Can You Love Me?

Chapter 249 Fatal Blow

Xin Ai bent over to get out of the car and her body shook twice, the bad feeling became more and more intense, she wanted to shake her head not to let herself think too much, what could happen, what else could happen?

After getting off the car, Xin Ai said with a smile: Why calm down? Captain Shen, you are inexplicable, so you can't give me a good word.

Let's go in first. Shen Ce sighed, this was undoubtedly a huge blow to Xin Ai.

He didn't know what would happen to her when she really faced the cruel reality. She was still a young girl, she was only in her sophomore year, and what she had experienced was beyond what she should bear at this age, and now... In reality, a more brutal fatal blow came.

Shen Ce led Xin Ai into the police station. She was summoned for questioning, so many people knew her.

When passing by some policemen, those people greeted Shen Ce, Xin Ai felt that they would subconsciously look at her after greeting Shen Ce, and there were two words in their eyes - sympathy .

Xin Ai always had a smile on her face, but her fingernails were already deeply pinched into the flesh, she didn't feel it herself, she was nervous and afraid.

Xin Ai followed Shen Ce through the office on the first floor, then walked upstairs, turned a corner, and stopped at the door of the forensic room.

Seeing those three words, Xin Ai shuddered suddenly, then turned around and left without saying a word.

After Shen Ce found out, he chased after him and shouted: Xin Ai, Xin Ai...

Xin Ai walked quickly, and arrived downstairs in a blink of an eye. He grabbed Xin Ai's arm and said, Xin Ai, wait a minute.

Xin Ai's body was trembling, her teeth were clenched tightly, she was trying very hard to restrain the panic on her face, but she couldn't control it anyway, she pinned her hair behind her ear tremblingly, it was that simple She tried four times in a row before she succeeded. She didn't look at Shen Ce, but kept looking at the passage ahead with restless eyes. It seemed that as long as she got out of here, she wouldn't have to be afraid.

Seeing the three words Forensic Medicine Room, Xin Ai's whole body was in a bad mood. There was only one thought in his mind, hurry up and go as far as possible.

Xin Ai said to Shen Ce: I just remembered one thing and I am very anxious. I have to do it. I'm sorry, I may not be able to cooperate with you today. Later... I will talk when I have time later. I will go first...

Xin Ai spoke very quickly, her voice and lips were trembling.

Her whole body, even every strand of hair was revealing her fear at the moment.

Looking at her appearance, Shen Ce felt very distressed and distressed. Ever since he knew about that incident, he had been troubled all the time. If he wasn't a policeman, he would definitely not let Xin Ai know about it. He hoped to keep it from her for the rest of his life.

However, as a policeman, the truth must be told to Xin Ai, this is his responsibility, and Xin Ai... also has the right to know the truth.

Shen Ce put his hand on Xin Ai's shoulder, and said, Xin Ai, you...

He wanted to persuade Xin Ai to face it, but he couldn't say it, it was too cruel. In the end, he said: Okay, if you don't want to today, forget it, I will send you back first...

Looking at Xin Ai's appearance, Shen Ce didn't make up his mind to pull her back.

Xin Ai stood there without moving, with her head lowered, her hair hanging down, covering her face, only a thin pointed chin could be seen.

Shen Ce sighed, gently held her shoulders, and led her out.

He walked to the car, opened the door and helped her into the car.

On the way back in the car, Shen Ce wanted to comfort Xin Ai but didn't know what to say. Then he thought for a while and said, When I was in the army, you probably couldn't imagine what I looked like. When I first joined the army, it was very irritating. , No one is convinced, I always feel that I am the best in the world, because I was sent to practice martial arts by my father when I was young, I thought I was very good, but then I was beaten by the company commander of our recruit company at the time, so I couldn’t get up, so, He became my target and the first person I admired; later, I joined the special operations team with that company commander. Once on a mission, my old company commander was shot in the body in order to save me and other team members. The gun fell into the hands of the militants. He was seriously injured at the time, and he was in danger. He made a gesture that we all understood, and he asked us to kill him... He didn't want to be a burden to us.

There was a smile on Shen Ce's face, a very bitter smile, and he said: But after we saw it, no one moved, we all wanted to fight, we all wanted to try to see if we could save the person, and I also I think, unfortunately...

Shen Ce said this and paused for a moment, he said: Those militants are extremely vicious and cruel, I don't want to see my old company commander being humiliated by those people, so... I shot, shot to the head, and killed him on the spot , and later... I retired and came to a local police officer, I never went to his cemetery once, and I never gave him a cigarette, because I dare not.”

These are things that happened a long time ago. When Shen Ce talked about these things, he seemed to be able to see the scene of going through life and death with other comrades amidst the sound of guns and guns.

However, the reality is that he killed his brother who lived and died with him.

He will never be forgiven by others, and he will never be able to face the family of the old company commander.

Over the years, Shen Ce has acted like an ascetic monk, wanting to atone for his sins in a masochistic way, in order to have a moment of peace in his heart.

These words, since that incident passed, he has never said it to anyone, and today is the first time.

The dusty memory is the color after being stained red by blood, so bloody, I dare not look back.

Every time they look back, what awaits them is heart-wrenching, another torment.

When Shen Ce told Xin Ai about this, it was as if he was holding a knife and cutting open his own wound. He slowly said: Xin Ai... Few people live in this world easily, everyone There are many shells on the body, and it is difficult to take a step. Like me, I live to redeem my sins. In fact, I don’t know why I tell you these things. It seems to have no effect on you. Probably, I just want to tell you You, no matter how long the darkness is, you will pass, no matter how difficult the road is, you can finish it, the reality is indeed cruel, but we still have to face it, because we are all still alive...

Shen Ce is not a preacher, and he doesn't know if it's useful to tell Xin Ai.

But you have to say something, and you have to find a way to get rid of her. Xin Ai can escape for a while, but she can't escape forever.

There is always something to be faced, and if she is not strengthened in advance, she will collapse.

People are alive, which one is easy?

Stopping at a red light intersection, Shen Ce heard Xin Ai's voice: Go back...

Shen Ce froze for a moment, What did you say?

Xin Ai's voice was hoarse: Turn around and go back.

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