Can You Love Me?

Chapter 212 Either kill him or kill yourself

Between Xin Ai and Tan Ran, after some hesitation, Jian Zechuan decided to take the easiest way to make Xin Ai apologize.

Xin Ai took a step back first, and stopped this matter from expanding, so as to avoid making a fuss on the Internet.

This solution is the fastest.

Xin Ai clenched her hands tightly, her nails pinched into her flesh, the four words Jian Zechuan said just now seemed to have dropped a handful of salt on her wound.

He chose to believe it. He felt that what the assistant said was pushed by her.

Even Xin Ai himself hoped that Jian Zechuan hated her even more, but... when he asked her to apologize.

Only then did Xin Ai realize that she was far from being that strong,

She slowly let go, raised her head and said, Don't you just want to apologize? Okay, let me say...

Miss Tan, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you on purpose, I'm sorry, please forgive me.

Tan Ran hurriedly waved her hand and said, No, no, my assistant will definitely punish her after I go back. Others didn't know about it just now, but I did. It's all because of me. I'm sorry on behalf of the assistant.

The more Tan Ran said this, the more she seemed kind-hearted, and the more vicious Xin Ai seemed. After all, she herself admitted to pushing others, and they even defended her. What a kind girl.

Xin Ai didn't want to look at Tan Ran again, she couldn't tell whether Tan Ran was sincere or fake.

She wasn't in the mood to care about that either, she was dizzy from hunger and angry from thirst, she didn't want to see any of them, she really just wanted to be quiet for a while.

In this case, I'll go first. Xin Ai pulled out her own hand forcefully, turned and left.

The assistant pointed at Xin Ai's back and was still aggrieved: Sister Tan, look at her attitude, the apology is not sincere at all...

Tan Ran looked over coldly with sharp eyes and suppressed anger on her face. The assistant was so frightened that she lowered her head and dared not speak any more.

Tan Ran said coldly, I'll settle this matter with you when I get back.

Jian Zechuan watched Xin Ai's back disappear, and Fang Ziheng said: Ziheng, you take Miss Tan in to check her feet first, I have something to deal with.

Okay, leave it to me. Fang Ziheng said immediately, he was just watching and didn't come out to help Xin Ai, not because he didn't want to help, but because he wanted to observe what these people were thinking.

Tan Ran immediately said to Jian Zechuan: You go, third brother, you must remember to apologize to Ms. Xin for me. Today's incident has nothing to do with her. It's all my assistant's fault. I didn't train my people. Well, it's my responsibility, I will definitely apologize to her personally when I turn back, I am the one who let him down and made her suffer, I am really sorry.

What Tan Ran said was very sincere. What her assistant did just now made her feel guilty.

Jian Zechuan nodded lightly, then glanced sideways at the secretary.

The secretary understood what he meant in seconds, and immediately led someone to stop the people who had been watching and taking pictures, and then deleted all the photos and videos taken in their mobile phones one by one.

Fang Ziheng felt that Jian Zechuan was a bit contradictory, saying that he didn't care about Xin Ai, but what he did was obviously to protect Xin Ai.

Worried that after someone said that the video was posted online, Tan Ran's fans would target Xin Ai.

Moreover, just now in the office, the third brother was also asking him about Xin Ai's condition and whether his fever had subsided, as if he didn't care.

But if you say he cares? It seems...he was too indifferent again.

Xin Ai was lying there, but he didn't say to go and have a look.

Fang Ziheng shook his head, he really didn't understand.

After Jian Zechuan left, Fang Ziheng asked Tan Ran with a smile, How is Miss Tan's feet?

It's okay, it just hurts... Tan Ran frowned, and the pain on her face did not seem to be fake.

Fang Ziheng squatted down to look at her feet. The ankle was indeed swollen.

Wait a minute, I'll ask someone to push the wheelchair over.

The medical staff pushed Tan Ran in. Fang Ziheng was not very good at orthopedics, so he asked someone to invite a doctor who was proficient in orthopedics from the hospital.

But Tan Ran's assistant was still not very peaceful. After there were no outsiders, she carefully apologized to Tan Ran: Sister Tan, don't be angry, I was wrong just now, I just... I just didn't deserve it for you, that Women are too much, so I couldn't hold back...

Pa, Tan Ran slapped the assistant on the face.

Tan Ran's face was flushed with anger, and the slap seemed to have been suppressed for a long time before he swung it out. It was so powerful that the assistant's head was tilted away.

Shut up, what else do you want? How many times have I said this, but people didn't push me, are you helping me or hurting me? You don't understand what I'm saying, do you? Who is it? Slandering people? They didn't do anything, but you insisted on pouring sewage on them, how do you make her think of me in the future? How do you let me face people in the future?

Tan Ran trembled a little when she spoke angrily, which showed that she had endured a lot.

The assistant covered her face in fright, and hurriedly said: Sister Tan, I'm sorry, I... I just don't like her, that woman is clearly a scheming bitch... You, the third master, are the best match.

After he said this, Tan Ran slapped him almost immediately.

Third brother and I, third brother and Xin Ai, it's not your turn to talk about it for us.

The assistant trembled: Yes, I will never do this again.

Fang Ziheng watched from the side, silently listening to the conversation between the two.

He didn't know how to evaluate Tan Ran, this was the first time he saw Tan Ran in real life.

But he knew that Tan Ran and Jian Zechuan had known each other for many years, and they were one of his few friends.

Fang Ziheng had heard of this name a long time ago, but he had never actually met her. Tan Ran had been abroad before and never came back.

But recently, he returned to China suddenly with a high profile, and there was such a big scandal with Jian Zechuan, and there was also an engagement rumor. A group of people on the Internet seemed to be saying the same thing. They even went to a jewelry store to buy jewelry and rings. It seemed true. is true.

If it wasn't true, Fang Ziheng probably wouldn't condone it according to what Fang Ziheng knew about Jian Zechuan.

Even if he doesn't ask people to clarify, he will at least intervene in the rumors on the Internet and will not let them spread like this.

However, there has been so much turmoil on Weibo, and Jian Zechuan has not come forward, and no one has denied it, or intervened to delete posts, but the more he scratches, the more fierce it is. This makes Fang Ziheng have to wonder if the two of them are real.

If they are true, then what is Xin Ai?

How can she handle herself when she is caught between the two? Could it be that Tan Ran could really accept sharing her lover with another woman so magnanimously?

If Tan Ran could, Fang Ziheng really felt that he couldn't understand it. If there was another man beside the woman he liked, and that man agreed to live in peace with him, he would either kill that man first or kill himself. .

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for him to be so generous.

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