Can You Love Me?

Chapter 453 No one can escape, no one can survive

At this moment, Xu Lanqiao was like a crazy man possessed, roaring hysterically.

This conversation between the two aroused huge indignation from hundreds of thousands of netizens who were watching at this moment.

A shirtless middle-aged man with a tattoo on his back and a fierce-looking man at the barbecue stall yelled angrily: Damn, where is this bitch now? I'm going to chop her down now. I really can't wait to kill her. She was torn into pieces, bitch...who the hell is she? How old is this? She still thinks she is a royal princess in a feudal society?

My outlook on life has been really refreshed today. I never thought that there are people in this world who can be so evil, that they can really take other people's lives seriously and trample on other people's lives with peace of mind...

What on earth do the police do for a living? Why don't they go through and arrest the person? For a bitch like this, one shot is not enough...

Xin Ai nodded silently, yes, for a bitch like this, how can one bullet be enough?

She killed so many lives, and behind those lives were broken families.

Xu Lanqiao has not repented until now. She always believes that even if she cuts out other people's hearts, it is only to give others face, because she is Xu Lanqiao, she is noble!

Xu Lanqiao's development of such a character is inseparable from her family, and it is even more inseparable from Xu Lanshan.

Xu Lanshan must have told her countless times that you are the eldest lady of our Xu family, and we can get you everything you want...

Therefore, Xu Lanshan can now be considered as having done his own thing.

Buddhism talks about the cycle of cause and effect. The cause Xu Lanshan planted back then is the bad result he gets today.

Their family has done many evil things for so many years, and now it's time for retribution.

God's law is clear. If you owe others something, you must pay it back in full...

What Xu Lanshan wanted Xu Lanqiao to say has succeeded, and a ferocious sneer appeared on his face.

I believe that by this time, the police should have been able to determine their location, and they should have come here. Even if the police can't find them, Xu Lanqiao's crime has been known to the whole people. She is now facing a trial by the whole people, and she wants to stand up. Never possible.

From now on, what awaits Xu Lanqiao will only be the death penalty imposed by the law!

Xu Lanshan's smile made Xu Lanqiao feel cold: Why are you laughing? You are about to die? Don't think that you can shake my determination with just a few words. As my brother, I advise you to grow old. Cooperate honestly and let me use your heart to live, and your death will be considered worthwhile.

Xu Lanqiao felt more and more irritable, and there was an unspeakable danger in his heart. He always felt that Xu Lanshan's smile was too scary.

But Xu Lanqiao feels that he has control of the entire situation now. If Xu Lanshan is disabled, what kind of waves can he make?

Maybe, Xu Lanshan just wanted to give her an illusion, make her hesitate, make her fearful, and not dare to attack him.

Yes, that must be the case!

Xu Lanshan looked at Xu Lanqiao with a mixture of madness and pity. He never imagined that he and his biological sister would reach this point.

He said: Do you think you can succeed today? Stop wishful thinking, Xu Lanqiao, it's impossible. Even if you can dig out my heart today, you won't be able to survive. You won't always be so smooth. , not only you, but also me, we have done so many bad things, and when our retribution comes, no one can escape, no one can survive...

Up to this moment, Xu Lanshan actually had no intention of living anymore.

He did this just because he didn't want his life to end in Xu Lanqiao's hands.

I just feel that if he could protect Xu Lanqiao and survive for so many years, today, he can make Xu Lanqiao unable to live anymore.

It's time to end!

Xu Lanshan suddenly believed in a sentence: Good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

The evil they had done has now returned to them.

Xu Lanqiao sneered: Haha, stop scaring me, you will definitely not be able to survive, but I can, and no one can stop me from succeeding. I will survive, and live better than any of you...

You're really crazy.

Now Xu Lanqiao has lost her mind, and she can no longer even be said to be a person.

Yes, I'm crazy because you drove me crazy. Each of you is healthier than me, and everyone has a healthy heart. I have suffered for so many years. I just want to be healthy. Just like an ordinary person, why do you all have to stop me? What's wrong with me?

When Xu Lanqiao finished shouting this sentence, the hundreds of thousands of netizens who were watching all exploded.

How did she develop such a person with such a perverted and twisted mind?

What does the health of others have to do with you? Do others owe you?

It's true that you want to live well. Everyone has the right to survive, but this right does not mean that you step on other people's shoulders and live on other people's lives.

If you want to live, do others have to die?


This logic doesn't make sense anywhere.

At the barbecue stall, a group of people were filled with indignation.

I really can't bear it anymore. This kind of thing, saying she is a human being, is an insult to humanity. She wants to live, haha... Do those people who were killed by her deserve to die?

Why can't the police...I'm waiting to see her sentenced to death...

Compared with the people around them who were gnashing their teeth and wishing to kill Xu Lanqiao right now, Xin Ai and his group were the quietest at this table.

The kebabs they asked for had been finished, and Jian Zechuan asked Xin Ai and Mrs. Jian: Do you still want to eat?

Xin Ai nodded: Yeah... okay.

Mrs. Jian said: I want the grilled chicken wings...I also want another can of beer, is that okay, son?

Jian Zechuan rolled his eyes: Mom, you're old, you just need to try some beer. You really want to get drunk?

Mrs. Jian urged: How is it possible? Beer is not considered alcohol. How could it possibly make me drunk? Okay, okay, go quickly...

Jian Zechuan had no choice but to order some more skewers from the boss, urging the boss to stop looking and make money quickly. Then he went to buy beer and drinks across the street.

Jian Zechuan felt happy and heavy at the same time.

The Xu family's matter will be resolved soon. No, it should be said that it has actually been resolved.

What the Xu brothers and sisters have done is now known to all the people. From now on, there will be no place for them in the country.

It is absolutely impossible to turn over.

The police have probably received countless calls to report the crime, and they will soon locate the Xu Lanqiao brothers and sisters. It will only be a matter of time before they are found.

Next, the police will arrest Xu Lanshan and Xu Lanqiao. They will find out how many people they have harmed and how many bad things they have done in the past.

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