Can You Love Me?

Chapter 334 Waiting for You to Come Back

He said this to himself, and in a blink of an eye, a car stopped in front of him, and two people got out of the car, the secretary and the driver.

Sir, please get in the car.

Jian Mingyuan nodded and got into the car.

When it comes to understanding Jian Zechuan, apart from Jian Mingyuan, there really is no other.

In front of outsiders, Jian Zechuan is the third master of the Jian family who is cold, aloof, unfathomable, and ruthless.

But in Jian Mingyuan's eyes, he will always be the boy who explodes whenever he is teased.

In the car, the secretary couldn't help but asked Jian Mingyuan: Sir, how about hiding it like this... how about the third master?

Jian Mingyuan spread his hands helplessly: I didn't hide it from him, it's because he didn't know.

What's more, he kindly reminded Jian Zechuan to think twice before speaking, what if he regretted it someday? But he didn't listen, can you blame him?

Of course it can't be blamed!

To blame, he can only blame himself!

The elder brother has already helped him a lot, but unfortunately, that silly boy can't use his brain well.


Jian Zechuan raced all the way, and when the car stopped at Fengluyuan, he calmed down!

Rubbing his forehead, Jian Zechuan sighed, what's wrong with him, this is, being provoked casually by Jian Mingyuan, he just lost his composure, as if he had returned to his childhood!

It can't be like this next time, he is no longer a child.

Jian Zechuan went upstairs, opened the door, turned on the light, and said, I'm back!

It has been a year, and Jian Zechuan has formed a habit. Every time he comes back from going out, he will say, I'm back!

It was as if Xin Ai was still at home, as if after he said something, someone would answer him one day.

Jian Zechuan took off his shoes, put on a pair of slippers, took off his coat while walking, and threw it on the sofa.

Everything here has returned to the way it was when Xin Ai was there. Jian Zechuan found the exact same things one by one after Xin Ai was there, and refilled the room little by little. Here, at least it seemed, it seemed to be alive again.

However, the person Jian Zechuan was waiting for still didn't come back!

There are photos of Xin Ai on the coffee table in the living room, on the dining table, and on the TV cabinet. Jian Zechuan sat down, picked up the photos on the coffee table and smiled, It's time for you to come back, too?

In the photo, Xin Ai smiled brightly, looking up at the sun.

Jian Zechuan put down the photo, got up and went to the kitchen, put on the apron that Xin Ai once wore, and started cooking.

Time can really change a person completely. The third master of the Jian family who used to be so high up that he didn't even know how to enter the kitchen and couldn't even boil water, now he can even cook rice.

Jian Zechuan cooked clear soup noodles, which was the first meal Xin Ai cooked for him when he came here.

In the past, he didn't think there was anything delicious about the bland noodle soup, but as time passed, everything faded away, except for her smile and the taste of that bowl of noodle soup, which deeply Deeply engraved in my heart.

After Xin Ai left, Jian Zechuan asked a lot of people to make him a bowl of noodle soup made by Xin Ai, but no matter how powerful a famous chef was, he couldn't make the taste of Xin Ai.

Slowly, during countless dark nights, Jian Zechuan gradually realized that the noodles made by Xin Ai back then were unique, it was warmth, it was home, and it was the first time he tasted happiness.

Since then, it's hard to forget.


On the fifth day after returning to Mingdu, Xin Ai woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning, put on sportswear, running shoes, and a mask, and went downstairs to exercise.

Although her legs were not visible when she walked, she couldn't walk fast. When she walked fast, she still felt pain, especially when it was cloudy and rainy.

When she was discharged from the hospital, the doctor told Xin Ai to try to ensure a certain amount of exercise every day, not too strenuous, just walk slowly, and not too long, lest her legs could not bear it.

Now, no matter how late Xin Ai slept, she would get up early in the morning and go for a walk for half to an hour, and this morning was no exception.

After exercising, Xin Ai went to buy breakfast outside the community and brought it back.

Early in the morning, Jian Si came to pick up Jian Zechuan, preparing to take the morning plane and go on a business trip for two days.

The gate of the community where Xin Ai lives now is just opposite to the gate of Fengluyuan, separated by a road.

When Xin Ai went in, Jian Si happened to come out in his car.

Jian Zechuan glanced out of the window inadvertently, just in time to see Xin Ai's back flashing past, he froze for a moment, and suddenly shouted sharply: Stop...

Jian Si was so frightened that he stepped on the brakes quickly, and before the car stopped, Jian Zechuan jumped out of the car and rushed to the opposite side.

But at this time, there are many people who get up early and drive to work, and there are a lot of vehicles going back and forth.

Jian four eyes watched a car pass by Jian Zechuan almost close to him, she was so frightened that she almost stopped breathing, and shouted: Third Master, where are you going...Third Master...

Jian Zechuan rushed across the road, and Xin Ai was no longer in sight.

Jian Si caught up: Master, what's wrong with you?

Jian Zechuan's face was tense, his eyes seemed to be a fire that illuminated the sky in the dark night, burning hot and fierce.

He said: I saw Xin Ai just now.

He didn't see the face, but Xin Ai's figure, he could never be mistaken, that woman was really her, even if she turned into ashes, he would recognize her.

Jian Si was stunned: Third...Third Master...Xin Ai, she...

A year and a half has passed since learning of Xin Ai's death. Jian Si knows that Jian Zechuan has not yet come out of the pain. Although the third master has always been very sure that the ashes in the ashes are not Xin Ai's, but... …They searched too, they searched with all their might, but they couldn't find anyone.

If Xin Ai was really alive, he would have returned long ago.

So Jian Si felt that even if Xin Ai didn't die in the car accident, he died in the river.

He went to the scene to see it. He jumped from a high-speed car, then rolled down the embankment, and fell into the rushing river. There was really... almost no life.

Third Master, didn't read it wrong, Xinai she...she... How could she come back?

Jian Zechuan walked to the opposite neighborhood and asked the security guard who the young woman who just entered was.

The security guard shook his head and said he didn't know. He just came here and only worked on the second day. He didn't know much about the owners in the community. Moreover, this community is very large and there are too many residents in it. There are tenants and owners. It's not that easy to find quickly.

Jian Zechuan said to Jian Si: Immediately have someone check all the young women living in this community, especially those who have moved in recently...

Jian Si didn't say anything else, but nodded in agreement.

He whispered: Master, why don't we go to the airport first?

Jian Zechuan shook his head: I won't go, revise the itinerary, and find someone for me right away.

He originally wanted to go on a business trip to other places to avoid Jian Mingyuan's welcome banquet, but the passing figure just now made him decide not to go anywhere, and he was waiting in Mingdu...

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