Can You Love Me?

Chapter 268 Has the murderer been caught?

If it was because of Jian Zechuan before, what about now, she has already parted ways with the third master who is so powerful in Mingdu?

But why, the other party still doesn't do anything?

Xin Ai felt like a mouse, and the other party was playing a cat-and-mouse game with her from beginning to end. No matter how she flopped and struggled, she could never escape the pursuit of the cat behind her.

On a September night, the temperature was not low, but Xin Ai shivered from the cold, as if the ghost had penetrated into her body, making her shiver with horror.

The air seemed to be filled with the smell of blood, the corpse was carried away, and the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed.

For them, it is just a little accident on the way home from get off work or going out, and when they go back, they can show off what they have learned today with their friends, which will become their talking point.

But for Xin Ai, Li Yiran's death was a huge blow.

The building was still in lockdown, Shen Ce called in more police to search the whole building and call in the monitoring. It was already off work at this time, and there were very few people still in the building, but anyone who entered or exited at this time was suspected. The investigation is not difficult.

But unfortunately, all the monitoring tonight is gone, not only tonight, but also the monitoring for this month is gone, all of them have been emptied.

This was obviously done by the murderer, he must have been dealt with immediately after hanging up Xin Ai's phone.

The police did not leave any evidence for reference at all.

Because Xin Ai reported to the police, she was taken to the police station to make a statement.

Xin Ai told the police verbatim the contents of the conversation between herself and Li Yiran.

She spoke in as much detail as possible, and she hoped that she could help a little bit and do something for Li Yiran.

Xin Ai felt that she owed Li Yiran. She had nothing to do with this matter. She was different from Zhao Tiande An Xinya. She could have stayed out of it. This matter had nothing to do with her. It was Xin Ai who... In the mud.

If she hadn't gone to find her in the first place, right... she would never have died for this.

This question weighed heavily on Xin Ai's heart, and it weighed heavily.

As for Shen Ce's side, in the end, they still couldn't find the murderer who killed Li Yiran. There were only a few people left in the whole building, although they were all suspected, they were all ruled out one after another.

Li Yiran fell to her death from the top floor. The police investigated the location where she fell, and found no traces left by anyone other than her on the top floor.

If it wasn't for Xin Ai's testimony, if she hadn't heard Li Yiran's scream on the phone, judging from the traces left on the top floor, the police would think that she slipped and fell by herself.

But now, everyone knows that this cannot be suicide, or accidental death, this is a murder, and when the police arrive, they may just pass by the murderer.

Xin Ai did not leave after completing the notes, and stayed at the police station to wait for Shen Ce to return.

At this time, she seemed to be in the same panic that she felt on the day An Xinya died. She felt that danger was everywhere around her, and the murderer could appear at any time.

Shen Ce led people to search Chen Ming's office again, and searched all the places, but he couldn't find the USB flash drive that Xin Ai mentioned, and Li Yiran's mobile phone was also missing.

The murderer handled the scene well, and the police couldn't find any more clues for the time being.

From the floor of Chen Ming's office all the way to the top floor, unless you use an elevator, because it is too high, if you carry a person on your back, the murderer will not have that much time.

Because there are very few people in the company at this point, and they are all working overtime, so almost no one will take the elevator, and no one will see the murderer.

But Shen Ce can almost conclude that even if the murderer is not a member of the company, he is very familiar with the company, otherwise, he would not have cleaned up the scene and fled quickly in such a short period of time, and he did not go through the main entrance, but another place. Some hidden safe passages.

After tossing all night, there was nothing to gain. I only learned from a female employee who worked overtime that Li Yiran was a little sleepy for a few minutes after she fell from the building. She wanted to go to the bathroom. However, she herself was a little sleepy, and she didn't see clearly. She could only roughly remember that the man with a tall back was a man with a thin body, and she couldn't remember more.

And the physical features mentioned by the female staff did not match any of the few staff who did not leave that night for overtime work.

Shen Ce suspected that that person should be the murderer.

But there is only one back view, which is really hard to find.

After tossing all night, there was no more gain, so Shen Ce could only close the team, and after dawn, let other policemen in the team screen the company's employees one by one, male, tall and thin.

Shen Ce arranged for two policemen to go to Chen Ming to inquire about the recording of the USB disk. Although he didn't see him and said, they had to ask.

Afterwards, he returned to the police station and saw that Xin Ai hadn't left yet. She was wearing a coat given to her by a policewoman, leaning there and falling asleep.

A few strands of black hair fell on her face, making her complexion paler, and her brows were tightly frowned, as if even falling asleep couldn't relieve her inner distress.

Shen Ce sighed, Xin Ai's experience was too bumpy, and the journey along the way was too difficult.

She is already a very strong girl, if it were someone else, she might not be able to keep going, or she might have been driven crazy.

Shen Ce sat beside Xin Ai for a while, she seemed to be having a nightmare, her body shook violently, then woke up, saw Shen Ce, and hurriedly asked: You're back, did you catch the murderer?

Shen Ce looked at her, and couldn't bear to say that they didn't catch the murderer, and that the murderer was one step ahead of them every time, just like in many TV dramas, the police are always one step behind.

Shen Ce had never felt such a strong sense of powerlessness when handling a case before. The real culprit was hidden where they might see it, but they couldn't identify it, and they were powerless.

Xin Ai looked at the expression on Shen Ce's face and rubbed his face: Okay, I get it, you don't need to say it.

Probably because she was disappointed too many times, this time, Xin Ai's mood was quite calm.

Moreover, if the murderer was so easy to be caught, the deaths of Zhao Tiande and An Xinya would not have been settled by now.

It's just that she couldn't think about how Li Yiran fell to his death.

Her voice was still ringing in her ears, but in an instant, it turned into a cold corpse.

Xin Ai didn't understand why, in her eyes, such a precious human life could be taken away so easily by the murderer, why should he?

Up to now, Xin Ai sometimes even thinks, is it true that as long as she stops investigating, stops exploring the truth behind it, no one will die, and at least the superficial peace can be obtained?


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