Can You Love Me?

Chapter 245 Woman, you can't be used to it

Jian Zechuan interrupted impatiently: I'm very busy with work, so let's go after finishing talking.

He issued another eviction order.

Tan Ran and Jian Zechuan have known each other for many years, and she always thought that she and Jian Zechuan were good friends, the only female friend around him who could talk to him, and her status was special.

Tan Ran also cleverly used her status as a friend to seek a lot of benefits for herself.

Jian Zechuan never talked to her like this before. She had never seen him like this before. She was already very cautious and servile. The grievance and anger in Tan Ran's heart were about to break out.

Tan Ran tried her best to hold back, she gritted her teeth and stood up: Third brother... I'll leave first, so I won't disturb you.

She walked quickly, and when she was about to reach the door, Tan Ran suddenly turned around, tears streaming down her face, and asked aggrievedly, Third Brother, why did you treat me like this all of a sudden? What did I do wrong?

Jian Zechuan glanced at her indifferently: Don't you know?

Tan Ran took a deep breath, cried and said, Yes, I was wrong before, and I shouldn't have imagined that as long as I gossip with you, I can scare my father and make him honestly leave my mother behind. Give me the equity, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't compromise again and again, and let third brother you suffer for me, but I will correct it, I will tell my father, I will clarify, the two of us have been together for so many years Friendship is gone, third brother...could it be because of this little thing don't want it anymore?

Jian Zechuan frowned. He felt that the Tan Ran he knew before was probably just what he wanted to see. He still knew only a little about this woman.

After all, the time for the two of them to meet is really very little.

Go out, don't waste my time.

Tan Ran clenched her hands tightly and asked, it Xin Ai? I may not know how to explain it, and I don't know if anyone will believe what I said, but I really didn't push Xin Ai into the water. When the two of us were arguing, we were pulling each other, and that was just an accident.

Tan Ran tried very hard to explain, but when she saw the ironic sneer on Jian Zechuan's face, she immediately fell silent, unable to say a word.

Tan Ran had the illusion that all the calculations in his mind were understood by him at this moment.

At this moment, she regretted asking the words just now, and she wanted to run away.

Jian Zechuan didn't give Tan Ran any more attention, At first, she was obviously leaning back, not enough to fall into the water, at most she fell on the shore, but then why did she suddenly fall into the water with her body tilted?

In the process of weightlessness, how can a person change the direction of force by himself without a support point?

The blood on Tan Ran's face faded away little by little, she bit her lip and said, I don't know, I fell into it too.

After finishing speaking, Tan Ran regretted it, she was too stupid, this time shouldn't be the time to argue with Jian Zechuan, since he has already said that, it means that he has already made up his mind.

It is useless for her to explain more, it will only add to the liking.

I'm sorry third brother, I'm sorry... I know you've decided that I did it, but I really didn't mean it. In the final analysis, this matter is my fault. I shouldn't have let Xin Ai talk to me by the swimming pool , I'm sorry...I will go to her to apologize, I'm really sorry, third brother, for disturbing you.

Tan Ran didn't dare to stay longer, and almost left Jian Zechuan's office as if fleeing. She was afraid that if she stayed any longer, he would say even more terrible things.

Tan Ran stumbled out of the company building. The assistant was shocked when she saw her face, so she hurried to help her and asked her what was going on.

At that time, Tan Ran only said two words: It's over...

All the efforts were in vain.

The most frightening thing is that she might cut off Jian Zechuan's way from now on.

And everything is because of Xin Ai.


The third master was in a very bad mood. In two days, many people knew about it.

The concert tour of the Xie Qingzhou group just ended, and there was a period of rest, and he couldn't stay idle, so he took Jian Zechuan to Yunding to have a carnival, saying that he wanted to relieve his boredom, but in fact, he wanted to have fun himself.

Xie Qingzhou carefully selected and invited some female stars who are popular in the entertainment industry, or who are young and beautiful, and some young models, all kinds of beauties are not available.

Third brother, look, which one do you like? These are all beautiful, and I selected them carefully. In Xie Qingzhou's eyes, although most of these are not as beautiful as Xin Ai, women, I feel that I have seen more Yes, that's all.

Jian Zechuan glanced at the beautifully dressed female stars, and frowned displeased.

The air was filled with the mixed smell of perfume, cigarettes and alcohol. It smelled too much, which made people feel chest tightness and headache, and made Jian Zechuan, who was already in a bad mood, even more annoying.

Xie Qingzhou saw that Jian Zechuan's complexion was not good, so he waved his hands to keep those female stars away, Third brother, women, you can't be used to it, the more you follow her, the more she will twist with you.

Jian Zechuan said lightly, Since when did you have a woman?

Xie Qingzhou rubbed his nose: I... I don't have women, but my teammates have them. I've been watching them all day and I've come up with a routine. Instead of spending time with her and making everyone unhappy, it's better to come here Playing hard to get, isn't she going to leave, just let her go, you see, after she left, she will taste the hardship of leaving you, and when the time comes, you don't need to find her, she will come back to you by herself.

What kind of logic are you talking about?

This is the thinking logic of normal people. Some of my teammates have changed several girlfriends. Every time they use this trick, I have never seen a woman who can last a week, especially Third brother, you have such a good condition, think about it, who would be willing to let you go, unless she has something wrong with her mind.

Jian Zechuan pondered, but did not speak.

That night, Jian Zechuan drank a lot of wine, and after leaving Yunding, he didn't say anything, and Jian Si sent him directly to Fengluyuan.

Xin Ai had already fallen asleep, she was a very light sleeper now, any movement could wake him up, and when she heard the doorbell downstairs, she woke up immediately.

At this point, who else is coming? But don't be someone trying to plot something wrong again, right?

After Xin Ai went downstairs, she took a kitchen knife from the kitchen, then walked carefully to the door, stood on tiptoe, and looked out through the peephole.

Seeing Jian Si supporting Jian Zechuan, he seemed to be drunk.

Xin Ai was taken aback, Jian Zechuan...

She stood there without moving, but Jian Si kept ringing the doorbell, Xin Ai thought about it, and opened the door anyway.

Jian was overjoyed, and quickly helped Jian Zechuan in, he said: Xin Ai, the third master is drunk...

He helped Jian Zechuan to lie down on the sofa, The third master will leave it to you first, and I will come back tomorrow.

But he's...

After Jian Si left Jian Zechuan behind, he turned around and ran away, never giving Xin Ai a chance to speak.

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