Can You Love Me?

Chapter 373 Xu Lanqiao beat someone

Doctor, can I be discharged from the hospital? Xu Lanqiao asked after a while.

Try your best... I don't think you should try your best. If your physical condition is outside, maybe... something will happen at any time. It's safer to stay in the hospital...

Xu Lanqiao bit her lip, that screenwriter K had already approved her friend application.

She still needs to have a relationship with her, and she can't always live in the hospital.

In the end, Xu Lanqiao was observed in the hospital for two days, and there were no more accidents, so he decided to leave the hospital.

Only the assistant came to pick her up, not the agent.

Xu Lanqiao wore a mask, sunglasses and peaked cap, and came out of the inpatient building in full armor, but she didn't meet anyone who recognized her until the parking lot. If it was before, her fans would have been waiting outside.

But now there is no one, no applause, no flowers, no pedestrians passing by, no one even looks at her more, Xu Lanqiao can imagine the gap in her heart.

Just as he was about to get in the car, a person suddenly walked towards him and hit Xu Lanqiao hard on the shoulder.

The opponent was very strong, and Xu Lanqiao hit him squatting on the ground with his hat and glasses off.

Xu Lanqiao's buttocks were almost broken into four petals, and she said kindly at the time: Don't you have eyes when you walk?

The other party immediately apologized: I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Didn't fall somewhere?

Xu Lanqiao was stunned by the other party's voice, and he raised his head suddenly, meeting Xin Ai's beautiful face as it was two years ago.

Seeing that face, Xu Lanqiao's heart roared with hatred.

Xin Ai raised the corners of her lips: You are...Miss Xu, right? What a coincidence, I met you here. Are you... not feeling well?

Xu Lanqiao lowered his head: You've got the wrong person.

Xin Ai suddenly stretched out her hand and tore off the mask on Xu Lanqiao's face: If you still say no, I'll say, how could I admit my mistake? Even if I mistake myself, I won't admit Miss Xu. It seems that Miss Xu is secretly I came to the hospital, I don’t want to be recognized.”

No, I'm in good health... I just came to visit a friend. Seeing Xin Ai, Xu Lanqiao's heartbeat started to speed up, his chest was heavy, and he felt a little difficult to breathe.

Xu Lanqiao remembered what the doctor said, not to fluctuate too much, so he quickly adjusted his breathing and tried to calm down.

But Xin Ai came today just to stimulate Xu Lanqiao, how could she get what she wanted.

Xin Ai tilted her head to look at Xu Lanqiao, and smiled: No way, your complexion is so bad, I heard...Miss Xu is born with a bad heart, maybe there is something wrong with her heart?

I'm not. I'm fine. Ms. Zhen better not make wild guesses.

Xin Ai looked at Xu Lanqiao from head to toe: Really? But Fang Ziheng said that his grandfather treated you for medical treatment. Could it be that he lied to me? Miss Xu's illness is not something to be ashamed of, maybe can I help?

Xu Lanqiao gritted his teeth, yes, you can indeed help, as long as you can dig out your heart and give it to me, I will be fine.

Don't bother Miss Zhen, I...will get better soon.

Xu Lanqiao looked at Xin Ai, wishing he could immediately take out her heart and put it on himself.

Xin Ai smiled and said: Really? Then I really want to congratulate Ms. Xu. Fang Ziheng said that with a serious congenital heart disease like yours, you will not survive unless your heart is changed. It seems... Ms. Xu is lucky Ah, found a matching heart, congratulations!

Xu Lanqiao gritted her teeth, she was sure that the woman in front of her was Xin Ai, and she also knew the meaning behind Xin Ai's words.

Xu Lanqiao smiled and said, Yes, I found it.

I also heard that even if the heart is replaced, it may not be suitable. If the rejection is serious, it may be better not to change it.

what do you want to say in the end?

Xin Ai shook her head: It's nothing, I just want to comfort Ms. Xu that life and death are life-or-death, don't worry too much about it, if you really die at that time, I will definitely go to your grave to send you a bouquet of flowers every Qingming, really ,do not worry.

Xu Lanqiao clenched his teeth in anger, wishing he could slap Xin Ai to death.

Miss Zhen, you can eat more, don't talk nonsense...

Xin Ai was surprised: Ah? So you don't like to hear it, then... well, it seems that I thought Miss Xu too well, I thought you were that kind of elegant and generous, but unexpectedly, you and Wei Wei It's the same as the blog said...

Speaking of which, the smile on Xin Ai's face turned into defensiveness and contempt, and she took a step back, as if Xu Lanqiao was some kind of scourge.

Xu Lanqiao clenched his fists and his chest heaved violently: If you can believe what you say on Weibo, why do you need the police? If it was true, I would have been arrested by the police long ago. Miss Zhen is also an adult. , You still need to use your brain when you speak.

Xin Ai nodded and said seriously: What I'm talking about is to use your brain, so...Miss Xu, you should be more careful in the future.

What am I careful about?

Xin Ai smiled: If you do too many bad things, you will always be punished...


Xin Ai interrupted her: Oh, by the way, Miss Xu forgot to tell you, in fact, you really don't need to be so tight, do you think you are one of those popular stars, and people chase you for autographs wherever you go? ? Don't think too much, you... To put it bluntly, you are an outdated female star, who would look at you more, as a human being, you must recognize your position, and you are too much to treat yourself as a dish, And your acting skills are really not as good as that Song Yingge who looks a lot like you...

These words suddenly hit Xu Lanqiao's pain point, she couldn't bear it anymore, she reached out to grab Xin Ai's arm, and raised her hand to hit her.

Xin Ai covered her head and screamed loudly: I beat someone, Xu Lanqiao beat me...

Before she finished speaking, a group of reporters suddenly swarmed over and surrounded Xu Lanqiao. They pointed their guns and short cannons at her, and forced her to ask her whether she had done the things that broke the news on Weibo, and asked her why she behaved so well. Just hit someone? Do you really think that if you are a star, you can do whatever you want?

Xu Lanqiao's assistant couldn't stop them at all, everyone tried their best to squeeze forward, and Xu Lanqiao was squeezed in the middle.

It was hard to breathe because of Xin Ai's anger, but now it is even more difficult to breathe.

She wanted to yell and tell those reporters to go away.

But she couldn't make a sound, and then the picture she saw in front of her eyes turned into a double image, and then her eyes darkened, and she passed out.

Xin Ai stood in the distance watching the farce with cold eyes, calmly brushed off his wrinkled clothes, turned around and walked to a white car not far away and opened the door.

She said, Okay, let's go.

Jian Zechuan leaned over suddenly and fastened Xin Ai's seat belt, Are you going to piss her off this time?

Xin Ai didn't have much reaction to Jian Zechuan's sudden approach, and said indifferently: If she is really pissed off, then she can be lucky, because she is too cheap.

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