Can You Love Me?

Chapter 482 Husband and wife become one

Moreover, the place where she lives now is really small, which is a great injustice to Jian Zechuan and Mrs. Jian. They care about her wholeheartedly, so of course she has to reciprocate.

What's more, she really likes it here, so there's no need to hide it...

Both Mrs. Jian and Jian Zechuan were a little surprised, but after being surprised, they immediately became happy and agreed.

Mrs. Jian smiled and said: As long as you like it, that's fine. I'm telling you, if you like it later, we can get a boat and go around the lake. When the weather is nice, we can sit by the lake and eat. It's so beautiful when I usually have afternoon tea. I used to think that when I get married to my daughter-in-law, it would be great to live here. It's much better than some resorts outside...

Xin Ai nodded: Mom said, I really like it here...

Let's go, I'll take you to the back...

Mrs. Jian happily took Xin Ai's hand and ignored Jian Zechuan, walked through the living room and went to the back of the house.

Jian Zechuan looked at them with a smile on his face, and then quickly called Jian Si.

Quickly, hurry up and move all my and my wife's things over here. Yes, now, right away, put off all the work you are doing. This is the most important thing now.

Jian Zechuan didn't want to wait another day. He wanted to live in the same house as Xin Ai tonight. Even if he couldn't do anything, he would live in it.

If he had known earlier, Xin Ai would like it here. He would have brought her here a long time ago and wasted so much time.

However, Xin Ai can agree to come, which shows that she really does not regard herself as an outsider. If it were before, she would not come here no matter what.

The smile on Jian Zechuan's face widened, and Xin Ai was slowly beginning to accept him, especially since she kissed him today, and she was not angry when he kissed her later.

Jian Zechuan was very excited!

Now, nothing could make him happier than this.

Mrs. Jian excitedly pulled Xin Ai upstairs and around the backyard. She was very happy that Xin Ai could come here to live with her.

Your brother can only come back at night. It's his birthday and we don't have to worry about it. It's just a few people in our family. If the Qingzhou brothers are willing to come, let them come. Forget about the others...

Then... Xin Ai hesitated and did not say Jian Wanjun's name.

Mrs. Jian smiled, knowing who Xin Ai wanted to say: He, I don't really want to see him. If he comes, everyone may not be in a good mood, so let's forget it.

Well, that's fine. Actually...I, I feel a little awkward when I see...Dad...

Xin Ai hesitated for a moment, but finally said dad. After all, he was Jian Zechuan's biological father, and she always had to respect him.

What's more, at the wedding that day, if Jian Wanjun had even said a word of disagreement, the wedding would not have gone smoothly. From beginning to end, Jian Wanjun had actually given the most generous gesture.

Xin Ai should thank him.

However, it would still be somewhat awkward to meet him. After all, calling him dad is not as smooth as calling Mrs. Jian mom.

He is a person, forget it, let's not talk about it, he is going to get divorced anyway...

Mrs. Jian thought for a while and decided not to mention Jian Wanjun. She was in a good mood today and didn't want to mention Jian Wanjun.

The two of them walked around and returned to the living room. The aunt invited by the family had already served tea.

Xin Ai asked Jian Zechuan: It's my eldest brother's birthday tonight, should we prepare food?

After making the call, Jian Zechuan walked over to Xin Ai very naturally, stretched out his hand and put it on her shoulder, as if he was holding her in his arms. He said, No, he just wants to celebrate his birthday. Well, you don’t have to work hard. There is an aunt at home who can cook. Just let the aunt cook. You and your mother don’t have to cook by yourself...

Xin Ai did not refuse Jian Zechuan's actions.

Mrs. Jian was surprised, oh, what happened to the two of them after not seeing each other for a few hours?

Moreover, as soon as her son entered the door, Mrs. Jian actually discovered that this boy was in a good mood today, and the corners of his lips were always raised. Mrs. Jian had really not seen him so happy for a long time.

It's the kind that comes from the heart, with a smile from the corner of the eye to the tip of the eyebrow, without even trying to pretend.

Mrs. Jian knew without thinking that her relationship with Xin Ai must have progressed. No, her claws were not honest and she hooked her shoulders.

This kid...

Mrs. Jian is in a happy mood, and the relationship between her son and daughter-in-law has improved, which means that she will soon have children in the future.

Mrs. Jian originally thought about going abroad, but now she has decided to put this plan on hold and not go abroad. She is already over fifty, almost 60, and it is time for her to live a good life and have grandchildren.

Mrs. Jian's little calculations were ringing in her mind. When her grandchildren were born, she would be busy.

Oops, why don’t we get the baby room out first?

There are also some toys, shouldn’t it be time to prepare them?

Mrs. Jian looked at the two young people in front of her with a smile, and she was thinking about what the future children of these people would be like.

She thought, it must be very beautiful, right?

Her granddaughter and grandson must be super cute!

The servant brought the fruit to the table, and Mrs. Jian quickly asked Xin Ai to eat it: Xiao Ai, eat more fruit, and I'll have someone give you some more watermelon juice...

Okay, thank you, Mom... Xin Ai originally wanted to say that there is no need to go to such trouble.

But... then I thought about it, why are the family being so polite? Being so polite actually made Mrs. Jian feel a little uncomfortable.

Really, how can you say thank you to your mother...

Mrs. Jian happily went to the kitchen and asked someone to make watermelon juice for Xin Ai. At her age, she usually had nothing to do but wanted to do something for the children.

She was very happy to have something to do.

In the living room, Jian Zechuan and Xin Ai played games.

But after playing for a while, Xin Ai felt that it was boring, so she said to Mrs. Jian: Mom, today is my eldest brother's birthday. I'd better cook him a dish. After all, it's my heart, and I haven't even given it to eldest brother today. What gifts are you preparing?

When Jian Zechuan heard this, he wondered how that would work. He was reluctant to let Xin Ai go into the kitchen. How could he let her cook for Jian Mingyuan? No!

What do you want to cook? You don't have to go to the kitchen. I'll do it. I've prepared the gift. You don't have to worry about it. We are both married and we are one husband and wife. You know it? I gave it to you.

Jian Zechuan was reluctant to let Xin Ai cook, so he had no choice but to do it himself.

Because he knew that it would be impossible for Xin Ai not to go.

Xin Ai turned to look at him for a moment, then showed a bright smile: Then...okay!

Jian Zechuan was dazzled by Xin Ai's smile. When he walked into the kitchen, he suddenly woke up and patted his head.

Could it be that he was tricked by Xin Ai...

Outside, Xin Ai and Mrs. Jian were already crowded together, with their heads touching each other, watching a variety show. As they watched, the two of them laughed together.

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