Can You Love Me?

Chapter 48 She Doesn't Like Him At All

Xin Ai didn't expect Jian Si to call at this time, and she doesn't have much thought to play with him now.

Jian Si took a look at Xin Ai, who was very close to them, and naturally saw that although she had a smile on her face, her eyes were cold and impatient.

He glanced at Jian Zechuan quietly, and his hands trembled. What he could see, so could the third master.

He said vaguely: It depends on the progress of the work, and I will go back when it is finished.

Well, if you come back, fourth brother, you must say something nice for me in front of the third master. You must tell her that I think what he thinks these days...

Jian Si felt that the aura on Jian Zechuan's body had turned cold, and quickly interrupted Xin Ai: Okay, I get it, you can't eat well or sleep well...

Fourth brother, you want to tell the third master like this, I think he thinks, the belt is getting wider!

Okay, I see, that's it.

Jian Si felt that if Xin Airuo continued to talk like this, she would definitely cause trouble for the third master. She thought that she only had to say a few nice words on the phone. Did she think the third master couldn't see the impatience on her face?

I am really worried about her tomorrow!

Jian Si hung up the phone, saw Xin Ai kicking the stone under his feet irritably, and said: It's best not to come back this week.

Then turned around and walked away quickly.

Jian Si whispered, Third Master, do you want... I'll help Miss Xin.

Jian Zechuan sneered: I didn't hear that people don't need you to meddle in their own business? Go back.

Jian Si hurriedly drove away without saying a word, he felt that Xin Ai would not stay with the third master this time.

She bitterly said that she could never stop loving the third master, but in fact, it was just the opposite. She didn't like it, not at all!

Judging from her performance just now, she is really disgusting.

If the third master still kept such a woman by his side, Jian Si felt that his head could be taken off!

The old city was being demolished, and taxis didn't like to come here very much. Xin Ai walked two to three hundred meters and didn't see a taxi. She stood under a tree by the side of the road and took out her mobile phone to hail a taxi.

It had just rained two days ago, the road was uneven, and some potholes still had residual rainwater. A black Volkswagen drove past Xin Ai quickly, splashing muddy water on Xin Ai's leg.

Xin Ai was already very depressed. Looking at the muddy water on her legs, she angrily cursed at the Volkswagen, I wish you a smooth journey home and burning paper for your mother.

Seeing Xin Ai's angry look through the rearview mirror, Jian Si shrinks her neck.

Don't blame him, the third master said to go straight.


Finally, a car was called to take Xin Ai back to the community.

Closing the door and slumping on the sofa, Xin Ai was exhausted physically and mentally. This was just the beginning, and there was a messy follow-up...there was still more!

She looked at the lamp above her head and said to herself: I hope Shen Ce will return to Mingdu tomorrow!

But the more he was afraid of something, the more he would come. After staying through the weekend, Xin Ai was angry because he would see Shen Ce tomorrow. Thinking of this, he felt a little comforted, but he called that night.

Miss Xin, I'm sorry. I can't go back on Monday. There are some new things in the case, and other suspects have been involved. It may take a few days before I can go back?

Xin Ai was in a hurry: Then... when will it be? Or... it's the same on the phone.

Another three days have passed, and it will be mid-June soon, and Xin Huan has not received any news, and she has been insomnia all night in a hurry.

Miss Xin, there are some things that can't be said on the phone, so let's go on the weekend. I will definitely go back on the weekend. Do you think it's okay?

Xin Ai was silent for a moment: Captain Shen, you can't do this, you clearly know that I'm really anxious, my sister has been missing for so long, one more day, and her danger will increase...

Shen Ce's side was very noisy, and Xin Ai vaguely heard someone calling for Team Shen.

[Team Shen, do you want to move the body in the car now? 】

[Captain Shen, do you want to call the family members to claim the body? 】

[Shen team, there is an extra hand here, we suspect that there may be a second victim! 】

Hearing those busy voices, Xin Ai's irritability gradually calmed down. In this world, her sister is not the only one who is missing, and no one serves her alone.

I'm sorry, I was too anxious just now, I know you are very busy, it's okay... I can wait!

Shen Ce said a few words to his colleagues in a low voice before saying, You don't need to apologize to me, I can understand your feelings, I broke my promise, this weekend, no matter what this weekend, I will rush there!

Okay...then I'll wait for you!

As soon as the last word was said, there was a crisp pop, and the entrance light turned on.

Xin Ai turned around sharply, and saw a tall figure standing at the door, almost blocking the door.

She trembled, it was... Jian Zechuan...

How long has he been standing there, has he heard what she said, how much has he heard?

Didn't Jian Si say this afternoon that he wasn't sure when he would be back?

Jian Zechuan walked in step by step: Are you talking on the phone?

Xin Ai's heart was beating like thunder, every step he took seemed to be stepping on the tip of her heart, the fear in her heart could not be suppressed, she put down the phone in a panic, hung up the phone tremblingly, hid the phone behind her, trying to show a far-fetched smile.

I...a call from a roommate, third master...why are you here?

Since moving three days ago, until today, Jian Zechuan has never appeared, and there was no phone call in between. In order to show her loyalty and love for him, she specially sent Jian Si a wechat message, asking about his health and caring several times.

No way, no one told her that she still doesn't have Jian Zechuan's phone number.

Jian Si only replied to her once, two words: business trip!

It was already past 10 o'clock in the evening, and Xin Ai thought that it was impossible for Jian Zechuan to come tonight.

But who would have thought...he came so suddenly.

Jian Zechuan is wearing a dark black suit today, with his hair combed back, revealing his full sky, and a pair of eyes with silver metal frames on the bridge of his nose. so pretty.

However, through the glasses, his eyes were so cold that it made people tremble.

He lifted Xin Ai's chin: Can't I come? If I remember correctly, you are still my woman now, or, you don't want to?

Xin Ai pinched her palm with her fingernails, the pain made her calm down a bit, she raised her head and smiled flatteringly, raised her eyebrows at Jian Zechuan, wrapped around him like a beautiful snake, hugged his waist, and acted like a baby: How could he That's what I mean, I mean, why are you here so late, you haven't come these days, I thought you almost forgot about me!

Jian Zechuan lowered her eyebrows. Maybe this woman didn't realize it herself. When she was pretentious and deliberately flirting, she said you in one mouthful, calling out affectionately. When she said you normally, her voice was cold and emotionless.

He thought of the eyes she had tried to deal with Jian Sishi this afternoon, those eyes were so cool!

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