Can You Love Me?

Chapter 305 When you meet the right person, you should get married

On the night of Xu Lanqiao's birthday party, Xin Ai asked Jian Zechuan for help. The two had a brief exchange, then separated, and never met again.

Since then, Xin Ai has not appeared again, it seems that the life with them is like this, the real and complete cut has come.

Jian Zechuan's life is busy and peaceful, except for who is intriguing and playing tricks in the business world, there is nothing special about it.

He really returned to the life before he met Xin Ai, calm and restrained, and suppressed his opponent to death at the negotiating table, making people frightened.

Jian Zechuan is still the same Jian Zechuan, and Xin Ai's hotness seems to have never appeared before.

And after a long time, no matter how good she was at acting as a demon and making troubles, if she doesn't show up, gradually, no one will remember her, or in other words, if there are fresher ones, no one will want to mention Xin Xin again. Ai.

After all, Jian Zechuan didn't even mention it, let alone others.

It was only in the past few months that Jian Si realized that Mingdu is really a big city, so big that, in these few months, he never met Xin Ai again. In the past, he could still meet each other from time to time.

Now, why is it so difficult?

Jian Si sighed, seeing the two of them coming out of Xu's house together that night, Jian Si thought that maybe the two of them had reconciled as before.

Unexpectedly... After a flash in the pan, everything is still as usual.

Perhaps, as Xin Ai said, the two of them are destined not to belong to the same world, and they are also destined to be separated after being together for a short time.

For them, separation is inevitable, and for those who can't get together, hard work is useless.

Such a decisive separation, without disturbing each other, and living their own lives, is actually fine.

Jian Si was in a daze, the green light turned on, and he didn't move after waiting for a while, the car behind was honking, Jian Zechuan frowned and said, Jian Si, what are you thinking, why don't you drive?

Jian Si came back to his senses, saw the green light, and hurriedly said: Let's go now, let's go now... I'm sorry, Third Master, I was a little distracted just now.

The car started on the road, Jian Zechuan asked him: What were you thinking just now?

Jian Si was a little flustered, he never dared to say it directly, just now he thought of Xin Ai.

Madam specifically told him that if the third master doesn't mention Xin Ai anymore, everyone has the right to pretend that they don't know this woman and stop talking about it.

Jian Si thinks about it, and thinks it is true. If the two are destined to have no results, it is better to separate early, and each find their own happiness. One is different from the other, and each is happy without delaying each other.

There's no need to keep mentioning Xin Ai in his ear to keep this matter from going through.

Going there early is also a good thing.

Just thinking of Xin Ai, Jian Si inevitably felt a pity.

Maybe it's because he was not from a wealthy family like the third master, so he didn't realize how important family status is.

Looking at it himself, he felt that the two of them were quite good.

He has been with the third master for so long, and he will continue to follow him in the future. As long as he does not betray or make big mistakes, he will always follow the third master until he dies. In other words, he is really better than the third master's future wife. His time is still longer,

In the past so many years, Jian Si has never seen anyone who can mobilize the emotions of the third master better than Xin Ai. When Xin Ai is around, the third master is more like a normal person.

Jian Si prefers the third master who is like a human being with a firework spirit.'s nothing, just...just thinking about Chinese New Year. This family is reunited. I don't know if the young master will come back this year.

Jian Zechuan's face darkened, he obviously didn't like this topic.

Jian Si shut his mouth shut and didn't speak anymore, he knew that by sacrificing the young master, all topics could be ended.

Sure enough, Jian Zechuan didn't speak all the way.

Jian Zechuan got out of the car when he reached Emerald Alley.

The Chinese New Year is coming, and the Emerald Alley is decorated with lights and festoons. The red lanterns at the entrance are very large and cost a lot of money. They are specially made by palace lantern craftsmen and hung at the entrance, which is very elegant.

The courtyard is even more red and colorful. Walking in it is like returning to the time five hundred years ago.

Tonight, Xie Shenzhou's game, after the year, he is going to get married, and he will be busy in the future, so he probably won't have time to be so lively with everyone again.

Xie Shenzhou got married very suddenly, which surprised everyone.

And the person he was going to marry, they didn't know each other, they hadn't even heard the name before, and they weren't from their circle.

Xie Shenzhou revealed that she seemed to be just a girl from an ordinary family, and it was an accident to meet him.

The entertainment program after dinner was still playing cards. Fang Ziheng joked with Xie Shenzhou, saying that he was the most capable of doing big things among them.

Li Chi couldn't help but jokingly asked Xie Shenzhou: Why don't you think about getting married?

Xie Chenzhou said lightly: At this age, when you meet the right person, you should get married. Besides, you always have to get married. Otherwise, if you miss it, who knows if you can find it again.

These words made Jian Zechuan stunned for a moment, what is the right person?

This topic sounds very simple, but why, when he thinks about it, he finds it difficult.

How do you know that's the right person for you, maybe the wrong one? he asked.

Xie Chenzhou smiled: The person I like is naturally right. If she is wrong, then I will try my best to make her right.

These words stopped in Jian Zechuan's ears, making him a little dazed, I like it!

In his mind, the first thing that flashed was Xin Ai's face.

He hadn't thought of Xin Ai for a long time.

A few months ago, they left Xu's house at night, and the two separated. Jian Zechuan was really irritable towards Xin Ai at that time, but then he went abroad and came back after being busy for more than half a month. After a long time, Jian Zechuan almost forgot about Xin Ai.

The moment he thought of her just now, Jian Zechuan realized that he hadn't thought about her for a long time.

In the days without Xin Ai, Jian Zechuan lived a good life. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and even felt that this was his original life, relaxed and comfortable, and happy.

Fang Ziheng asked Xie Shenzhou: You haven't let us see your sister-in-law yet?

A gentle look flashed across Xie Chenzhou's face: Sooner or later, we will see each other. Let's wait for the wedding. She is very busy now, and I haven't seen anyone for a few days.

Li Chi and Fang Ziheng kept asking about Xie Shenzhou's relationship, but Jian Zechuan didn't say a word when he was missing, and when he played the cards, he was absent-minded and kept losing.

Fang Ziheng finally couldn't bear to ask: Third Brother, are you going to be the God of Wealth today?

Jian Zechuan raised his eyelids and said lazily, You don't want it?

By the way, Jian Zechuan suddenly remembered that he didn't think there was anything wrong.

He just felt that, most of the time, he couldn't lift his spirits, as if many things were boring. Sometimes when he woke up in the middle of the night, he had more and more time to empty his mind.

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