Can You Love Me?

Chapter 465 Please don’t leave me behind, okay?

Jian Zechuan comforted Xin Ai: Don't be afraid, the doctor will be here soon.

Xin Ai took Xin Huan's hand and said in a choked voice: Sister, if you hold on a little longer, you haven't even opened your eyes to look at me. How can you be willing to leave? Can you look at me again...Sister, I know. , you are the best, please don’t leave me alone...

Fang Ziheng rushed over quickly with doctors and nurses. He didn't go home at all. He has been staying in the hospital since Xin Huan was admitted to the hospital.

The reason was that he was afraid that something would happen to Xin Huan at night and he would not be able to make it when he returned home.

Fang Ziheng and the nurse immediately pushed Xin Huan into the emergency room, and then asked someone to bring the two foreign professors over.

The door to the emergency room was closed, and Xin Ai stood outside the door stupidly, with tears hanging on her eyelashes, and her hands were trembling.

Xin Ai knew that Xin Huan might leave her soon, but she was still afraid.

Her hands and feet were now cold, her heart was stuck in her throat, and her feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, unable to move a step.

Jian Zechuan came over and took off his coat and put it on Xin Ai: At this time, I don't know how to comfort you. I refused to bring you here earlier because...because I was afraid that you couldn't bear Xin Huan leaving. I can't tell you anything to tell you to be strong despite the pain. All I can tell you is that I will be by your side, always.

Jian Zechuan's mind didn't know what to say to comfort Xin Ai right now.

In the past, he couldn't understand how important Xin Huan was in Xin Ai's heart.

But now, Jian Zechuan understands.

It is precisely because I know that I can't even say those things. You have to be strong, and you will definitely be able to survive these words!

If Xin Huan really left, Jian Zechuan would rather Xin Ai not be strong, rather she could cry hard, vent hard, and be sad hard. Those are better than keeping them in her heart!

As long as Xin Huan was pushed in for rescue, Jian Zechuan stood outside with Xin Ai in his arms.

The hospital is not very quiet at night.

From time to time there would be sounds, but Xin Ai couldn't hear them at all. Her face was pale, her hands and feet were cold, and her mind was blank.

In fact, Xin Ai had always wanted to talk to Jian Zechuan, but his tongue seemed to have lost control and could not move.

Jian Zechuan's hand on Xin Ai's shoulder was a little strong. She hoped that she could feel his company and feel less lonely.

After waiting for who knows how long, the door of the emergency room was opened, and Fang Ziheng came out with a foreign professor.

Jian Zechuan felt nervous when he saw the two people coming out. There was no nurse behind them. It seemed that Xin Huan's condition was not that good.

Xin Ai's nervous body trembled, her lips trembled, but she couldn't make a sound. Jian Zechuan asked for her: How are you now?

Fang Ziheng took off his mask with a heavy look on his face. He was in pain now and felt very sad. However, he was also a doctor. When the patient's life and death were at stake, he tried hard not to bring in his personal emotions.

Fang Ziheng said: The blood pressure has been decreasing, the heartbeat is irregular, the breathing... the breathing is also very bad now, and the situation continues to worsen... We have used all the methods and means we can use at present, but …”

As Fang Ziheng talked, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and could no longer make a sound.

Lying inside was the person he liked. He wanted to save her, but was unable to do anything. He hated his own incompetence.

But... there is no way, no way at all...

Fang Ziheng seemed to have seen that Xin Huan's life was rapidly counting down.

Maybe, just in the next second...

Is there really... no way out? Even if there is even a slight possibility... Xin Ai finally made a voice. With tearful eyes, she looked at Fang Ziheng and the foreign professor pleadingly.

Fang Ziheng and the professor shook their heads.

The professor told Xin Ai, I understand how you feel, but I'm sorry, we...have nothing to do...

Jian Zechuan remembered something and asked: I heard...Professor Iverson's laboratory recently developed a new drug that can effectively target heart diseases. Now, this drug... Isn’t it useless to the patient inside?”

Upon hearing this, Xin Ai's eyes, originally full of despair, finally revealed a glimmer of light, Professor Iverson, please, if... if that medicine is useful to my sister, can you give it to her?

Professor Iverson shook his head: We have indeed developed a drug. However, this drug is still in the clinical trial stage and is still a semi-finished product. We have never tested it on people, so if it is used on people, We don’t know what kind of effect it will have, and we don’t know how much medicine to use...

Xin Ai's body shook a few times, and Jian Zechuan supported her.

Then, if I use it, is it possible... that it will get better?

Professor Iverson thought for a while, Maybe... with God's blessing, there will be, right?

However, he also meant that if God did not bless him, he might die faster.

There was no blood on Xin Ai's face and she looked very fragile. She asked: Then...if you use it, what will be the best,...and worst results?

Professor Iverson told Xin Ai: The worst...of course is to die. The best is just to extend the time for a few more days, because...your sister's condition your words, there is no cure. But it can be saved. Even with this kind of medicine, I don’t think it can turn the tide.”

Xin Ai covered her mouth, so she said...her sister is destined to leave, and she is destined not to be saved...

What Xin Ai faced was that if he took medicine, he might die, but he might still be able to live for a few days.

If I don't use it... I might not be able to survive tonight.

She didn't have much time to think. Xin Ai raised her head and asked: If... the medicine works, how many days will my sister... have?

Based on Xin Huan's current situation, Professor Iverson told Xin Ai: It won't take more than a week!

As soon as he finished speaking, a nurse from the emergency room ran over: Doctor Fang, the patient's condition is not good again...

Fang Ziheng immediately turned around and ran in. Professor Iverson said to Xin Ai: You have also heard about the patient's condition. The condition has worsened again. It may... really be impossible, so you have to make a decision immediately.

Xin Ai didn't hesitate at all and said: I will accept any result of taking the medicine. Please, please do your best.

Regardless of the outcome, she accepts it.

I just hope that if there really is a God in the sky, can he be kind to her sister again, just once...

She didn't dare to hope that Xin Huan could live longer.

I just hope that Xin Huan can open his eyes again and see her again!

Professor Iverson nodded and turned around quickly. An assistant he brought from abroad quickly ran to where they lived and brought over the refrigerated injections.

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