Can You Love Me?

Chapter 207 Hooking up three times in front of me?

Jian Zechuan is always like this, every time she thinks that he doesn't take her seriously, he will give her another illusion that he actually cares.

This kind of feeling makes Xin Ai worry about gains and losses. Others slap sweet dates, but Jian Zechuan's sweet dates are sweet and bitter.

After all, how can anyone ignore someone they care about while in the hospital?

If it was in the past, Xin Ai would definitely feel that such a man, it doesn't matter if you don't want him, what's the use of having him?

However, the former Xin Ai never thought that one day, she would become like this? She hates it so much that she doesn't even want to look at herself in the mirror.

Jian Zechuan stopped and looked at Xin Ai with unusually sharp eyes: Jealous? What do you think is worthy of my jealousy?

His voice was cold and impatient.

Xin Ai, let me remind you of your current status. You are still my person. Whoever gives you the courage to let you stand in front of me will dare to hook up.

There was a second of hesitation on Xin Ai's face, but it soon returned to normal, and the smile on his face became serious: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, third master, I... drank some wine, and my mind is a little unclear. Don't worry about it. Blame me, I will never do it again, I must be honest, I will never come here again in the future, I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do, I know where my seat is, I’m really sorry gone.

The smile on Xin Ai's face was full of guilt, and she spoke very seriously. It was the kind of serious review of her own mistakes, neither enchanting nor kitsch.

At the same time, the alcohol-smothered mind became sober.

What Jian Zechuan said is right, what is there for a person like her to be jealous of?

Is it a pretty face?

Heh, she is not the only good-looking person in this world.

She always said that she was beautiful, but in fact, the more she experienced, the more she realized that this face was the most useless thing.

Because of the same face, sooner or later there will be a day when I get tired of looking at it.

Especially for someone like Jian Zechuan, who can cover the sky with his hands, lacks everything, and everything is easy to come by, beauty is not something that comes when he is called.

Like He Jiasi, she is capable and has a diploma.

Like Ning Zhiqiu, and now Tan Ran, they are beautiful, capable, and have an excellent family background.

Xin Ai asked herself, she has nothing to compare with them.

Jian Zechuan would get tired of her face sooner or later.

Jian Zechuan frowned, his head was a little swollen by Xin Ai's anger, and just now he took a step to pay attention, what he said seemed...a little heavy.


Let him apologize to Xin Ai, this is possible.

Jian Zechuan raised Xin Ai's chin: Xin Ai, don't make me hate you more and more.

He wanted Xin Ai to be honest, and he wanted her not to act like a moth.

Xin Ai's smile became even stiffer, what he meant...has already begun to hate it, right?

Xin Ai seemed to have a thorn stuck in her throat, she nodded slightly: Well, I will try my best.

The two had already reached the first floor, and there was a lot of noise in their ears. Xin Ai's voice was a little soft and hoarse, making it hard to hear clearly.

Seeing Xin Ai's overly well-behaved appearance, Jian Zechuan frowned even more. He said this only in the hope that Xin Ai would be more honest in the future, seems...

Beauty, what I told you just now, what do you think? Do you want to come to us for a try? The casting director had been waiting for Xin Ai to come out, and hurried over when he saw her.

Xin Ai smiled and said distantly: Thank you, no need, I'm not interested in acting.

The casting director refused to give up and said persistently: Beauty, do you really not consider it? It's a pity not to enter the entertainment industry with your personal conditions. I know a professional agent who can tailor it for you. Even if you If you don't want to act, you can do other things, such as participating in variety shows, singing, as long as you want, we can make you a national goddess...

As he was talking, his neck and body were suddenly lifted up, and two big men on the left and right dragged him and dragged him out.

Jian Zechuan's face was gloomy like a dark cloud, he gave Xin Ai a cold look, left her and went straight out.

Jian Si pushed the immobile Xin Ai: Hurry up and catch up.

Xin Ai was shaken by Jian Si's push, raised her head and said, Fourth brother, I'm tired...

Jian Si was taken aback...Tired? up?

Tired...just go back to rest?

Xin Ai smiled: Yes, go back and rest.

She let out a long breath of stale air from her chest, and lifted her foot to go out.

Jian Si didn't know if his understanding was wrong, but he always felt that Xin Ai's smile just now made people feel a little panicked.

Could it be that he was really provoked by Tan Ran? No, he still expected Xin Ai to kick that Tan away.

Jian Zechuan's car was already parked by the side of the road, and he was sitting in the car with the door open, which meant nothing more than obvious, waiting for Xin Ai to get up by himself.

But Xin Ai stood only two or three steps away from the car, but refused to move.

Jian Si saw it in his eyes, and was anxious in his heart, what's the matter, get in the car quickly.

Now he can't wait to lift Xin Ai up and throw him into the car.

Suddenly Tan Ran's voice sounded: Why don't you get in the car? Did you quarrel?

Jian Si cursed in her heart: Damn...

Jian Zechuan left, and the team's round was meaningless, so Tan Ran came out first on the excuse that she had just returned to China and hadn't adjusted the jet lag.

I thought that Jian Zechuan and Xin Ai had already left by car, but they ran into each other at the door.

Tan Ran smiled and said to Jian Zechuan in the car: Third brother, she is still a little girl, and she is so delicate. You still have to be more sympathetic to her, and know how to let her. After all, you are so much older than her.

Tan Ran laughed heartily and helped Xin Ai speak, and her tone of voice seemed very familiar to Jian Zechuan.

Tan Ran patted Xin Ai on the shoulder and persuaded him, Third brother is like this, he has a bad temper, you still have to bear with it, don't be as knowledgeable as him, his temper comes and goes quickly, go away Well... the entrance of this nightclub is in chaos.

Tan Ran was much taller than Xin Ai, as if coaxing her younger sister, she put her arms around Xin Ai's shoulders and pushed her to the front of the car.

She is very caring, every word she said is helping Xin Ai and scolding Jian Zechuan.

But it just happened to be like this, and when it stopped in Xin Ai's ears, it turned into a thorn.

How can someone who can talk to Jian Zechuan like this have such a good relationship with him? It seems like an old friend, even more like an old husband and wife.

old man? old wife?

Xin Ai clenched her hand tightly, and Tan Ran was so generous, considerate, and gentle. The more sensible she was, the more unreasonable and petty Xin Ai seemed.

Xin Ai's throat seemed to be blocked. She came to Jian Zechuan first. When she was there, there were no other women around him, but Tan soon as she appeared, she seemed to have taken all the initiative in an instant.

Even if she appeared later, was obvious that Xin Ai was the one who followed Jian Zechuan first, but she could treat her with the attitude of a mistress, a lady in the palace.

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