Can You Love Me?

Chapter 413: That's a Scandal

Even if he really has the ability to catch Xin Ai, what if he takes her heart away?

Who knows if it will be the same as her sister's heart after changing it? It doesn't take long at all.

And her body, how can it bear it, two times of heart rejection...

What's more, it is impossible for her to dig out Xin Ai's heart now!

The Xu family was defeated, let alone Xin Ai's heart, not even the heart of a powerless beggar on the side of the road!

But he is different. He is already disabled. After the police find out, he will definitely go to jail. How can a disabled person live in prison? Not waiting to die...

In this case, of course he has to contribute his final value...

Just like what the heroine said about her sister in the script!

——When you die, your parents won't be too sad, but when I die, your parents will be very sad!

——Take it as the last contribution for the whole family!

The brand new world in Xu Lanqiao's heart was completely opened up. She never thought about it before, and no one reminded her. She didn't know until she saw K's new script, oh... so I wasted so much time , missed such an important... a heart!

Xu Lanqiao didn't reply to K, and she suddenly calmed down.

She was lying on the hospital bed, clutching her heart that was still beating irregularly, looking at the white ceiling, the corners of her lips raised, as if seeing a new life!

The matter that had troubled her for so long was finally resolved. ,

At this moment, Xu Lanqiao was in a very happy mood!

It turns out that many seemingly difficult things are just missing a key that opens another door and looks at it from another angle.

And this time, her key is the new script...

Xu Lanqiao picked up the phone, cleared all the chat records between her and K, and deleted the incomplete new script.

She closed her eyes and finally had a good night's sleep!

In this way, without any hesitation, without any sense of guilt, she decided the fate of each and every one of her closest relatives.


On the other end of the phone, Xin Ai always had a smile on his face.

After Su Xiaoling saw it, she couldn't help asking her: Why are you so happy? Is there anything worthy of your happiness?

Xin Ai shook her head: No, I just read a joke, I's ridiculous, do you want to read it?

Su Xiaoling nodded, Okay, let me see...

Xin Ai handed over the phone.

Su Xiaoling looked at it for a while, then burst out laughing.

The two of them nestled on the sofa in the living room, and the tears almost flowed from the last laugh!

In the evening, Jian Zechuan knocked on the door and asked them to go to the next door to finish their meal.

The two let him go first, they changed their clothes, and passed quickly.

When dressing Xin Ai, Su Xiaoling asked her: You and Jian Zechuan, are you going to continue like this?

Xin Ai was taken aback!

Keep going on like this, just like this stalemate, one chasing, one rejecting?

Of course, no!

When it's all over, it's time for her to leave.

Mingdu is no longer her home, and it doesn't make sense for her to stay here!

But before leaving Bubu, enjoying Jian Zechuan's care all the time, it was indeed... quite selfish!

Xin Ai didn't answer, but said perfunctorily: Don't talk about me, what about you and Chu Jingzhi?

Su Xiaoling smiled wryly: Me? Between us, it's different from you. If the matter between the two of us is revealed, it will be a scandal to the Chu family!

She said it as a joke, but in fact, the smile on her face was extremely bitter!

Su Xiaoling sighed: Hey, let's go, don't talk about anyone, I really... I don't like myself when I grow up, why do you think that many things will become complicated when I get involved in love? How about getting up?

Xin Ai shook her head: It's not love that makes things complicated, but the people involved with us, it's too complicated!

Whether it's her and Jian Zechuan, or Su Xiaoling and Chu Jingzhi, it's like a math problem with no solution. No matter how you calculate it step by step, you will get an answer in the end!

Xin Ai asked herself if she still likes Jian Zechuan.

The answer is that she doesn't know either.

When I came back this time and saw Jian Zechuan again, Xin Ai no longer had that heart-beating feeling.

It is about that after a person has gone through vicissitudes, he is covered with wind and rain, physically and mentally exhausted, and he no longer has the strength to love someone.

Maybe, it's not that I don't love, it's just that I don't have the strength!

The two came to the next door, and the dishes on the dinner table were very rich. Xin Ai knew at a glance that the dishes on the table were divided into two camps, what she liked to eat, and what Su Xiaoling liked to eat.

What she likes must be made by Jian Zechuan, and what Su Xiaoling likes is probably made by Chu Jingzhi!

This meal was very quiet, less embarrassing than before, but it was too quiet.

From beginning to end, only the sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding and chewing can be heard.

Nobody has anything to say!

After dinner, Jian Zechuan said that he would take Xin Ai downstairs for a walk, hoping that Su Xiaoling would help Chu Jingzhi clean up the dishes!

Su Xiaoling couldn't refuse, so she agreed.

Jian Zechuan said to Xin Ai: Let's go...

Xin Ai glanced at Chu Jingzhi and Su Xiaoling, who also understood in her heart that Jian Zechuan probably wanted to create a space for the two of them to get along alone, so she nodded and went out with him.

But downstairs, Jian Zechuan told Xin Ai: I bought two movie tickets, go and see it? Don't refuse it, it's still early, it's only after 7 o'clock, and the movie theater is very close, just treat it as a meal Shall we take a walk later?

Xin Ai hesitated for a while, then nodded: Okay...

The two walked to the cinema in one step, exchanged the movie tickets and entered.

After the movie started, to Xin Ai's surprise, what Jian Zechuan bought was cartoons.

There are a lot of people watching movies at this point, and many of them are parents who bring their children.

The movie has a funny and heart-warming tone. Xin Ai has not watched cartoons for many years. When I first watched it, it was a bit awkward, but after watching it, I was taken away by the plot. The plot is very funny. The audience burst into laughter from time to time, Xin Ai held back at first, but then slowly and unknowingly, he also laughed.

It wasn't until the film was cut off that Xin Ai felt that she had laughed the entire scene like a child.

Moreover, the more than one hour movie, she actually felt as if it passed quickly, and it passed in a blink of an eye.

Walking out of the movie theater, Jian Zechuan bought Xin Ai a strawberry-flavored ice cream.

Just like many parents reward their children.

He asked Xin Ai: Do you like today's movie?

Xin Ai nodded: It's pretty good, thank you for bringing me here, I'm very happy today, I haven't watched cartoons for many years.

Then I will bring you here often in the future, okay?

Xin Ai smiled, didn't speak, bowed his head and took a bite of ice cream, it was very sweet and icy, it melted slowly in his mouth, and the coolness and sweetness slowly penetrated into his heart.

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