Can You Love Me?

Chapter 338 This is your future sister-in-law

Jian Zechuan gritted his teeth and squeezed out three words: Jian-Ming-Yuan...

Jian Mingyuan smiled: Thank you for coming to today's big brother's welcome banquet,

He looked down at Xin Ai, This is... you, um, if nothing else happens, she will be your future sister-in-law, brother, you have a good vision!

The corner of Xin Ai's mouth twitched, Jian Mingyuan he...he...what did he say about the future sister-in-law? Oh My God!

Why does it feel like he suddenly changed into a different person? He looks very bad...very treacherous.

Jian Zechuan gritted his teeth, You, here, I, get lost...

Seeing Jian Zechuan's furious look, Jian Mingyuan felt a little happy, and patted him on the shoulder: Zechuan, don't be childish, you are new to me, as a younger brother and the host, please treat me well, oh, brother forgot to tell you , Xinxin and I met two years ago...Xinxin is not in good health and has been in the hospital before, don't scare her!

Two years ago, I was in poor health and had been in the hospital before!

These words made the anger on Jian Zechuan's face fade away little by little. He thought of everything that happened two years ago, and he could also imagine what kind of pain Xin Ai had experienced in the hospital in the past two and a half years.

Jian Zechuan didn't explode in public, he slowly extended his hand to Xin Ai.

Jian Zechuan stared at Xin Ai's face obsessively, and traced her facial features and outline with his eyes. For two years, he collected photos of her from childhood to adulthood, and hung them on the wall one by one. All looking forward to her return.

Now that she is back, he no longer has to look at those cold photos.

Jian Zechuan straightened his back and said solemnly: Hi, I'm Jian Zechuan.

Xin Ai was covered with hairs when Jian Zechuan looked at him. His eyes were so hot that he wanted to tell her to burn. After hesitating, she stretched out her hand and kissed Jian Zechuan: Hello...

Xin Ai shook it and wanted to take it back, but was caught by Jian Zechuan. He said, I hope that from today on, you can remember this name, because it will become the most important name in your future life.

Xin Ai was stunned.

From the first time they met to now, this is the first time that Jian Zechuan introduced himself to Xin Ai in a serious manner!

With a gentle smile on Jian Mingyuan's face, he patted Jian Zechuan on the shoulder: Zechuan, everyone is waiting, the banquet can begin.

Jian Zechuan didn't move, still staring at Xin Ai without blinking, wishing to smash her into his eyes just like that.

After all, Jian Wanjun was old and battle-tested. After realizing it, he hurried forward and said loudly: Ming Yuan, look at you, you are really serious. Why are you here now? Everyone is waiting for you!

As he spoke, Jian Wanjun secretly teased Jian Zechuan.

Jian Wanjun has already realized that the tricky person here is why someone who has been dead for more than two years suddenly came back to life. Whether it is that Xin Ai back then, isn't it time to ask this now.

Today, all the dignitaries and celebrities from Mingdu are here, everyone is waiting for Jian Mingyuan, Xin Ai's fraudulent corpse, we have to wait until the end.

Although Jian Wanjun was also extremely curious and wanted to ask what happened, the overall situation was the most important.

Xin Ai's hand hurt from being held, she frowned, and said, Mr. Jian, you hurt me, please let go, please?

Jian Wanjun quickly pulled Jian Zechuan again, and said in a low voice, Zechuan...

After two seconds, Jian Zechuan slowly let go of Xin Ai's hand.

It was a warm hand, real and soft. The shape of the hand and the feeling of holding it were exactly the feeling that Xin Ai had given him.

At this moment, Jian Zechuan was delighted, his heart was beating wildly, and his red eyes were shining with water.

It's great that she's back.

Mrs. Jian walked over tremblingly, Jian Mingyuan hugged Xin Ai lightly, and said: Mom and Dad, this is the girl I told you about, Zhen Xin, you can just call her Xin Xin, she is a good girl, I hope you all like her.

Looking at Xin Ai's face, Mrs. Jane trembled in her heart, she could hardly think anymore.

She subconsciously grabbed her husband's arm and stammered, Hi... hi, like... like...

The same is true for Jian Wanjun, with a stiff smile on his face: Hi... I like it, very, very good...

Although Xin Ai was unwilling, but with so many people watching, she could only hold back the doubts in her heart and shouted with a smile: Uncle, Auntie, I am Zhen Xin...

Jian Mingyuan shook Xin Ai's hand and patted, Don't be afraid, this is my family. Before, I wanted to take you to my home to meet first, but after thinking about it, it was not formal enough, so I thought, in today's day occasion, I will solemnly introduce you to everyone.

Xin Ai gritted her teeth, You...then why didn't you tell me that my uncle and aunt are also in Mingdu? If I had known, I would have gone to visit earlier. Meeting suddenly like this would make me...very rude.

Jian Mingyuan saw the anger in Xin Ai's eyes, and knew that she was questioning him, so he explained with a smile: I know you are timid, but my family is easy to get along with, don't worry, listen to me, there is nothing wrong!

Xin Ai clenched her fists.

She really thought too well of Jian Mingyuan before, this is not a good person at all, this is an old fox!

Knowing that she had a little entanglement with Jian Zechuan, he deliberately brought her here, deliberately saying that she was his girlfriend.

Xin Ai suddenly sympathized with Jian Zechuan.

This is not a real brother, this is an enemy, isn't it?

How can a real brother cheat a younger brother like this!

However, the only thing that Xin Ai is not worried about is that Jian Mingyuan really doesn't like her, he looks at her... just like looking at a child, without any affection between men and women at all!

He probably brought her here to piss off Jian Zechuan.

Today, it's too messy!

Suddenly Mrs. Jane touched Xin Ai's arm secretly, and then quickly withdrew her hand in fright. She whispered to her husband, It's hot, it's soft, it's alive...

Xin Ai...

Jian Mingyuan cleared his throat: Father, please don't be restrained. The banquet can begin.

Jian Wanjun hurriedly said, Ah, yes, it's time to start...

The people around gathered around one after another.

Mayor Jane, hello, welcome back to our Mingdu...

Welcome Mayor Jane...

Xin Ai looked up in shock, the mayor?

Damn...Jian Mingyuan is really a public official.

She had suspected before that Jian Mingyuan's temperament was different from others'. Although he was full of elegance and gentle temperament, he inadvertently had the feeling of controlling everything and guiding the country like a superior person.

There are also entourages around Jian Mingyuan, all of them are stern, they speak and do things in a very orderly manner, they look a little different from the secretaries of ordinary companies.

It's just that Xin Ai never thought that Jian Mingyuan is so powerful.

How old is he, and he has already become the mayor of Ming City.

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