Can You Love Me?

Chapter 459 Just wait to die

No matter how heated the discussion outside is, no matter how high the public's attention is on this matter, Xu Lanshan no longer cares, everything he wants has been realized.

He didn't let Xu Lanqiao take away his heart, and he successfully avenged his biological sister.

But he didn't regret it at all. On the contrary, he was very relaxed.

It's been a long time since I've been this relaxed.

It's as if all the burdens on my body have been lifted off. I no longer have to hide secrets with fear, no longer have nightmares, no longer have to be afraid...

Xu Lanshan and Xu Lanqiao, who was shot, were sent to the same hospital. During the treatment process, police officers took turns standing guard outside the ward 24 hours a day.

He has never seen Xu Lanqiao again and doesn't care.

Anyway, they will always meet, and the brother and sister will see each other again during the court trial.

At that time, they can listen together to the sound of the judge pronouncing their death sentence. The scene should still be quite beautiful.

After Xu Lanshan recuperated for four or five days, the police, with the doctor's permission, took Xu Lanshan away and formally arrested him.

The police have begun re-investigating all the missing or dead victims of panda blood in the past ten years, tracing back to the first case they committed.

As for Xu Lanqiao, because he was shot twice and his heart problem worsened, he cannot be discharged from the hospital yet.

Xu Lanqiao was in a coma for nearly two days before waking up in the hospital.

Originally, the doctor said that according to her condition, she should be able to wake up earlier, but it may be that she is unwilling to wake up, and the pressure from the outside world is too great, making her resist waking up. She is afraid of what she will have to endure after waking up. everything.

After the police asked the doctor to use some methods to stimulate her to wake up, Xu Lanqiao finally woke up after two days.

After opening his eyes, looking at the snow-white ceiling, Xu Lanqiao seemed to be sluggish, motionless without even turning his eyes.

The nurse saw it and waved his hand in front of her eyes.

Hey, are you awake?

The nurse's tone was not good. Who doesn't know what Xu Lanqiao has done now? Hundreds of thousands of people watched the live broadcast. Later, some people said that the live broadcast was made into a video. Now the Internet is overwhelming, and there is everywhere about Xu Lanqiao. thing.

Who doesn't know what good things Xu Lanqiao has done, knows what she has done, and which nurse treats her as an ordinary patient?

The nurse said contemptuously: Don't pretend to be dead. Just say something when you wake up...

Xu Lanqiao seemed to have heard it this time. She tried to raise her hand to touch her heart, but because of the injury to her shoulder, she could not move her arm at all. She murmured anxiously: I have succeeded in changing my heart, haven't I? I finally It worked, I'm still alive...

Xu Lanqiao's voice was hoarse, and her throat was extremely dry after being in a coma for two days. Due to excessive blood loss, her body was also very weak at the moment.

But at this time, Xu Lanqiao still refused to believe that she had not succeeded in changing her heart.

She still fantasizes that she already has a healthy heart. In the future, she can rely on this healthy heart to achieve success without having to worry about anything happening while filming.

The nurse couldn't help but sarcastically said: Oh, you are still thinking about successful heart transplantation now? I tell you, don't think about it, you will never succeed. A disgusting scum like you doesn't deserve to live at all. …”

Xu Lanqiao said sharply: What did you say?

Another nurse beside her quickly pulled her: Okay, don't stimulate her. Her heart is not good. What if she really stimulates someone to death? The police are waiting outside. Do you want to question her?

Hmph, you really gave her an advantage. Why in the world is there such a thing that is worse than a pig or a dog?

Xu Lanqiao said with a ferocious expression: What did you just say? You said I didn't succeed? Say it again?

The nurse curled her lips disdainfully: You won't succeed, don't have such wishful thinking... Just wait to die.

This nurse had a bad temper. When she saw Xu Lanqiao, she remembered what she had done and couldn't help it.

Another nurse quickly pulled her away: Okay, don't be acquainted with her. Why are you angry with her? Let the doctor come and check her...

Xu Lanqiao was already stimulated at this moment, struggling and shouting: No, no, how could I fail, I will definitely succeed, no one can stop me, no...

When she moved, the wounds on both sides of her shoulders burst open and blood began to flow out.

The two nurses were so frightened that they quickly held her down, and then called for the doctor to come over quickly.

Xu Lanqiao shouted hoarsely: I won't die, I won't die... I haven't turned over yet, how can I die, no, I won't die, you are all lying to me, you are all lying to me... …”

After the doctor came over, he quickly injected Xu Lanqiao with a sedative.

Xu Lanqiao closed her eyes and finally calmed down. The doctor said to Shen Ce who came after hearing the news: She has been greatly stimulated, and her whole body is a little... to put it bluntly, she is just crazy and unwilling to accept the reality... No Willing to accept her failure...

Shen Ce frowned and asked, Then will she go... crazy under such stimulation?

The doctor nodded: This is also possible!

The irritated nurse told Xu Lanqiao and quickly asked: If she is crazy, does that mean her punishment will be reduced?


Shen Ce frowned. If that was the case, it would be too cheap. Xu Lanqiao,

The nurse was worried: How can that be done? For such a heartless and heinous woman, I feel that even dying a hundred times is not enough. How can it be done by mitigating her punishment?

Shen Ce and the few policemen who came in behind were very angry and worried. If Xu Lanqiao really went crazy under this stimulation, the court might not sentence her to death when it pronounces the sentence.

The doctor told Shen Ce: I think the best way now is to find a psychologist to participate in the treatment. We can only treat her physical injuries. If she has a psychological problem, we are a bit If it’s difficult to handle, it would be better for a psychiatrist to come forward.”

Okay, let's go find a psychologist right now...

Shen Ce happened to know an expert in criminal psychology, so he turned around and hurried out to contact him.

Although even after catching Xu Lanqiao, Shen Ce still did not dare to let down his guard. If the court did not pronounce the verdict, and if the Xu Lanshan and Xu Lanqiao brothers and sisters were not sentenced to death, he would feel that the burden on his shoulders was not lightened.

That afternoon, Xu Lanqiao woke up again.

An old aunt with gray hair and a kind face who was over fifty years old sat next to her.

The aunt asked her: Do you want some water?

Xu Lanqiao was just as motionless as she was when she woke up last time. Suddenly she laughed, her mouth was split, her eyes were dull, and she didn't know what she saw, a scene worthy of her happiness.

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