Can You Love Me?

Chapter 411 She Bewitched

The hostess wants to live, so she has been enduring and fighting the disease hard, waiting for good news to come.

Until one day, she heard two nurses discussing her condition in low voices.

This little girl is so pitiful. She has never had a suitable heart. It seems that she won't last long.

Look at what you said, why don't you have a suitable heart? What is more suitable than a sister's heart? They come from the same mother, and the DNA is the closest. Especially if they are twins, they will be rejected if someone else's heart is replaced, but Sisters and brothers will not even be rejected...

That's the way it is said, but isn't it impossible? However, there are two sisters, one is healthy and the other suffers from heart disease. It is embarrassing. Only one is destined to survive.

These words, like a curse, penetrated into the heroine's heart, and quickly took root.

The conversation between the two nurses kept repeating in her mind.

——My sister's heart is the most suitable!

When my sister came to the hospital to see the hostess, she looked at her in good health, and the hostess said enviously: Sister, it's really good to have a healthy heart, if... your heart can be given to me... ...

Xu Lanqiao's fingers turned the pages quickly, and she couldn't wait to look at the back. Thoughts were flying in her mind, as if something was slowly opening.

However, there is no more after that, and I can't see it anymore.

The script K sent her was only part of the beginning, not the whole.

Xu Lanqiao was restless, his fingers almost pierced the phone, and he muttered frantically: Why is it gone, why is it gone...

What is behind, what is written behind, she is eager to know...

At this moment, Xu Lanqiao felt that the heroine was her, and the fate of the heroine was her destiny, as if the unknown script behind her was her unknown destiny.

Xu Lanqiao immediately Xin Ai sent a WeChat message: Sister K, I'm sorry I couldn't hold back, I read the script of the new drama you sent me by mistake last time, I couldn't stop reading it, it's's so fascinating, I think it is It's like magic, I can't stop watching it, it's so beautiful...

Xu Lanqiao: Sister K, I... I have an unfeeling request, can you tell me what happened to the heroine, did she survive?

However, no one called her back.

Xin Ai saw the WeChat message sent by Xu Lanqiao, and from her eager tone, Xin Ai knew that it worked.

She is not in a hurry, she just wants to make Xu Lanqiao anxious, uneasy, and crazy...

Just wait, just wait...

The psychological torment was like Ling Chi's, cutting off Xu Lanqiao's sanity with a knife.

The more she wants to live, the more crazy she will be!

After so many days of high-intensity shooting, Xu Lanqiao's heart couldn't hold it anymore. I believe that the doctors at the hospital have already told her.

Xu Lanqiao didn't get a response all the time, his whole person was wrong, like a demon, he kept talking to himself, Why didn't you answer me, why didn't you answer me... What is the ending, what is it?

During the time when Xin Ai didn't reply to her, Xu Lanqiao looked at the incomplete script repeatedly, her eyes focused on the last sentence!

——Sister, it’s really good to have a healthy heart. If only... your heart could be given to me?

Xu Lanqiao couldn't wait for a reply, so he sent Xin Ai WeChat messages again and again.

Xu Lanqiao: Sister K, please, please tell me, how is the outcome of the following story, I know this request is too much, but... this is too important to me, please, Sister K, please tell me Me, I really want to know... Your words are really magical.

Xin Ai sneered, it wasn't that her writing was magical.

Instead, the evil thoughts in Xu Lanqiao's heart were opened, and she became possessed.

She didn't dare to open it herself, so she needed a key, a key to completely open her evil door!

After opening it, she will find a suitable excuse for what she is about to do.

Xu Lanqiao has always been a person who will do whatever it takes to survive.

Xin Ai knew exactly this, so she came up with such a solution.

She wants Xu Lanqiao to walk slowly into her dead end step by step.

As time passed by, Xu Lanqiao felt as if he had been put in a frying pan, tossed and tossed and tormented, which was very uncomfortable.

She felt very uncomfortable, especially today. I don't know if it was a psychological effect or it really hurt.

Xu Lanqiao asked the nurse to give her painkillers. One shot was not enough, but two shots were needed. The nurse refused, saying that the painkillers should not be overdose.

But Xu Lanqiao said that she really couldn't stand the pain, she must take painkillers...

The nurse was in a stalemate with her like this, and finally, it got dark.

It was not too late for the nurse to bring dinner to Xu Lanqiao. She kept holding her mobile phone, as if she had a mental illness, and kept talking about it.

The nurse told her to eat: Bed 59, eat.

Xu Lanqiao didn't move, and the nurse called again.

Suddenly, Xu Lanqiao raised his head and looked straight at the other party: Nurse, is the DNA of biological brothers and sisters the most similar?

The nurse was stunned for a moment, then nodded: Of course, how about kissing? This is common sense, everyone should know it?

Xu Lanqiao naturally knew that all she needed now was a solid fact from someone else's mouth.

She asked again: Is it more appropriate...

The nurse nodded: Of course, this is the first choice, but...if it's a kidney problem, basically they will find their relatives first, take out a kidney, and both of them can live...Why do you ask these things, You are not the one in Shenzhen, you have a heart problem, everyone has a heart, who would donate their heart...

Xu Lanqiao didn't speak any more. He lowered his head and looked straight at the densely packed words on the phone.

Xu Lanqiao didn't eat at night, and kept holding his mobile phone waiting for news.

Finally, in the early hours of the morning, Xu Lanqiao was almost unable to hold the exam, and her mobile phone vibrated.

This shock shook all of Xu Lanqiao's drowsiness away. He picked up his phone and looked eagerly at the display that said, You have an unread wechat message.

Xu Lanqiao was excited, thinking that it was K (Xin Ai) who answered her.

K (Xin Ai): That is my new drama, because I accidentally sent you the unfinished part, you can’t do anything after watching it, you asked me for the latter part, it’s too much !

Xu Lanqiao: No, no, Miss K, I swear, I will never tell anyone, I really want to know the fate of the heroine, please, please reveal a part to me, please, When I saw the heroine, it was like seeing myself... I felt the same way...

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