Can You Love Me?

Chapter 397 Mental affection

Before the police came, Xu Lanqiao had already thought about what to say.

So, she is quite calm,

Plus she has acting skills, so she seems to be very innocent.

The policeman showed no expression, and just said: Miss Xu, please don't think too much, this is what we need to handle the case, I hope you can cooperate.

Xu Lanqiao said in an unfriendly way: I have already cooperated very well. The doctor said that I need to rest, but in order to cooperate with you, I even gave up the rest time. What do you want me to do?

Then, Miss Xu's last question...

Okay, please!

Suddenly, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a person came in, asking: I heard that Ms. Xu had heart transplant surgery back then?

His eyes were sharp and cold, without any emotion, as if he was a full-time case-handling machine.

Xu Lanqiao didn't know why, the policeman who just came in made her feel very scared all of a sudden.

The two policemen who were questioning just now quickly stood up and shouted, Captain Shen!

Xu Lanqiao's heart beat faster, the blood on his face faded, and he asked, Does this have anything to do with this case?

Shen Ce said firmly: Of course it has something to do with it.

What's the matter? Xu Lanqiao always felt that it was wrong for the policeman who appeared out of nowhere to ask this question.

Shen Ce replied to her: This is within the scope of our confidentiality. The case is still under investigation. Miss Xu... As one of the suspects, please cooperate.

Xu Lanqiao clenched his hands: Heh, what is the need for handling the case? Does it have anything to do with Song Yingge's case? Don't think that our family is in trouble now, so we can...

Shen Ce interrupted her: Miss Xu, please don't change the subject, as I said just now, you are one of the suspects, so you must cooperate with us in handling the case!


Shen Ce: Miss Xu, please answer my question just now!

Xu Lanqiao was angry and frightened. This question was obviously not related to Song Yingge's case, but to...and...Xin Huan's case.

What? Miss Xu, you don't want to answer?

Xu Lanqiao gritted his teeth and said, It's true that I don't want to answer. It's about my privacy. I naturally have my concerns. Besides, I'm a public figure. I don't want to let others know about many things...

Then, now, Miss Xu, please answer, have you had a heart transplant operation...

After hesitating, Xu Lanqiao said, ... I did...

Shen Ce continued to ask, What time?

Two years ago...

The specific time, which hospital...

Shen Ce asked more and more carefully, while Xu Lanqiao became more and more afraid. The other party definitely did not ask suddenly, he must have grasped something.

In the……

Xu Lanqiao didn't want to answer, but the police were right in front of her. She wanted to hide, but she didn't know how to hide...

Suddenly, she had an idea, her face turned pale, she rolled her eyes, and passed out.

The policeman in the ward who had just questioned was startled: Captain Shen...

Shen Ce sneered, Call the doctor.

He turned and went out, and the doctor came in quickly!

But when the doctor came in, he found that Xu Lanqiao was pretending to be dizzy.

Shen Ce left two policemen on guard, and they waited for Xu Lanqiao to wake up before continuing to ask questions.

Xu Lanqiao was very scared, what should I do now?

She said at the beginning that she had undergone a heart transplant operation abroad, but that was just an excuse to the outside world.

Now the police asked her the exact time and place, how should she answer?

She made up an address casually, and the police would know that she was cheating as long as they went to check it. At that time, they would be more suspicious of her...

If she pretends to be unconscious, she can't delay for long, unless she can kill her and never answer!

However, this is actually unlikely.

After being comatose for several hours, Xu Lanqiao had no choice but to wake up, and then the policeman guarding the door came in and asked Shen Ce the questions he hadn't finished.

But Xu Lanqiao only mentioned the time, not the location anyway.

She claimed that it had nothing to do with the case and that it was her private secret, and she had the right not to answer.

After persisting for a few days, it was finally the day to join the crew. Xu Lanqiao only felt that he was finally relieved, so he quickly packed his luggage and went to the crew without stopping for a moment.

After joining the crew, Xu Lanqiao has also kept in touch with Xin Ai. Every night after filming, he would tell Xin Ai about today's experience, and would tell her about today's understanding of the script.

Xu Lanqiao worked very hard to get the approval of the perverted old woman K in her heart.

She looked forward to the day when K would treat her as a confidant.

Xin Ai's replies to her gradually began to increase from few to many. She established an illusion for Xu Lanqiao that she was slowly accepting her.

Xu Lanqiao mistakenly thought that she and screenwriter K had gradually become friends.

This gave Xu Lanqiao great confidence.

She was convinced that if all went well, K would soon consider her one of his own.

However, Xu Lanqiao was quite strange. On the set, she had only met K twice, and he was still dressed in the same clothes as in that audition. He was wrapped tightly from head to toe, and his face could not be seen at all.

What's more, he just quietly watched their acting, and left without leaving any words after watching.

When Xu Lanqiao saw her, he was very excited. When performing, he was very serious and tried his best to show his best acting skills.

Xu Lanqiao hoped that after her performance, K would stay and talk to her, but unexpectedly, she did not.

In a blink of an eye, Xu Lanqiao has been in the team for a week, and everything seems to be going well, the police haven't been found again, and there is no update on Song Yingge's case, and all kinds of rumors on the Internet have slowly died down...

Xin Ai counted the time, not in a hurry, she was not in a hurry, she believed that she would drive Xu Lanqiao crazy in the end.

What Xu Lanqiao has suffered now is too light...


Su Xiaoling's grandma had a big birthday, she went back early in the morning, and told Xin Ai before leaving that she would only be back at night.

At noon, Xin Ai ordered takeaway. After eating, she went downstairs to throw out the trash, and went to a supermarket near the community to buy some Su Xiaoling's favorite snacks and came back.

As soon as the checkout came out, a Samoyed suddenly rushed towards her. Xin Ai screamed in shock, and dropped the things in her hand to the ground.

The owner of the dog ran over and apologized again and again: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't hold the crayfish properly just now, and it scared you, I apologize to you...

After finishing speaking, he bent down to pick up something for Xin Ai: Look at these things, how about I buy you another one?

The owner of the Samoyed is a young handsome guy, thin, handsome and fair. He is the type who looks comfortable, clean and refreshing, and it is easy to make people feel good.

His apology is very sincere, and Xin Ai is not easy to pursue!

Shaking his head: It's okay, no need.

The owner of the Samoyed picked up all the snacks and asked Xin Ai: Well, may I ask... you live on the 7th floor, right?

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