting lower and lower...

Xin Ai asked Mrs. Jian: Mom...what do you want to buy?

Mrs. Jian said: It's your aunt's birthday in a few days. I'll come over to pick out some jewelry for her. I won't go there then and let Zechuan deliver it...

Mrs. Jian is talking about her eldest sister-in-law. In previous years, she would go there for her eldest sister-in-law's birthday.

But forget it this year.

Many people probably knew about her divorce from Jian Wanjun. In the past, she would inevitably encounter some people who deliberately sought trouble.

Mrs. Jane plans to hide away at home this year.

Xin Ai quickly thought of why Mrs. Jian didn't attend, nodded and said, Okay, I'll accompany you to choose. What kind of jewelry does Auntie like?

Mrs. Jian smiled and said: She... just likes diamonds, the bigger the better...

As they talked, the two came to a jewelry store.

The waiter at the counter saw the two people's clothes and knew that the benefactor was here, so he quickly asked: What do you two need?

Mrs. Jian looked at the jewelry on the counter and said, Let me see your larger-carat diamond jewelry.

When the waiter heard this, he was very happy. This is a big customer.

He quickly said: Okay, wait a moment, I'll get it for you...

The items on their counters are all ordinary jewelry. Diamond jewelry with large carats must not be placed on the counter.

After a while, the waiter came over, put on gloves and opened the jewelry box: Look at this set of blue diamond jewelry. This is the best jewelry in our store. It matches your noble temperament very well...

Mrs. Jian smiled and said: I don't wear it, it's a gift...

When the waiter heard this, he took a deep breath and said, Oh my God, giving it away is too generous.

But what the heck, just pack it up and sell it.

Mrs. Jian picked up the jewelry and looked at the cut and clarity. She thought they were good and asked Xin Ai: Xiao Ai, what do you think?

Xin Ai nodded: Well, I think it's pretty good-looking. It suits my aunt very well. I think she will like it.


Before Mrs. Jian could finish her words, she was suddenly interrupted by a harsh voice: Hey, isn't this Mrs. Jian? I haven't seen you for a long time?

Xin Ai and Mrs. Jian turned around and saw two middle-aged women dressed very richly coming over.

Mrs. Jian frowned, these two people were people who had played cards with her before.

Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Zhu...what a coincidence.

Mrs. Jian didn't like these two people very much. They liked to gossip. Even if she played cards before, she didn't like to play with these two people.

Xin Ai looked at the two of them defensively. With a quick glance, she felt that these two people were really not good people.

The eyes are not honest...

The two came over and Mrs. Zhao said with a fake smile: Mrs. Jian is here to buy jewelry...

Before Mrs. Jian could say anything, Mrs. Zhu next to her said, Hey, you are wrong.'s not Mrs. Jian anymore. divorced, hahaha...

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