Can You Love Me?

Chapter 198 Yeah, I'm Pretty Cheap

She felt that she was a person of status anyway, if she apologized to Xin Ai, she would not be able to save that face,

Xin Ai pinched the bank card, her mouth was full of bitterness: Of course I know, your family, your son, I couldn't afford it from the beginning.

I... Mrs. Jane is stupid. The more she talks, the more wrong she becomes.

If you have nothing to say, I won't keep you. I'm leaving the hospital today and I still have to pack my things.

Ah? you want me to send you off?

No, I've said it all. I won't pester your son anymore after taking your money. Naturally, it's better to have less involvement with your Jane's family.

Mrs Jane...

After leaving Xin Ai's ward, Mrs. Jane felt a little heavy, as if she had done something wrong.

It turned out that he wanted Xin Ai to go away, but he didn't drive him away.

This time, I simply wanted to say thank you, but who would have thought that she would drive people away by accident, a bit different from what she thought.

When the son comes back, if he finds out that she drove him away, he will be very angry, right?

At this time, Mrs. Jane didn't know what happened to her son abroad.

Mrs. Jane looked back at Xin Ai, she was already packing her things, her thin back looked thin and small, like a paper man.

Speaking of which, this child is also very bitter...

Mrs. Jane thought, if she had a daughter who suffered such hardship, she would feel so distressed to death.

Seeing Mrs. Jian walking out of Xin Ai's ward, Fang Ziheng hurried over.

Auntie, how are you? You haven't been bullied by her, have you?

Mrs. Jane was a little speechless: Look at what you said, how can she bully me? She is not a snake.

On the contrary, it was her who seemed to have bullied others. Mrs. Jane always felt that what she did was not kind. As if doing something bad.

Fang Ziheng felt that Xin Ai was not much different from snakes and scorpions, Then why is your complexion so bad...

Mrs. Jane stopped in her tracks: I put her...

What did you do to her? Fang Ziheng was surprised, oh my god, could it be that Xin Ai was the one who was dealt with?

Hey... I just... accidentally... I just said something casually, telling her not to pester Zechuan anymore. I said it before, but I didn't expect her to agree today. I think, I I really want to do something wrong... Mrs. Jane had a sad face.

Fang Ziheng wondered what was the matter, he said in relief: Even if you don't say that, the third brother will break up with her, how could the third brother really be with this kind of woman...

Mrs. Jane frowned: What kind of woman is she? She's actually a poor child. Don't look down on her. She doesn't feel sorry for you. I don't think she's what she looks like...

Fang Ziheng was surprised, oh my god, Xin Ai couldn't have deceived her, right?

Auntie, don't be fooled by her.

I'm already my age. What can she lie to me? If she really wanted to lie to me, she wouldn't have waited until now. Hey... I have a headache. I'm leaving first. That... She is discharged from the hospital today. You can find someone to send her to you later. Send her off, it's hot outside, don't let her go back by herself.

Mrs. Jane wants to go back and calm down. When her son comes back, how should she explain this to her son?

Ah... oh, okay, you leave it to me.

After sending Mrs. Jane away, Fang Ziheng turned around to look for Xin Ai. He wanted to see what she had said, and even lied to Mrs. Jane.

As soon as Fang Ziheng entered the door, Fang Ziheng sarcastically said: I really didn't expect that your ability to deceive people has not been compromised by injury. Aunt Jian is kind and simple-minded. You'd better put your thoughts on her...

Xin Ai was putting the bank card given to her by Mrs. Jane into her wallet, when she heard Fang Ziheng's words, she suddenly slammed the wallet on the ground with all her strength.

Fang Ziheng, who the hell are you? Are you my father or my mother? Who are you? Put yourself in the position of a gentleman in front of me and boss me around.

Xin Ai's sudden outburst made Fang Ziheng startled: You...

Prior to this, Xin Ai hadn't shown a bright side in front of him. No matter how much he satirized him before, Xin Ai hadn't acted abnormally, but she didn't expect that she would suddenly become so angry today.

Xin Ai's eyes were red with anger, she sneered and said, Don't you all want me to get out? Why, why don't I promise to get out?


Xin Ai nodded: Yeah, I'm quite cheap, I worship money, I'm vulgar, I'm superficial, I'm shameless, I seduce Jian Zechuan, you noble people must despise me, you will think how can there be such a thing in this world? Am I such a bad woman? But even if I am bad, I still have to cooperate with him, as long as he does not refuse.

She pointed at Fang Ziheng: Everyone of you knows who Jian Zechuan is. If he didn't have that kind of thought for me, it would be useless for me to take off my clothes a hundred times, but he didn't. It was his own will. Between me and him, One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, no one suffers, no one owes anyone, don't say it as if I took advantage of him, it's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks about me and him, if you really want to Point at my nose and scold me, okay, I will scold you when I seduce your own brother or your own brother, now, I don’t want to see you, you, get out of here...

There was a heavy mountain in Xin Ai's heart. For so many days, how much she longed to see Jian Zechuan felt so heavy after seeing the news.

Mrs. Jane's subsequent arrival stabbed a knife in her heart.

Each of them is reminding her, telling her with the attitude of a high-ranking person: You, Xin Ai, are a humble ant. man.

So, she, an ant, was about to go away at last, but Fang Ziheng still refused to let her go.

Xin Ai couldn't bear the grievances and anger in her heart anymore.

Fang Ziheng didn't expect that his words would arouse Xin Ai's anger.

Hearing Xin Ai's words, he suddenly didn't know what to say, and couldn't think of a word that could respond to him.

He has always been able to speak eloquently, no matter how difficult the patient is, he can comfort him.

The patients who came to see a doctor in the hospital, men, women and children, almost all liked him, and there was never any tension between doctors and patients in his place.

But Fang Ziheng is the kind of person who is warm-faced and cold-hearted. He looks easy to talk and treats everyone well. In fact, his psychological defense is very heavy. If he doesn't like someone, it is difficult for him to change his attitude towards this person. the opinion of.

Xin Ai is someone he doesn't like, since the first time we met, he didn't like her very much.

For Fang Ziheng, if it wasn't for Jian Zechuan's face, he would never let Xin Ai stay in his hospital.

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