Can You Love Me?

Chapter 31 Gossip

And there has been no response yet. In the past, if anyone wanted to use Lu Jincheng to stir up some scandals, Lu Jincheng's studio came forward to clarify before they started to make a fuss. The speed is as fast as a firefighter. This time it is different... This is the default. !

Don't let me see you until you're done crying.

The female secretary still wanted to talk, so she could meet Jian Zechuan's cold eyes and ran out without saying a word.

Jian Zechuan glanced at the men and women in the office: Who wants to be like her?

The air was cold and dangerous, as if there was an invisible mountain pressing down on the top of the head. The powerful coercion released from Jian Zechuan made everyone bow their heads, close the webpage tremblingly, and never dared to read any news about Lu Jincheng again.

Jian Si was curious, how did the third master get angry when he was angry?

He followed Jian Zechuan into the office, and when he looked up, he met a pair of piercingly dark, piercingly cold eyes.

Jian Zechuan sat down: That woman...

Jian Si: Who?

Being stared at by Jian Zechuan's powerful murderous eyes, Jian Si's legs were a little weak, and he shivered: Ah...I...understood, Third Master, what's wrong with her?

Jian Zechuan's thin lips slightly raised, revealing a smile that made Jian Si terrified: If you dare to contact her again, I will send you to a good place.

His slender fingers tapped on the table: Also, from now on in the whole company, if anyone discusses matters unrelated to work during working hours, this month's bonus will be deducted.

There was no anger on his face, and his voice was calm, as if he was just announcing a decision he thought was normal.

But to Jian Si's ears, three souls and seven souls were trembling, and the third master got a little angry this time.

Jian Zechuan narrowed his eyes coldly: Any comments?

No... Jian Si shook his head again and again to express his absolute obedience.

No, why don't you do it?

I... I'll go now.

Jian Si immediately turned around and left the CEO's office, which made him breathless, but he was at a loss when he went out, what was going on? Why did the third master get angry when he said he was angry?

Is it because I saw company employees watching gossip during working hours?

Jian Si took out his mobile phone and quietly glanced at Lu Jincheng's gossip.

He stared at the photo for a full ten minutes, zooming in and out and zooming in again...

In the end, a flash of light flashed in Jian Si's mind, and he suddenly realized that he, got it...

Xin Ai is a woman, she has eaten the heart of a bear, she hooked up with the third master here, and turned around and climbed up to Lu Jincheng on the other side.

Xin Ai, you are going to die, do you know that?


Zhang Lei flew back to Mingdu early in the morning, and hurriedly found Lu Jincheng, only to see him playing games with his mobile phone.

The blood is flowing like a river outside, do you still have the mind to play games here?

Lu Jincheng's face was full of indifference: Dinning with friends, I was accidentally photographed, it's a normal thing, don't worry about it, the limelight will pass in a few days.

Zhang Lei opened her mouth wide in surprise, not to mention how many female friends Lu Jincheng usually has in this dead house, his attitude towards this is to let it go, it's too wrong.

There's something wrong with you this time. This is not your usual attitude. Others don't know, but I don't know? I saw the photos, and you clearly would rather expose yourself than block that girl. After being exposed, the first time you were exposed was not to refute the rumors. I think you are deliberately wanting to be photographed, right?

The movements of Lu Jincheng's hands paused, I'm such an older person, it's normal to have a scandal, you can see that not all fans are sad, not many are talking about it, but fortunately, my rival in love is a woman , is it better than being a man?

You still have the heart to say this? Hey, you won't come for real this time, will you?

Lu Jincheng put down his phone, dragged his cheek with one hand and asked Zhang Lei, Do you think I'm an attractive man?

Zhang Lei nodded without hesitation: Of course, otherwise, how did you get your 80 million fans? Is it a sailor I hired with money for a random microblog? Speaking of this scandal, what charm are you talking about with me? Tell me, do you really like that girl.

After the game on the phone was over, Lu Jincheng gave someone a head. He sighed and said, I wanted to look to Mingyue, but Mingyue refused to take care of me.

speak English……

The girl I like doesn't like me.

Zhang Lei shook her head resolutely: Impossible, who will look down on you, unless her eyes have problems!

Lu Jincheng looked at her innocently.

Really? Really despise you?

Lu Jincheng nodded melancholy.

It's more than just looking down on it, it's simply avoiding it.

Lu Jincheng himself couldn't figure it out, what's wrong with him?

Are you rich, handsome, and have a clean private life?


Zhang Lei was silent for a long time, and finally patted him on the shoulder without saying a word.


Xin Ai didn't dare to go anywhere except the classrooms in the dormitory these two days, and asked her roommate to bring her meals back for fear of being seen by others.

She didn't know what was going on with Jian Zechuan, so she sent several WeChat messages to Jian Si but didn't reply.

Finally, it was the day when Lu Jincheng said to take her to see Jian Zechuan. When it got dark at night, Xin Ai waited for the phone tightly, for fear of missing Lu Jincheng's WeChat.

Waiting until almost 10 o'clock in the evening, Lu Jincheng finally sent three words: old place.

Xin Ai immediately took her bag and mobile phone and was about to leave. At that time, her roommates were still swiping the scandal about Lu Jincheng, cursing while doing so, Xin Ai felt guilty.

Holding the computer, Su Xiaoling raised her head and said solemnly: Stop scolding her, the more you scold her, the more reason she will have to act coquettishly to your male god, 'Your fans don't like me, they are scolding me', and then The male god Lu still wants to coax her, telling her 'It's okay baby, I love you the most in the world', you know this is an assist in disguise?

Xin Ai got goose bumps all over her body when she heard this, and ran out of the dormitory in fright.

Lu Jincheng saw Xin Ai running to her in the dark, she glowed beautifully in the dark, she was a gem that no one could ignore.

Thinking of what she was going to do tonight, Lu Jincheng couldn't help but feel blocked.

He asked, Have you thought about it?

Xin Ai put on her seat belt: I've thought about it a long time ago. And there is no way out.

In front of her, there was no way to go, so she could only step on the blade and desperately grab Jian Zechuan.

Lu Jincheng smiled wryly, he didn't even understand why he did this?

The car stopped at the entrance of Yunding, and Lu Jincheng handed Xin Ai a black card: You can't get in here without a membership card, tonight, a friend of Jian Zechuan's birthday, there is a game in this group, he might come.

Xin Ai didn't expect that the place Lu Jincheng brought her would be Yunding, so she reached out to pick up the membership card.

Lu Jincheng grabbed Xin Ai's wrist, there was no smile on his face, and his affectionate peach blossom eyes sharpened when he looked at people, I don't know why you are looking for Jian Zechuan, but I know that your purpose should not only be Just sugar daddy...

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