Can You Love Me?

Chapter 430 Call me daddy

The other party was taken aback, probably because he didn't expect Jian Zechuan to be so bold.

You what?

Jian Zechuan hooked his hands and said provocatively: Didn't you say that I can't get out of this barbecue restaurant, come on? Let me see how you can't let me go out. I still look forward to it.

The corner of the man's mouth twitched, Heh, the kid is quite arrogant, if you have the guts, just wait for 10 minutes, don't pretend that your grandson is running away.

After speaking, he quickly took out his mobile phone to make a call and called for someone to come over.

When he was on the phone, someone from the nearby table sneaked over and said to Jian Zechuan, You should leave quickly, that's a gangster in this area, who often makes troubles, don't suffer later.

Jian Zechuan smiled: Thank you, it's okay, my girlfriend hasn't finished eating yet, we'll leave after she finishes eating.

After Jian Zechuan finished speaking, the person who came to ventilate shook his head, as if saying that he was trying to be brave.

After waiting for five minutes, the little girl was still crying and kept talking about how Jian Zechuan touched her, as if what she said was true.

The guests who came to eat at the barbecue stall saw a big battle coming, and the timid ones already ran away.

The bolder ones pulled their desks back one after another, trying to stay as far away from them as possible.

The boss, on the other hand, is very calm, probably because he has been setting up the stall for so many years, there are a lot of people fighting in his stall in the middle of the night!

It has long been familiar to me, and I think this is very normal.

Jian Zechuan waited a little impatiently and asked, Did someone call?

The man's face was a little uneasy, why hasn't his man come yet?

He pointed at Jian Zechuan: I'll let you do it for a while, when I'm all here, let's see how you do it!

Jian Zechuan smiled: When your people arrive, you don't know who went out sideways...

Finally, after waiting for another ten minutes, Xin Ai almost finished eating the skewers that Jian Zechuan ordered.

I saw a van parked on the side of the road, the door opened, and a lot of people got out of the car, there must be ten...

Jian Zechuan nodded, this car is quite capable of holding people, it must be overloaded.

Seeing his own person coming, the man immediately became arrogant: Boy, are you afraid? If you don't want to lose arms and legs today, just admit it honestly, kneel down and apologize and call me daddy, otherwise, I will hit you!

Jian Zechuan was not born to know how to write the word admit counsel, and the only one who would give in to Xin Ai at the right time.

Jian Zechuan raised his hand to look at the time: It's 1:50 in the morning, come on, it's over before 2:00, I hope you can last longer.

After eating just now, Jian Zechuan felt that Xiaoshi is also good.

Since Xin Ai came back, he has been cautious all the time, feeling a little depressed in his heart, and it is right to vent his anger today,

When the man heard this, his nose was almost crooked: Good boy, haha... you want to solve it in ten minutes, you are really big and overconfident, today I will teach you how to behave, come on... give me Beat this kid...kill him...

Those people waved their sticks and rushed towards Jian Zechuan!

Jian Zechuan rolled up his sleeves unhurriedly. Before those people rushed forward, Jian Zechuan kicked the little gangster at the front far away, and fell to the ground with a thud, clutching his stomach. Whoops whoops!

Xin Ai was eating barbecue and watched Jian Zechuan killing all directions among a group of people. He hardly punched, and he almost killed one of the ten people with one kick. Half of them were solved by him. The group of people screamed Again and again, crying father and mother.

Those gangsters were no match for him at all, like a cat catching a mouse, they couldn't get close to him at all, the disparity in strength between the two sides was too great, the gap was clear at a glance.

Jian Zechuan felt like he was strolling in the courtyard, very relaxed, and also...really handsome.

The little girl who had been crying just now and her boyfriend were both dumbfounded.

This... the legendary one against ten! !

When Jian Zechuan solved the last one, the ten people lay down on the ground.

The melon-eating crowd watching this scene just felt that it was the same as that shot in the movie, and clapped their hands and applauded.

At first, everyone thought that Jian Zechuan would definitely suffer this time. Some of them thought that it would be better to call an ambulance or call 110 instead of killing people.

Who would have thought that he is a master, he hides everything deeply, and is a blockbuster!

Jian Zechuan shook his head, these people really couldn't help beating them.

This year's punks are really terrible, compared to when he was in school, they are much weaker.

I thought they could last at least six or seven minutes, but unfortunately... it didn't even last for three minutes.

Xin Ai held a bunch of mutton skewers in his hand, stared blankly at Jian Zechuan, and almost couldn't help but want to applaud him.

It's amazing, it's really amazing. It's not that Xin Ai has never seen Jian Zechuan make a move, but he has never seen such a scene of one against ten.

She was dazzled just now, and felt that they were fast-forwarding, which made people dizzy.

Jian Zechuan raised his head and smiled at Xin Ai, then turned to look at the couple: It's been two minutes, you two... what are you going to do, should you get down by yourself, or wait for me to hit you down?

The couple backed away several times in fright, trembling.

Both of them were beeping dogs in their hearts at the moment, how could this guy be so powerful?

Ten people, all young and middle-aged, didn't even survive 5 minutes in the hands of this man.

Just now Jian Zechuan said that the battle would end before 2 o'clock in the morning. The two of them still thought he was bragging, full of confidence, and waited to see Jian Zechuan kneel down and beg for mercy. ,

In the end... he was lucky, in two minutes, the ten people he called all fell down, and when they touched him, they were all like paper dolls, vulnerable to a single blow.

The little girl regretted it. If she had known this was a hard problem, she would not have provoked it.

The man also regretted it. This guy's skill is very powerful. During the fight just now, he was obviously merciful. He only used 60% or 70% of his strength. If he used 10% of his strength, it is estimated that everyone would have their arms broken. Legs, don't be too cruel.

Jian Zechuan shook his hand: Why, don't you know how to choose? If you don't know, I can help you!

Those two didn't dare to speak, they still backed away!

Jian Zechuan sighed, he could only do it by himself, there was really no other way...

He took a step forward, and suddenly Jian Zechuan heard Xin Ai's shout: Be careful...

Jian Zechuan turned around abruptly, only to see that one of the gangsters who had been beaten to the ground by him got up at some point, and the wooden stick in his hand was raised and was about to fall!

Jian Zechuan couldn't help but raised his foot and wanted to kick, but... that guy suddenly stopped, rolled his eyes, screamed, and fell down by himself.

After he fell, Jian Zechuan saw Xin Ai, panting for breath, the wooden stick in her hand was still in the posture of hitting and did not take it back. ,

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