Can You Love Me?

Chapter 368 Chess pieces must be conscious

Song Yingge curled her lips and said, This is just a play. I'm so popular, they didn't come to look for me, so they don't look at me. They don't know much about the domestic entertainment industry. flow, that’s because they don’t have good resources, I have a lot of good resources, why should I grab them, it will make me look cheap, I’m not an outdated female artist like Xu Lanqiao, I’m now It's the popular fried chicken.

The expression on her manager's face became weaker and weaker, and finally there was no expression at all. After Song Yingge finished speaking, he said, Okay, you don't need to participate, you can go back now.

Song Yingge was happy: Really? Well, let's go now.

Seeing her happy face, the agent showed a hint of disdain, and said, But, I want to tell you in advance that you turn around and go back. From now on, the company will not accept any resources for you. All your endorsements and Give the film appointments to other people, to put it more clearly, you have been hidden by the snow.

Song Yingge was dumbfounded, and after realizing it, she shouted, What nonsense are you talking about, hiding me in the snow? Ha... You hiding me in the snow? Are you out of your mind? Me, Song Yingge's random post on Weibo is always on the top of the list, fans two Don't worry, I'm a popular female star in the entertainment industry now, I've earned so much money for the company in the past two years, and I've taken pictures of how many endorsements, please let me sign it, and you say you're hiding me, are you confused?

The agent sneered disdainfully: At the beginning, you should know that you should not sign you at all if you are so brain-dead.

Having been popular for two years, she has grown so ego that she doesn't even know how much she weighs, yet she dares to challenge the company. Do you really think that the company will go bankrupt without her? dare to call me stupid and anger me. Let me tell you, I'm on strike... Song Yingge never expected that her manager, who was always good-tempered in front of her, would call her stupid!

The agent didn't hide the contempt on his face at all: Oh, you don't have to go on strike. From now on, you don't have to work anymore. Song Yingge, why do you think the company praises you? Qiao’s similar face, the company just wants to use you to deal with Xu Lanqiao, a chess piece, you should have the self-consciousness of a chess piece, don’t really treat yourself as a dish.”

Song Yingge was suddenly speechless. She was promoted to deal with Xu Lanqiao. In the past two years, she had guessed that the company often arranged for her to attend certain events with Xu Lanqiao, but she thought that It's all a means of hype by the company, I didn't expect... even think I'm using it to deal with Xu Lanqiao, but I've earned a lot of money for the company in the past two years. I...

The agent said indifferently: If you give up a bad chess piece voluntarily, your own use value is just a useless move. What do you think is such a useless chess piece, what's the use of keeping it?

If the contract is really terminated, people from other companies will come to poach me immediately, and you will lose a cash cow.

The agent said contemptuously: The cash cow? You really think highly of yourself. If you don't believe me, you can try it yourself. After you are terminated by us, which desperate company dares to sign you, who dares to ask you to act, get out, you was terminated.

Song Yingge was startled by the manager's cold appearance.

The manager glanced at the assistant, Pull her down.

The assistant immediately grabbed Song Yingge's arm, opened the car door and pushed it down.

Song Yingge turned pale with fright, and hurriedly shouted: I'll go, I'll go...

Now she knew that the agent wasn't trying to scare her, as long as she was disobedient and didn't follow the company's arrangement, she would be terminated.

Even when she thought it was an assistant she recruited herself, she didn't stop talking at all. The assistant was someone arranged by the company.

Their company is rich and powerful, as long as they let her go, no company would dare to take her.

Song Yingge was pawing at the car door, her face pale with fright.

The agent asked the assistant to drag Song Yingge up, and said coldly to her: Song Yingge chose you because of your face, you better be obedient, and you can do what I say, don't pick and choose for me , if you don’t do well, there will naturally be someone else to replace you.”

Song Yingge nodded in recognition of this point, but hated the manager very much in her heart.

The agent seemed to know what she was thinking: You don't have to hate me in your heart, because it's useless to hate me. Our boss can lift you up, and he can also step you into the mud again.

Song Yingge nodded again and again: No, no... I won't dare to...

Now, get out of the car and go to the second audition. Don't give me sloppy eyes. When you meet Xu Lanqiao, you know what to do.

Well... I understand, I know, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down. Song Yingge was honest and never dared to say a word of rebuttal.

The manager asked her to take out her sunglasses and put them on: Okay, get out of the car.


Song Yingge and Xu Lanqiao walked out of the company's two elevators at the same time.

When the two met, it was like two fighting cocks. When the enemy met, their eyes were red.

Probably because of habit, after all, after two years of fighting, when she saw Xu Lanqiao, Song Yingge put on the posture of tearing up X, she covered her lips and exclaimed: Oh my god... I thought I had misidentified the person, and why did I not know who I am? Is it really Miss Lanqiao?

When Xu Lanqiao heard Song Yingge's voice, her hair would stand up in anger. If it weren't for the fact that it was a public place, there were many people walking around, and there were many colleagues coming and going. She really wanted to go up and tear up that disgusting photo with Song Yingge. face.

Xu Lanqiao said disdainfully: Miss Song seems to have really bad eyesight. You should go to the hospital for a check-up earlier, so that you won't be able to see the car clearly when you go out one day.

Everyone in the circle knows that Song Yingge and Xu Lanqiao are mortal enemies. There are quite a few actors and entourages who came to audition today. When they saw the two standing together, their eyes lit up and their walking speed slowed down. Wishing to dawdle slowly like a tortoise, some simply stopped to watch from a distance.

Song Yingge chuckled, Oh, what Sister Lanqiao said is, I have bad eyesight, but it's really just a small problem, my eyes are a little short-sighted, but my life is still safe, and my family members are also good. It's all right, the family is not bankrupt, nor was the police arrested. This is already a great fortune. Come to think of it... Sister Lanqiao, don't be too sad. They say that disasters come from the sky, and those who should come can't escape I lost it, but I believe that you should be fine, Sister Lanqiao. If I encountered such a big event in your family, I would definitely not be able to cry. How could I have the heart to audition...

What Song Yingge said really deserves a beating.

Xu Lanqiao's hands were clenched into fists, and her teeth were clenched tightly. She knew that if she met Song Yingge, she would definitely drive herself to death.

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