Can You Love Me?

Chapter 39 Third Master, I Miss You

Jian Si's heart trembled, but at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, finally being able to throw the hot bomb.

Okay, you... you wait a moment, I... go and send it to the third master.

He immediately bent down and offered the phone with both hands, Xin Ai's voice floated: Thank you fourth brother, I knew it, you are the best!

Jiao Didi's voice made Jian Si's hands tremble in fright, and when the phone fell, he was so frightened that his heart thumped, and he hurried to fish for it, only to see the phone was firmly caught by Jian Zechuan's good-looking hand.

Jian Si didn't let go of his breath, and Jian Zechuan gave him a look, which made his body go limp, and he managed not to fall down.

Jane swallowed her saliva, and after doing this a few times, he really considered whether to retire early, and this job is getting more and more difficult now.

It was obviously the matter of the third master and that little fairy Xin Ai, but he was caught in the middle, and his life would be in danger at any time.

Jian Zechuan turned off the hands-free and put the phone to his ear: You look for me!

Her cold face still had that ascetic look, noble and elegant.

As soon as she heard Jian Zechuan's cool voice, Xin Ai's eyes lit up. She was just trying, but she didn't expect to be able to talk to him.

But when I got to talk to Jian Zechuan, Xin Ai suddenly didn't know what to say!

Scratching her head, she asked, Third Master, have you... Have you had lunch yet?

Yeah. Jian Zechuan was not happy. He said this to Jian Si and told him again, obviously without any sincerity.

Xin Ai stared at the phone and frowned, um, um, say one more word and you will die?

She took a breath and said obediently, Then...will you...come back at night?

There are arrangements for the evening.

Jian Zechuan's voice was still clear and cold, with no temperature and no emotion. Xin Ai pinched her leg. She did not hesitate to strike, and the pain made her voice tremble a little: Then you... can't take time to come back Just a trip, I don’t need a long time, just a short while... I miss you very much!

Miss me? Jian Zechuan sneered.

Xin Ai hurriedly said: Yeah? I can't even eat lunch at noon today, and I don't have an appetite for anything.

Then Xin Ai heard a low laugh, and she heard the sarcasm in the laugh.

Xin Ai pointed her fingers and said: I think you may have misunderstood me to some extent. We can get to know you better in the future, and you will find that I am actually a very good girl. Maybe one day, you will still be reluctant to let me go. Let me go?

Jian Zechuan flipped through a page of the document, picked up a pen and circled the place that he thought was inappropriate, you have a relationship?

Xin Ai was taken aback for a moment, and then her face turned red.

This word... this word... sounded wrong, she thought of another interpretation of this word that Su Xiaoling had told her before.

Xin Ai didn't know whether Jian Zechuan's words were pure or not, but she felt that was what he meant.

In particular, he deliberately paused in the middle.

Xin Ai was furious, he... could say such dirty words, and he said it so calmly and seriously.

The so-called advanced level of hooligans, probably, is like this, right?

Rao Xin Ai, a female hooligan who always opened her mouth and raced against Jian Zechuan, couldn't hold back at this moment.

Jian Zechuan raised his eyebrows: Don't want to?

Uncle, you are too bad, I...will be embarrassed too! Xin Ai pretended to be shy, but she scolded Jian Zechuan in her heart.

Excuse me? It's rare for you to say that.

The masseter muscles on Xin Ai's face bulged, really wanting to bite this man to death.

She closed her eyes and told herself, I'm not angry, I'm not angry, he's right, I'm just a brazen, kitsch and gold-worshiping woman.

After self-hypnosis, she opened her eyes and Xin Ai's mood had stabilized, Third Master, you will find out in the future that I am actually a very shy little girl, very good, very good, even if I am not good at other things, but Anyway, my face is okay, so I won't stain your eyes, what's more, I still have a heart to love you, can come back tonight.

The corner of Jian Zechuan's lips twitched in disdain, Fist loves you? The woman lied, even to herself.

How can it be so easy to say that you love someone.

He said lightly: Let's talk!

Then... I'll wait for you, I'll wait for you any night! Goodbye, third master.

Xin Ai didn't dare to delay Jian Zechuan for too long, if he got impatient, it would be even more unlucky for her.

After hanging up the phone, Xin Ai bit her lips tightly, the shy look on her face slowly faded, and a layer of frost slowly covered her clear eyes.

Even if she can't gain Jian Zechuan's trust, she still has to be his favorite woman during this period of time. Only in this way can she get closer to him.

She wanted to know everything that happened in Yunding on the night his sister disappeared on April 30th.

Also, has Jian Zechuan ever met Xin Huan?


Jian Si caught the cell phone thrown over, and Xiao Song let out a sigh of relief.

What's going on with Lu Jincheng and her?

Jian Si immediately replied: Miss Xin is not sure, but...Lu Jincheng must be interested in Miss Xin. I checked him. How many female celebrities tried to touch him to stir up scandals before, but none of them succeeded. If he didn't want to, this scandal would have been dropped by public relations long ago, so...

So Jian Si felt that that boy Lu Jincheng had such thoughts, and it was not shallow.

Before Xin Ai called, he was preparing to report the matter.

He checked the surveillance video at the gate of Yunding, Xin Ai got out of a Cayenne last night, and that car belonged to Lu Jincheng.

Jian Si also felt miraculous in his heart, that such a great movie king would give it away in person, is he too free? Yunding's membership card can be borrowed as soon as it is said, doesn't he know how difficult it is to get that card?

Therefore, this also directly shows that Xin Ai and Lu Jincheng have a very close relationship.

Jian Zechuan's indifferent face was expressionless, as if he was not interested in this matter at all.

But Jian Si feels that the third master is just pretending to be good.

If you're not interested, ask him to investigate such details?

Jian Zechuan picked up the cap of the pen and closed it with a snap, and Jian Si's huge body shook accordingly.

He heard the third master chuckle: Substitution?

Jian Si shut his mouth tightly and didn't speak. He remembered that Xin Ai said last night that the third master is hard to hook up with. She wants to change someone. It seems that the third master is not happy. I still remember what I said last night. This kind of heart It's not that big!

Jian Zechuan casually threw away the pen, and it seemed that the spare tire Xin Ai was looking for was Lu Jincheng.

Anyway, she was the woman who had been with him for three days, how could he let her get her wish and put on a spare tire? For the time being, it was difficult to accept her for a few days.

Lu Jincheng and... who are deadly enemies?

He Zheng, I was a little unhappy because of some resources in the early years. Later, the resentment became deeper and deeper. Everyone in the entertainment industry knows that these two people are kings but not kings. Generally, if you invite one, you dare not invite the other, because you are afraid Both are guilty.

As soon as Jian Si finished speaking, Jian Zechuan said, This time, we will add another spokesperson for the new mobile phone.


Jian Zechuan: He Zheng.

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