Can You Love Me?

Chapter 216 You don't like her, and she doesn't like you either

Jian Si raised his voice almost subconsciously: Is it really engaged?

Jian Zechuan looked at him with colder eyes, and Jian Si's scalp felt a little numb, but he couldn't help but said, Third Master, about Miss Xin?

Jian Si always felt that a strong woman like Tan Ran was really not suitable for their third master.

But if you just talk about excellence, Tan Ran is really good, and Xin Ai is really no match.

However, such an excellent person as their third master really doesn't need an equally excellent woman to raise his value. Moreover, the two of them stand together, in today's words, there is no sense of CP.

Jian Si felt that the scandal was too inexplicable.

Although Jian Si suspected that the relationship between these two people was mixed with other things more than once, but he has been with Jian Zechuan for so many years and is his number one confidant. If something really happened, there is no reason to hide it from him.

But... Jian Zechuan didn't say anything this time.

Jian Si has no idea.

Jian Zechuan was silent for two seconds: There are still a few days before she starts school, let's send her abroad for half a month.

In half a month, Tan Ran's affairs should be settled.

Jian Si gritted her teeth, wanting to say something, the third master can't be such a scumbag.

You can either let go, or get along well with others. What's the point of grabbing one with your left hand and one with your right? I really thought people wouldn't be angry.

What's more, half a month later, Xin Ai started school early, would she honestly stay abroad for such a long time?

Besides, people don't read the news? If it was really an engagement, wouldn't there be a lot of rumors on the Internet? Can you hide it?

Even if others don't talk about it, is Xin Ai a fuel-efficient lamp? Would you just let him cheat?

But Jian Si didn't dare to say these words, but he felt that if he didn't say something, he would really panic.

Third Master, you... since you are going to be engaged to Miss Tan, then... just break up with Miss Xin. Anyway, you don't like her, and she... doesn't like you, so it's better... Let's get together.

Jian Zechuan suddenly raised his head, his eyes were sharp: Why not?

Jian Si took a step back in fright, but still insisted: I think, doing this may make Miss Xin... sad... No woman is willing to share her man with other women.

Sad? Didn't you say that she doesn't like me? Since she doesn't like me, why is she so sad? Since she doesn't like me, even if I'm engaged to a hundred women, it doesn't matter to her, right?

Jian Zechuan's voice was sharp, but he remembered Xin Ai's venting words in the car.

Her that? Is it just plain angry? Still jealous?

But I think...

Jian Zechuan interrupted sharply:

Jian Si, you care too much about Xin Ai.

Yes...I, I...I'm sorry, Third Master, I talked too much nonsense just now.

Jian Zechuan was very angry, very angry.

Today, there is Fang Ziheng and Jian Si, both of them care about Xin Ai so much.

Why should they care so much about his women?

Of course, Jian Zechuan refused to admit that he was too scumbag.

This is how he is. A person who is too good and too ruthless, too rational, will inevitably be too ruthless when it comes to matters of feelings.


Xin Ai returned to the residence and went to bed as soon as she lay down to sleep. She obviously slept for so long in the hospital, but after eating a meal, she felt tired again, very tired.

After Xin Ai fell asleep, she had a dream that Tan Ran and Jian Zechuan got married. The funny thing is that Tan Ran asked her to be a bridesmaid.

At the wedding, Xin Ai looked at Jian Zechuan and Tan Ran like a pair, accepting everyone's blessings.

And she stood aside stupidly, like a puppet.

When Tan Ran threw the bouquet, she accidentally hit Xin Ai, and then... woke her up.

After opening her eyes, Xin Ai clutched her heart, feeling a little out of breath in pain, as if a boxer was hitting a sandbag hard, and her heart was that sandbag.

The phone rang, and Xin Ai was sweating profusely from the pain. She reached out and grabbed the phone with difficulty, and quickly connected when she saw the calling number.

Li Anhe, did you find out something when you called me at this time? Xin Ai and Li Anhe hadn't been in touch for a while.

But she believed in Li An and this person, he was not the kind who took money and did nothing.

Xin Ai, you... why doesn't your voice sound right?

Xin Ai wiped the sweat from her head: Oh, it's okay, I just woke up and had a... nightmare, I woke up with fright, what's wrong with you?

For her, that dream was a nightmare that might happen in the future.

Li Anhe told Xin Ai: Go to the police station and ask Shen Ce to see Chen Ming.

This...will the police let me see? Xin Ai didn't know if she, as the family member of the victim, could see the suspect at this time. In her impression, with her status, it was impossible to see Chen Ming now.

Just say, you have a way to make Chen Ming tell the truth...

Xin Ai's eyes lit up when he heard that, Then if I go to see Chen Ming, can I really make him tell the truth?

I'm not sure either, so I want you to try it. I have a few words, and you can tell him when the time comes, and you don't need to say more about the rest.

Xin Ai nodded: Okay, then I'll try, but I'm afraid it's not that easy to see Chen Ming.

Li Anhe was silent for a while, and said: I'll go to Shen Ce first and ask him to find a way. The rules are for people to see. As long as Shen Ce agrees, everything is easy to talk about.

Afterwards, Li Anhe found Shen Ce and told him that he had a way to get Chen Ming to speak.

The police were really helpless. Chen Ming confessed that he had killed An Xinya, but he never mentioned anything about Xin Huan.

But the police did find a hair belonging to Xin Huan from Chen Ming's home.

They investigated the monitoring of Chen Ming's residential area, and also asked the security guard at the gate of the community. Before Xin Huan disappeared, she had never seen her go to Chen Ming's place. One security guard had a good memory. He said that if such a beautiful girl came, Here, it is impossible for him not to remember.

But, if Xin Huan didn't go, how did her hair appear? This is obviously contradictory.

Unless there is a possibility, Chen Ming hides Xin Huan, avoids the sight of the gatekeeper, and goes in.

Therefore, the police still suspect that Chen Ming is directly related to Xin Huan's disappearance. What's more, Chen Ming may have killed Xin Huan, which is also possible.

Moreover, Chen Ming and An Xinya have always maintained an overly close relationship between men and women. At the beginning, Xin Huan went to audition secretly and Chen Ming only found out after she succeeded in the audition. As for that role, Chen Ming had already started looking for someone to trust him for the role. Xinya fought for it.

Many people also proved that after Xin Huan got the role, Chen Ming had a particularly bad attitude towards her, and some people saw Chen Ming beat Xin Huan.

All of these could be used as motivations for Chen Ming to act, but Chen Ming didn't open his mouth in a daze.


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