Can You Love Me?

Chapter 195 That girl is quite pitiful

What Jian Si said is right, she is a person with a hard life.

Since she began to investigate the truth of Xin Huan's disappearance, in just three months, she had come into close contact with death several times, but... she survived, she survived.

The hostages are safe, and the criminals don't have to be shot. Although... one eye is blind, as long as they are alive, can speak, and can explain the problem, that's enough.

The police are very satisfied with this result. If it is not a last resort, they really don't want to kill the suspect.

After all, there are too many and important cases involved in Chen Ming. If he is real, this case will be in a stalemate again, and it will be very difficult to investigate.

Chen Ming covered his eyes, blood flowed from his fingers, she screamed and cursed Xin Ai, wishing to tear her to pieces.

After Chen Ming was caught, he was immediately sent to the emergency room under the escort of the police.

Shen Ce ran in from the outside, and asked Xin Ai with a concerned expression, Are you all right?

Xin Ai touched her aching chin and said, What can I do?

Shen Ce looked at the blood on her chin and said, Next time, don't be so reckless.

If I'm not reckless, am I waiting for you to kill him?

Xin Ai knew that if the delay continued, the police would definitely choose to kill Chen Ming to ensure the safety of the hostages. However, Xin Ai didn't want him to die, and his life was far more useful than his death.

Xin Ai said seriously to Shen Ce: Man, I helped you catch it. Next, please ask your police to find a breakthrough from him as soon as possible and find my sister's whereabouts. Please give me some hope. .”

Don't worry, we will.

The little nurse came over and wanted to take Xin Ai to bandage the wound. Not only her chin, but also several small wounds of different depths on her neck.

Mrs. Jane tried to speak out several times, but she didn't have the courage.

Seeing that Xin Ai was about to leave, she hurriedly said, Hey, who is that...

Xin Ai turned to look at Mrs. Jane, and the corners of her lips twitched: Mrs. Jane should bring a few more people with her when she goes out. This time you are lucky. Next time, there will be no such kind-hearted people like me.

Xin Ai and the little nurse left, Mrs. Jane said thank you in her mouth, and just kept silent.

Mrs. Jane sighed, what should I say about today's matter when I go home.

Xin Ai saved her life, no matter what, this thank you is for sure, and their Jian family is not the kind of people who don't know how to repay their kindness.

The gift of thanks also needs to be prepared after returning home, but what should I prepare for.

Xin Ai, who was walking away, suddenly came back to his senses, and shouted to Mrs. Jane: Oh, by the way, if you want to thank me, you don't have to think about preparing anything else, just give me some more money, and it will be settled .”

The corner of Mrs. Jane's mouth twitched. Why is this stinky girl... so greedy for money.

Don't you know what to order?

Mrs. Jane thought that Xin Ai would take this opportunity to make some unreasonable demands to trick her, such as marrying his son or something, but she didn't expect that she didn't seem to care about saving Mrs. Jane, It seems like it's just a trivial thing.

Mrs. Jane sighed, this stinky girl doesn't know how to be likable at all.

However, giving money is indeed the easiest.

Mrs. Jian went to Fang Ziheng's office, asked him to check herself, and prescribed some medicine.

Fang Ziheng learned that Mrs. Jian almost had an accident just now, so he asked with concern.

Mrs. Jane took the opportunity to inquire about Xin Ai's situation.

Knowing that her physical condition is not good now, and her voice can never return to the previous state, I can't help but feel a little sad.

On the way home, Mrs. Jane sighed in her heart, in fact... that girl is quite pitiful.

After returning home, Mrs. Jian and Jian Wanjun talked about what happened in the hospital.

When Jian Wanjun heard that she had been kidnapped, he was shocked and said, What, you...then why didn't you call? Is there any injury?

Mrs. Jane waved him to sit down: I'm fine, the suspect has also been arrested, and calling home will be redundant.

Then are you really okay?

I'm all back. Of course I'm fine. I was hijacked for a short while and was rescued soon.

Jian Wanjun hurriedly asked what was going on at the time: What happened, who was the criminal who hijacked you, and did the police shoot him dead?

Mrs. Jane shook her head with a complicated expression: The police didn't kill the criminal, it was... yes... that... someone took the initiative to be his hostage, and the criminal let me go.

It's the police, oh, it's really dangerous, who is the police? We'll have to thank him later.

Jian Wanjun thought that this kind of self-sacrifice must be the police.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Jane shook her head, the expression on her face was a bit indescribable.

What? No?

Mrs. Jane nodded: It's not the police.

Then who?

Yes... hey... Mrs. Jane sighed, It's Xin Ai...

When Jian Wanjun heard these two words, he was even more shocked than when Mrs. Jian was kidnapped just now. He exclaimed: What?

Yes, yes, it's her...

Jian Wanjun opened his mouth to speak, but when he saw the person standing behind his wife, he was stunned, and the words in his mouth suddenly couldn't come out.

Mrs. Jane didn't know yet, You don't know how dangerous the situation was at the time. I was so frightened that I almost passed out. It was that stinky girl who came over and said a few words to the prisoner, and then replaced me. The prisoner almost lost his life. Be sensible, the knife in her hand is waving around, asking for money for a car, fortunately that girl is alert, otherwise, I really don't know what the consequences will be, you say... counting it, she has saved me for the second time, I really don't care Do you know what to do?

Jian Wanjun moved his lips, but he didn't know what to say.

He nodded in his heart, yes, what should I do, the grace of saving my life is extraordinary.

Jian Wanjun really didn't expect that Xin Ai would sacrifice her life to save Mrs. Jian. She looks like a selfish little girl, but isn't she so kind?

Could it be that he intends to use this matter to please his wife?

However, it would be too risky to take one's own life to please her, right?

After hesitating, Jian Wanjun said deliberately, please you on purpose?

Mrs. Jane gave him a white look: If it was intentional, I wouldn't have to worry so much. The point is, that girl spoke very aggressively and was not polite at all. She told me that if you really feel sorry, give her more Money, other things, nothing was said, and nothing was asked.

Jian Wanjun also found it difficult.

He coughed: Why is Zechuan back at this time?

Mrs. Jane was so frightened that she bounced off the sofa a little, and turned around quickly, only to see her son standing behind him, who had been listening for an unknown how long.

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