Can You Love Me?

Chapter 408 Can't stop him

Su Xiaoling smiled wryly: So... why waste time and emotions? Instead of waiting until the end, it's better to find a way to stop it now... don't let the situation develop to the point of being uncontrollable.

In Xin Ai's impression, Su Xiaoling is a positive, optimistic and cheerful girl at all times. In her character, there is an innocence that many people can't envy, like an eternal girl!

Xin Ai never thought that such sensible, mature and heavy words could come out of her mouth.

But, do you think you can stop Chu Jingzhi?

Su Xiaoling bit her lip and said nothing.

Can someone like Chu Jingzhi stop it?

Obviously relying on her is simply impossible.

The light in her eyes dimmed: But, you can't just do nothing?

Xin Ai whispered: How go home, you live at home, with your parents around, he doesn't dare to go too far, right?

Su Xiaoling shook her head: It's useless, that's even more dangerous...

She tried it, but Chu Jingzhi was very unscrupulous and didn't care at all.

Xin Ai frowned: If that's the case... then, it's better for you to be honest with him and tell him not to pester you all the time. If he can solve his family members, if he can get all the family members to agree to be with you, Then you won't resist any more.

Su Xiaoling looked at her: Do you know what I'm afraid of?


My grandma is in poor health. He doesn't care about anything. He can talk about it, but I'm afraid. If something bad happens to my grandma, how can I forgive myself in this life?

Xin Ai sighed, it is really difficult for every family to recite.

If her Su Xiaoling is indeed in a dilemma!

Su Xiaoling took Xin Ai's hand and shook it: So, Xin Ai, I beg you, please think of a way, I really can't let Chu Jingzhi live with me, I'm afraid... yes, it will cause death...

Su Xiaoling was very afraid that if Chu Jingzhi came again, she would get pregnant.

If you are pregnant, it is really worse.

Xin Ai patted the back of her hand: Don't worry too much, then... I have a solution.

you say……


Xin Ai and Su Xiaoling sat down in front of the two big men again.

Su Xiaoling Qingqing Sangzi: After the discussion between the two of us just now, the current situation is indeed a bit embarrassing, but...Jian Zechuan, you have to think about Xin Ai...She is a wounded person, and she can't do without someone to take care of her. Of course, You can say that you can take care of her, but you have to ask Xin Ai if she is willing to let you help her sometimes, such as... going to the toilet, such as taking a bath, can you help her? No!

Just as Jian Zechuan was about to speak, Su Xiaoling immediately raised her hand: I know, you want to chase after Xin Ai, but if you like someone, shouldn't you be thinking about her? Think about it for yourself, under the current situation, can you Do you help Xin Ai more than I do? Besides, don’t you want to respect Xin Ai’s choice?”

Jian Zechuan looked at Xin Ai, and she nodded: I also think that it would be better for Xiaoling to take care of me. It is really inconvenient for a man and a woman to live together. We... are not a couple after all.

Jian Zechuan hated Su Xiaoling a little.

Okay, I respect you, I won't force you to do anything you don't like, so what are you going to ask me to do?

Xin Ai could hear a lot of resentment in Jian Zechuan's words, and she said: Since you think that this room does not want other men to live in, then... Xiaoling and I live here, and you and Mr. Chu go to the next door Xiaoling's family, is this okay?

Jian Zechuan...

This, let him still say how to refuse, he can't think of other reasons at all.

I... okay, I have no problem with you saying that, but does Chu Jingzhi disagree?

Jian Zechuan hoped that Chu Jingzhi could think of a better reason.

But in the next second, Su Xiaoling said very contemptuously: He? He is a homeless person. It would be nice to have a place to live. What can he be picky about!

Chu Jingzhi sighed and shrugged: She's right, I really have nothing to criticize.

Thus, the issue of accommodation was settled in this way.

Xin Ai and Su Xiaoling lived in Jian Zechuan's house next door, and Jian Zechuan and Chu Jingzhi lived in hers.

They quickly moved all the things they needed. As for the things they usually need, they are next door anyway, so just knock on the door and get them.

In the evening, Xin Ai and Su Xiaoling had dinner next door and went back to sleep.

Chu Jingzhi and Jian Zechuan cleaned up the table full of leftovers.

Chu Jingzhi sighed with emotion: It's good now, the two elders live together.

Jian Zechuan glanced at her, Wash the dishes.

He was in a troubled mood, who would have thought that it would end up like this, the original plan was good.

Taking this opportunity to have a good communication with Xin Ai, he believes that water drips through stone, and slowly let her get used to his existence, so that she will be smooth and silent.

Such a good plan was ruined like this.

Chu Jingzhi said: You said you should quickly get rid of Xin Ai and take her home. What's the matter with you staying here all the time?

Jian Zechuan sneered: About me? Why don't you take your niece home quickly? If you have the ability, go and tell your father that you've taken a fancy to his wife's granddaughter. Do you dare?

Chu Jingzhi smiled: I really dare, but she won't let me...

Chu Jingzhi really dared, he never cared so much.

But... Su Xiaoling thinks about many people.

The characters of the two of them were originally one stable and the other jumpy.

But in this matter, it is completely opposite to their character performance.

Su Xiaoling considered too many people, but she didn't consider Chu Jingzhi.

Chu Jingzhi only considered Su Xiaoling, and he did not consider anyone else.

Therefore, the most difficult thing for Chu Jingzhi now is to be able to understand Su Xiaoling. If she can agree to be with him, other people will not be a problem in Chu Jingzhi's view.

The two big men were in a helpless mood, but next door, Su Xiaoling and Xin Ai were in a good mood.

Xin Ai was flipping through the WeChat message that Xu Lanqiao sent her today.

The filming has finally started. The new plot after the change is very helpful to Xu Lanqiao. It makes her character and image fuller, richer and more challenging. If she can perform well, it will definitely be her acting career. A milestone in the journey, so Xu Lanqiao worked very hard.

She has a lot of lines. In the past two days, even when eating and going to the toilet, she has been reading the script.

On the set, you don't see her having any free time.

In her spare time, even if it wasn't her play, she didn't run around and memorize her lines seriously.

Xu Lanqiao really wished to turn a day into 48 hours, but it was because of her hard work that she still remembered the lines very well and did not delay anyone. Even the director who had a big opinion on her couldn't help it. praise her.

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