When the two returned home, Mrs. Jian and Jian Wanjun were in the living room.

Jian Zechuan yelled: Parents...

Xin Ai immediately called out: Uncle, Aunt...

Seeing the two of them coming back together, Jian Wanjun's face became more serious, and he nodded, I'm back.

Mrs. Jane showed a smile: Xinxin, go back to the room and rest, the doctor said you're all right?

Xin Ai shook her head: Well, it's all right.

She didn't know if she was thinking too much, but she always felt that when they came in, the atmosphere between Mrs. Jian and Jian Wanjun seemed wrong, as if they were arguing.

Xin Ai was worried because of her, and she always felt a little sorry.

She wanted to ask, but it's really not good to speak rashly like this, it would make everyone very embarrassed. After thinking about it, Xin Ai decided to go back first.

Jian Zechuan glanced at his parents, went upstairs with Xin Ai's things, put them in her room, and didn't stop long: You have a good rest, I'll have someone bring you a cup of hot tea, and have dinner at noon, and then let Someone is calling for you.

Xin Ai nodded: Okay.

Jian Zechuan closed the door for her and left.

When they got downstairs, Jian Wanjun said, Zechuan, come to my study.

So Jian Zechuan followed him to the study.

In fact, he could probably guess what Jian Wanjun wanted him for.

Walking to the desk, Jian Zechuan sat down and called out: Dad...

Looking at this youngest son, Jian Wanjun felt a headache. At the banquet, what he was most worried about happened. Both sons like Zhen Xin, and there will definitely be troubles in the future.

Xin Ai was sick these two days, Jian Wanjun endured and said nothing, but the two sons seemed to be possessed, and they ran to the hospital one by one. If outsiders knew that the younger brother fell in love with the older brother's fiancée, he didn't know what to do. Say something nasty.

The face and reputation of their Jian family will definitely be affected.

After careful consideration, Jian Wanjun said, You still have to keep a distance from Zhen Xin in the future, and don't let outsiders misunderstand.

It's not a misunderstanding, it's true, I like her. Jian Zechuan said again: My brother knows.

I know, you...you...what the hell are you doing? Jian Wanjun really can't understand the elder son, and the younger son likes Zhen Xin. This is actually understandable. After all, Zhen Xin and Xin Ai are most likely alone. , but since the eldest son said everything, she is his fiancée, why did he still agree with Ze Chuan to contact Zhen Xin like this?

Jian Zechuan replied: I like Zhen Xin and want to chase her, that's all.

Jian Wanjun said angrily: Zhen Xin is your brother's fiancée. What do you want to do by doing this? Brother wins brother and wife, do you want our Jian family to collapse?

Jian Zechuan was a little impatient: What's wrong with my fiancée? As long as I'm not married, I can chase after her. What's more, I can divorce after getting married. Besides, that's my person in the first place. If I snatch it back, there's nothing wrong with it.

Bastard... Jian Wanjun slapped the table angrily.

Jian Zechuan, have you ever considered for the Jian family? Everyone in Quanming knows that she is your brother's fiancée. If you do this, where do you want your brother to be?

He doesn't care, what are you so concerned about? Jian Zechuan raised his head and glanced at Jian Wanjun: I want to pursue Zhen Xin, I just want to pursue her, and my brother has no objection, why are you so eager to come out and shout?

What's more, even if Jian Mingyuan objects, it's useless.

Jian Wanjun said angrily: If you really want to piss off your old man, let me warn you, you can't be entangled with her anymore, I can't just watch her ruin the relationship between you brothers and Jane's family, if you No matter how stubborn you are, Zechuan, don't blame me for doing something to her.

Jian Zechuan suddenly stood up, and looked at his father opposite him with cold eyes: Jian Wanjun, if you dare to touch her, do you still want what happened back then to repeat itself?

Jian Wanjun's eyes widened. This brat didn't even call him dad anymore.

you you……

Jian Zechuan said coldly: Don't blame me for speaking harshly to you, she can't move anyone, if you dare to move, don't blame my six relatives for not recognizing her.

Jian Zechuan felt guilty all his life for not protecting Xin Ai well.

Now that Xin Ai has finally returned after going through life and death, he will never let anyone touch her.

Jian Wanjun's thinking is no longer within Jian Zechuan's thinking range.

He never cared what others said, this time, he just wanted to be with Xin Ai and give her half of her life happiness.

Jian Wanjun didn't expect that just one sentence he said would attract such a big reaction from Jian Zechuan, and he even said such words as disapproval from his six relatives.

Jian Zechuan supported the desk with both hands, fixed his eyes on Jian Wanjun, and said, Dad, don't touch the woman I love, otherwise, I don't know what I will do.

He's not a threat, he can't bear anything happening to Xin Ai.

Jian Wanjun opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

His son is about to become a demon for Xin Ai, and that woman is really the root of the prodigal.

Jian Zechuan left, and Jian Wanjun sat there for a long time without moving. He felt that the biggest crisis might be in the Jian family.

If the eldest son and the younger son end up earning a lot, even if they hate him, he can't stand by and watch.

Jian Zechuan went downstairs and saw Mrs. Jian sitting there depressed and didn't know what she was thinking.

He walked over: Mom...

Mrs. Jane looked up at him, Finished?

Well, it's over.

Mrs. Jane sighed, Your dad, he...forget it, he thinks more than me, and I can't think about more, I just want to look after the children.

What Jian Wanjun told her just now was actually Xin Ai's matter. He wanted Mrs. Jian to come forward and have a chat with Xin Ai, so that she could leave, stop staying at Jian's house, and stop being entangled with their two sons.

Mrs. Jane disagreed, she felt that it was too unkind to do so.

Besides, the children's emotional matters should be resolved by themselves. Why do parents have to intervene?

Mrs. Jian came forward to prevent Xin Ai and Jian Zechuan from being together. Later, when Xin Ai had an accident, she regretted it very much. She always felt that if she hadn't taken care of them at the beginning and let them follow their own fate, would there be no future? So many things?

On this matter, she and Jian Wanjun had a disagreement, and they argued for a while.

After Jian Zechuan and Xin Ai came back, they stopped continuing.

Jian Zechuan nodded: Well, in the future, we will all be fine...

After Mrs. Jane hesitated, she asked, You and your brother...

Don't think too much about the two of us. We are both adults, and he is in a high position. He can't do things without a clue...

Mrs. Jane nodded: That's right, but if you should restrain yourself in front of outsiders, you should restrain yourself a little, otherwise your father will not be able to explain it.

Jian Zechuan responded casually: Well, I see...

In fact, Jian Zechuan didn't consider these things at all.

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