Can You Love Me?

Chapter 456 Leading you to the end

Hearing the police's voice, Xu Lanshan laughed loudly: It's here, did you hear it? It's finally here. Sister, my brother will take you to the end. Neither of us can survive...

Xu Lanshan seems to be looking forward to this moment very much. Before, he was so afraid of being caught by the police, but now, he hopes that the police will come in quickly and take him away. He will not hide anything about what he has done. Everything is explained.

Die, if you want to die, everyone will die together, no one can live alone.

Anyway, he is tired of living, he really doesn’t want to live anymore!

What he was waiting for was the arrival of this moment. For Xu Lanshan, this was not about being caught, it could almost be said to be a redemption for himself!

But for Xu Lanqiao, this was exactly the opposite. Her body was shaky, the facial features on her face were twisted, and every muscle on her face was twitching!

Xu Lanqiao is really unwilling. She has been planning for so long?

She worked hard, lowered her status, even lost her face, lowered her body to please screenwriter K, and finally got the long-lost female lead. This was her chance to make a comeback, this was her only chance!

But her body failed to live up to expectations, and she had to have a heart transplant immediately.

In order to help her, Lu Jincheng caused a car accident and delayed it for a month.

In order to survive, in order to continue filming, in order to win K's heart as the number one drama heroine, in order to stay with Lu Jincheng forever...Xu Lanqiao can do anything!

In order to have a bright future for herself, Xu Lanqiao would do anything. She would dig out her brother's heart. She would commit herself to an old pervert...

She has sacrificed so much, why, why can't she fulfill him?

She is not willing to give in, she is really not willing to give in...

It was just the last step. Xu Lanqiao had been planning for so long, and now it was just the last step.

As long as she can complete the last step, she will succeed.

Yes, the last step.

As long as she has a healthy heart, she will succeed, she will succeed...

The police outside shouted again: People inside, listen, open the door immediately...

The sound of the police banging on the door became louder and louder, and someone vaguely heard someone saying that if they couldn't open it, they would use a chainsaw to cut the door open.

Not long after, the sound of a chainsaw sounded, cutting through the thick iron door. It was like the sound of a hungry ghost asking for his life, which made Xu Lanqiao more and more frightened.

She shook her head vigorously and shouted in confusion: No, don't even think about it. I won't follow you and think about the end. I won't. I will live well. I will live better than anyone else... Xin Ai's kind The bitch didn't die in such a serious car accident, so why can't I live? Why can't I...

Amidst the sound of the police cutting the iron door with an electric saw, Xu Lanqiao suddenly rushed towards the surgical equipment prepared by Dr. Wang and grabbed a scalpel...

Then she ran towards Xu Lanshan, shouting like crazy: Heart, heart... I want a heart...

Dr. Wang was dumbfounded. Did she want to dig out Xu Lanshan's heart herself?

It’s really crazy!

I saw Xu Lanqiao tearing Xu Lanshan's clothes apart, a sharp scalpel aimed at his chest and about to stab him...

Fortunately, Xu Lanshan could only move his legs but could still move his hands. He used his last strength to grab Xu Lanqiao's wrist: This is my heart, not yours. Even if I give it to you, I won't give it to you...

Xu Lanshan now feels that even if he gives his heart to anyone in the world, he will not give it to Xu Lanqiao.

Xu Lanshan gritted his teeth and held on, but he was so weak, how could his strength compare to a woman who was almost crazy?

Xu Lanqiao screamed hoarsely, her eyes were red, and she was already in a crazy state of losing her mind. Her strength was so amazing that Xu Lanshan's resistance was almost useless.

Just when Xu Lanqiao was holding the scalpel to pierce the skin of Xu Lanshan's chest, there was a sudden bang and the door was kicked open from the outside.

The police broke in, rushed in, and raised their guns at Xu Lanqiao.

Xu Lanqiao, stop...

But it's useless. Xu Lanqiao can't hear other voices at this time. She has no reason. There is only one voice in her head, I want a heart, I want a healthy heart. With a healthy heart, I can have it all!

Suddenly, there was only a loud gunshot.

Xu Lanqiao was hit on the right shoulder, and more than half of her strength to hold the scalpel was taken away. Then another gunshot was heard, and Xu Lanqiao was hit on the left shoulder.

This time Xu Lanqiao could no longer hold the scalpel, and the knife fell off her hand.

Subsequently, the police swarmed up and subdued Xu Lanqiao.

But Xu Lanqiao, who was pressed to the ground, was still like crazy, with a ferocious face and shouting loudly: Heart, my heart, that's mine... mine, no one can stop me, no one can cannot……

But, no matter how loud she shouts, what's the use?

The police came, she was caught, and what she did was broadcast live to everyone in the country.

Everyone in front of the mobile phone applauded and cheered when they saw Xu Lanqiao being arrested.

A devil who caused trouble to the world has been caught. If Xu Lanqiao is not caught today, I don't know if there will be other victims in the future.

Xin Ai should be happy, but when she saw Xu Lanqiao being dragged away by the police on the screen, Xin Ai shed tears. Amidst the cheers around her, Xin Ai's tears were particularly sudden.

Mrs. Jian looked at Xin Ai and suddenly felt very sad.

Even this year, how old is Xin Ai? He is only 23 years old.

So young, so young, girls of the same age have just graduated, started working, and are in love, but she... what she suffered is something that others will never encounter in their lifetime.

Mrs. Jian reached out and hugged Xin Ai, My child, you can cry if you want to...

Xin Ai's tears rolled silently from the corners of her eyes. Her sisters, Li Anhe, Li Anran, An Xinya, Zhao Tiande, and the victims she couldn't even name...

Everyone will never come back!

Jian Zechuan looked at Xin Ai. He really wanted to be the one who could hug her at this time, give him a hug and give her comfort.


His chance was taken away by his mother!

Jian Zechuan felt resentful in his heart!

He wanted to ask, Mom, didn’t we agree that you are here to help me chase my wife? Why are you taking my role now?

At this moment, the live broadcast has ended. The police found Xu Lanshan's secretly opened mobile phone and turned it off.

The netizens who were watching all sighed, don't turn it off, let's watch it for a while, such a wonderful live broadcast, thrilling, mind-blowing, and cruel. I can really brag for a long time to those who haven't seen it in the future. It's time.

Shen Ce put the gun in his holster, and he fired the two shots decisively.

He wanted to take these two shots more than two years ago, and now he finally took them.

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