Can You Love Me?

Chapter 266 She left and never thought of looking back

There are moviegoers at the front and back, and everyone watches it seriously. Xin Ai's upbringing made her unable to answer the phone and disturb others in the movie theater. When she hesitated, she hung up the phone, but soon Li Yiran called again .

Although Xin Ai and Li Yiran didn't have much contact, if nothing happened, she probably wouldn't call casually.

After hesitating for a moment, worried that the other party was really busy, Xin Ai whispered to Su Xiaoling: I'll go out and answer the phone, and I'll be right back.

Oh, good...then you come back quickly...


Xin Ai bent down and said sorry to the people around him, and when he came out of the auditorium, the phone was still ringing, Xin Ai quickly connected: Hey, I was just watching a movie, you are looking for me at this time, what's the matter? ?”

Li Yiran's low and nervous voice came from the phone: Xin Ai, don't say anything now, just listen to me first... I'm in Chen Ming's former office, and I accidentally found a USB flash drive in him. There is a recording of a phone call inside, I think it is very useful to you, I will send it to you right now, but you have to give me 200,000, I can assure you that this recording is absolutely useful to you, Chen Ming is not the real murderer of Xin Huan, he Just a scapegoat.

These words made Xin Ai's body tense up, and he unconsciously clenched the phone tightly. Although Li Yiran loves money on weekdays, and he really doesn't open his mouth to Xin Ai.

She said that there is evidence, so it can be seen that there is indeed. If Chen Ming has evidence in his hand, it is not impossible.

Xin Ai didn't ask why Li Yiran was in Chen Ming's former office, and said directly: Okay, as long as it's useful to me, I can give it to you.

What Xin Huan's case lacks most is evidence. If this recording can be used as evidence to identify the murderer, it will be worth any money to Xin Ai.

I'll send it to you right now, but you must transfer the money to me immediately, not less than 200,000 cents...

Xin Ai immediately said: Okay, you wait, I will transfer the money to you right now, the bank card from last time.

Yes, that's the one, you give it to... ah...

While talking, Li Yiran's exclamation came from the phone, followed by the sound of the phone falling to the ground, and then Xin Ai couldn't hear anything, she shouted: Li Yiran, Li Yiran... what's wrong with you, what happened? What's wrong? Hey... Hey...

But soon the call was cut off and the phone screen went dark.

Xin Ai's heart tensed up immediately. She was worried that something might happen to Li Yiran at this time, so she hurriedly called back, but she had already been reminded that the other party had turned off the phone.

This made Xin Ai immediately frightened. In all likelihood, something happened to Li Yiran.

Xin Ai rushed out of the theater, just now Li Yiran said that she was in Chen Ming's previous office, that means she was in the company.

While running, Xin Ai called Shen Ce, she might not be able to make it in time, the police had to get there quickly, maybe they could save him.

But before the call was dialed, Xin Ai ran down from the elevator and bumped into someone. Xin Ai didn't see who the other party was, and only said: I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

Xin Ai...

When Xin Ai heard someone calling her, she stopped and turned around, meeting Jian Zechuan's cold eyes.

He looked so strange at the moment, those eyes, like the sky she looked up at many nights, were high, deep and unreachable.

Xin Ai and his eyes met each other for about a second before turning around.

At this moment, she no longer has the extra energy to pay attention to Jian Zechuan. This man has gone far away from his world. Just like what Xin Ai thought the night he left, in the future, even if we meet on the street, , and just ordinary strangers.

Even if I bump into it, the only thing I can say is: I'm sorry!

Xin Ai ran away, without nostalgia, without clinging, not even the slightest intention of greeting, so hurried, so strange.

Jian Zechuan was expressionless, watching her figure disappear into the crowd, his hands in his pockets slowly clenched into fists.

Heh, it's really like what she said: get out of the way, and don't get in the way of his eyes.

After these days of separation, Jian Zechuan was very angry at first, very angry. Xin Ai once said that he was her darling, her lifeblood, without him, she would be dead, but that night she said again that she had never been She never said a single truth, she never liked him, never gave him any sincerity...

Now it seems that it is true!

Mrs. Jian looked at her son and said worriedly: I see, Xin Ai... seems to have an accident and looks very anxious, do you want to...

Jian Zechuan withdrew his gaze and said, Mom, let's go.

She doesn't have sincerity, so why should he go up the pole and chase her to ask her for help.

Jian Zechuan has gradually calmed down after the initial anger.

At first, he thought that as long as Xin Aiken turned around and admitted his mistake, maybe he would be kind and give her another chance, and he could forgive her for what she said.

But, no, Xin Ai didn't think she was wrong at all.

When she was with him, she really wanted to be with him. On the night she separated from him, she really wanted to be separated from him. When she left, she never thought of looking back.

Now, Jian Zechuan, who has calmed down, probably won't do anything irrational again, she's just a woman...Leave, just leave...

He told himself, really, it's no big deal, he won't waste any more time on her.

Mrs. Jane had no choice but to say, Oh, good.

Jian Si followed them silently with a few people.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the three months that Xin Ai and the third master had been together seemed like a dream, like a dream he had.

Now that they woke up from the dream, the two returned to the initial state where they didn't know each other. When they met again, they looked at each other with strange eyes, and they couldn't see the lingering, grievances, and entanglements at the beginning.

Jian Si also sighed, and couldn't help scolding Xie Qingzhou again, that bastard, didn't he say that the third master wanted to play hard to catch?

Didn't it mean that if we mention the separation first, Xin Ai will definitely be unable to bear it and ask to come back within two days?

How is it now, where is it, where is it?

People ran away, but it didn't seem like they wanted to come back at all.

However, looking at it now, the third master is not the only one who is ruthless, and Xin Ai is also a ruthless stinky girl.

When he went to look for Xin Ai, he went with great hopes. Even if he was rejected, he did not despair.

When Xin Ai called last time, Jian Si was also very excited. He thought this might be an opportunity.

The third master not only helped Xin Ai clean up Tan Ran, making her unable to gain a foothold in the country, but even asked him to put pressure on the school leaders to stop and clarify false rumors in time and restore Xin Ai's reputation.

At that time, Jian Si thought that the third master must still like Xin Ai!

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