Jian Si knows that the third master is obsessed with cleanliness, and women he doesn't know can't get close to her. Of course, those he knows rarely get close to her. Didn't he pick up such women before and send them to the door by himself?

But today, the third master made an exception for this girl more than once!

After being kissed, hugged, and teased, you can still let him go so easily, such a kind third master, who will believe it?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it anyway.

Jian Si secretly glanced at Jian Zechuan again, did he think too much? Why do you think the third master did it on purpose?

Since you're interested in that girl, why...don't you just accept it?

The third master is not the kind of person to be polite!

Obviously not.

Jian Si has a tough face, but at the moment he has an extremely curious gossip heart.

It was late at night when I returned to Jian's house, and Jian Si opened the car door: Master, we're here.

Jian Zechuan opened his eyes and got out of the car.


Jian Si hurriedly caught what Jian Zechuan threw, which was the crumpled piece of paper with a row of numbers on it.

This... the third master actually put it all the way on his body?

Jian Zechuan, who was walking away, suddenly stopped: That woman... check her for me!

Brazen and scheming, approaching him is not just for money.

Jian Si was taken aback for a moment: ...Yes, okay...

But in the next second, Jian Zechuan said again: Forget it...she won't have another chance.

Jian Si scratched his head, should this be checked or not?

The third master said she would have no chance? What do you mean? sleep... his chance?


Walking alone on the street, Xin Ai felt that the road was too difficult. She abandoned everything, her dignity and shame, and wanted nothing, but she still failed in the end.

She touched her face, didn't this face actually work?

No one knew how anxious she was, the longer the disappearance, the greater the danger, but she was helpless now, Jian Zechuan's side was like an impregnable wall, and the temptation was completely useless.

Xin Ai really didn't know what to do, could it be...does she really want to go another way?

However, I am so unwilling!

Arriving home at 2 o'clock in the morning, Xin Ai collapsed on the bed without even taking off her shoes. The surrounding was quiet, only her own panting and heartbeat could be heard. It was a waste of work all night.

After lying down for a while, Xin Ai got up and reached for the wall calendar beside the bed, turned to June, and drew a black circle on the number 3. This was the 34th day of Xin Huan's disappearance, a full month and four days.

She still has no clue!

Tomorrow, I will go to the dormitory where Xin Huan lives first, and bring back all her things to see if I can find anything.

If there is no news, she has to take the initiative to find it, and she can't give up whoever gives up.

Both parents died in a car accident in the early years. Xin Ai and Xin Huan depended on each other. At that time, the two sisters were fifteen and ten years old. Since then, no matter what happened, Xin Huan stood by her side to protect her.

Xin Ai hides behind Xin Huan and lives in peace, and Xin Huan shields her from all wind and rain.

On the day when the freshman entered the university, Xin Ai hugged Xin Huan and said: Sister, when I graduate, I will support you.

This sentence seems to have been said yesterday, but Xin Huan couldn't find it in the blink of an eye.

After Xin Huan's disappearance, Xin Ai went from being terrified and crying helplessly at the beginning to now, in just one month, she has become a person who can even do things like crawling on the bed without any sense of shame. It is only after experiencing loss that we can grow quickly.

But she didn't want the growth in exchange for this heart-piercing pain.

In the middle of the night, it began to rain lightly outside the window, and it was gloomy, and the small room was even more stuffy due to poor ventilation.

Xin Ai was lying on the small bed, sweating profusely, her eyes were closed tightly, her hands were clutching the sheets, her body was trembling, and she unconsciously shouted: No, sister...you wait for me...wait for me... ...

Opening her eyes suddenly, Xin Ai started to hold her chest, gasping for breath, her face full of fear.

She had nightmares again, since Xin Huan disappeared, she would have nightmares almost every night.

Just now in the dream, Xin Huan's face was pale, and he said to her: Xiao Ai, I hurt...it hurts so much... I can't hold it anymore...

She reached out to touch Xinhuan, but when she touched her, she instantly turned into a bloody person, her arms and legs were like broken parts, all fell off...

Xin Ai woke up in shock. She curled up into a ball and hugged her legs tightly: Sister, wait for me a little longer, if you hold on a little longer, I... will definitely find you...

In the dark night, she told herself over and over again, as if hypnotizing herself, the scene in the dream made her never dare to close her eyes again.

Ding dong...

The ringtone of the text message on the mobile phone rang suddenly, which was extremely ear-piercing, and Xin Ai's body trembled in fright.

She was trembling and went to grab the phone, grabbed it several times before she got it in her hand, and sent a text message to Xin Ai whose number was noted as Yun Dian Liu Yihang.

Liu Yihang was an employee she sneaked into Yunding to pay for last time, and he should have been cleaned up by now. He suddenly sent a message, and Xin Ai was puzzled.

She clicked on it, and saw a sentence sent by Liu Yihang: Jian Zechuan also went to Yunding that day, and it is said that...he also went to Fengzi No. 3 private room...

Seeing this WeChat message, Xin Ai tightened her hand holding the phone.

Jian Zechuan also went that day...then did he meet Xin Huan?

Or thinking in a worse direction, is Xin Huan's disappearance also related to him?

And this Liu Yihang, why did he suddenly tell her this?

Xin Ai immediately called Liu Yihang, she wanted to know more, but the phone was reminded that the other party had turned off the phone.

Xin Ai was stuffy in the room and couldn't breathe, the drizzle outside the window was beating on the window, her body seemed to have sunk into the icy river, cold, suffocating, fearful...

It's not that she thinks too much, but the current situation makes her think more. If it is an ordinary kidnapping, even if it is an ordinary human trafficker, the police will never have any news.

The policeman himself said that Xin Huan's case was full of weirdness, like a drop of water fell on the ground in summer and was instantly evaporated without any trace, as if this person did not exist at all. It was not like an ordinary disappearance case.

Therefore, the person who took Xin Huan away should be quite capable in Mingdu.

Xin Ai can't wait to go to Jian Zechuan and ask him if he met Xin Huan that night, but...she can't, her mind is still clear at this moment, of course she can't ask this question directly, it will be exposed .

If it really has something to do with him, it will only be self-defeating, it won't save Xin Huan, and she has to get involved.

The only way is to get close to Jian Zechuan and become the closest person around him, in order to get more clues.

This time, the method must be wrong, she didn't have the time to play because she was subtle, it seemed that she could only do something simple and rude.

Even if she does whatever it takes, she will become Jian Zechuan's woman.

If this disappearance case is really related to Jian Zechuan, then she...

In the dark night, Xin Ai's eyes were cold and terrifying.

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