Can You Love Me?

Chapter 192 It's useless to pretend to be pitiful in front of me

Fang Ziheng stood up, supported the table with both hands, leaned forward, and approached Su Xiaoling: Is it just boyfriend and girlfriend who live together? In this age, Miss Su, are you too naive? Has no one told you that The relationship between men and women is not limited to this one!

Su Xiaoling suddenly thought of other scenes, blushed slightly, and took a step back: In my opinion, living together is like this, you don't need to tell me anything else, just forget it if you don't want to.

Su Xiaoling didn't even say goodbye, turned around and left.

The smile on Fang Ziheng's face disappeared, and he sat down again.

He felt that this woman, Xin Ai, was really scheming, she even took advantage of her good friend, she couldn't speak by herself, so she asked her friend to come over and say, huh...

Before, he thought that Xin Ai was very powerful, able to endure what ordinary people could not, and it was not easy to survive such a desperate situation.

But thinking about it now, a person who can be so cruel to himself is naturally even more cruel to others.


In Jian Zechuan's office, the two executives hurried away after reporting their work, unwilling to stay in the president's office for a moment.

Jian Zechuan didn't seem to be in a good mood today, but he didn't get angry, but the way he looked at people made people feel panicked.

If it was normal, Jian Si would be eager to leave as soon as possible, but today, he just lingers and refuses to leave.

Jian Zechuan glanced at him: Is there anything else?

Jian Si took a step forward: Master, Miss Xin is awake.

Knowing that Xin Ai woke up, Jian Si let out a long sigh of relief, the little aunt finally woke up, if not, he really thought she was going to lie down like a succulent plant for the rest of her life.

Although Jian Zechuan has not visited Xin Ai for more than two days, Jian Si feels that the third master is concerned, otherwise, he would not transfer Xin Ai.

Jian Si thought that as long as he told Jian Zechuan that Xin Ai was awake, he would definitely go to see her too.

But Jian Si didn't expect that Jian Zechuan would ask indifferently: Is there anything else?

Jane four...

After being stunned for a while, he shook his head and said, more...

No, I'm not going out yet.


Come out, Jian Si is still confused, why is this different from what he thought?

He thought that Jian Zechuan was in a bad mood these two days because Xin Ai was unconscious.

But everyone is awake, shouldn't they be happy?

Jian Si scratched her head, the third master, what the hell is going on?

Really don't want to see it?

That's wake up?

Jian Si pondered for himself, the worry in his third master's heart could not be fake, maybe he would definitely go in the afternoon or evening, maybe he felt that if he showed too much concern, he would lose face.

But let alone the afternoon, I didn't go until the next day.

At this time, Jian Si really felt something was wrong, what was the third master thinking in his heart at this moment?

No one knew what was going on in Jian Zechuan's heart at this time. He was very calm and seemed not to pay attention to everything, and his life was very normal. It was back to the time when he didn't know Xin Ai.

Not to mention Jian Si, even his parents felt that his situation was wrong.

Both the Jian family and his wife knew that Xin Ai had an accident and was hospitalized. They thought that after the accident, their son would treat Xin Ai better no matter what.

The two were still worried before, fearing that after this incident, it would be more difficult for their son to be dragged back.

But who would have thought that his son's performance was completely opposite.

He didn't even go to the hospital, he returned home more diligently than before, and never saw Xin Ai again.

Abnormality is a demon, and Jian Zechuan's abnormal reaction made them not surprised.

But this happened to be the result they wanted to see the most. Although they felt puzzled, they chose not to mention it. They wished that their son's state could continue forever.

But Mrs. Jian was worried, so she called Jian Si and asked secretly.

Knowing that Xin Ai has woken up from Jian Si, Mrs. Jian sincerely said: Are you awake? That's great, it can be regarded as awake...

After putting down the phone, Mrs. Jane hurriedly told her husband.

Everyone in Xinai woke up, but his son still didn't go. Does this mean that his son really doesn't care about that little goblin?


Ever since she woke up and knew that Jian Zechuan had never visited him, Xin Ai knew that maybe something had been decided in his heart, and she could do nothing about it.

Xin Ai's identity is only a lover after all, and it is never possible to become someone in Jian Zechuan's heart who can influence his decision.

After all, it was her own, delusional.

Two days later, Xin Ai's throat can already make a sound, but the voice is still hoarse.

Fang Ziheng told Xin Ai that her vocal cords were damaged, and it might be difficult for her voice to return to its previous clarity.

Xin Ai doesn't care about this, it's not easy to be alive, and it's not bad to be able to keep her voice. What is more important than being alive, as for other things, there is no need to ask for so much.

Xin Ai turned her head and glanced out of the window. Before she knew it, half of the summer vacation had passed, and the time... passed so quickly.

Seeing Xin Ai's depression, Fang Ziheng couldn't help but sarcastically said: It's useless for you to pretend to be pitiful in front of me.

Xin Ai glanced at him and said nothing.

She could see that Fang Ziheng didn't like her very much, even despised her.

Fang Ziheng put his hands in his pockets, and said to Xin Ai: Third Brother probably won't come to see you again this time.

Fang Ziheng gloated a little when he said this, as if he was laughing at her wishful thinking and her whimsy.

Xin Ai said coldly, I didn't wait for him in the first place, and the person I waited for will never be him.

She was waiting for Chen Ming, and Xin Ai had a strong premonition that Chen Ming would definitely come.

The police sent by the police are still there, but they have changed from being on the bright side to being in the dark, pretending to be a patient in the ward next to Xin Ai.

Sure enough, Xin Ai's hunch was right.

——Chen Ming is here!

Unexpectedly, Chen Ming did not choose to come at night, but during the day.

At that time, it was the afternoon, and he came in wearing the clothes worn by doctors in the hospital and wearing a mask, and the journey was unimpeded.

After Chen Ming came in, he claimed to be the doctor who changed Xin Ai's medicine.

Xin Ai looked at him, and asked casually: Isn't it a nurse's job to change the dressing? Are you a new doctor? Why haven't I seen you before?

No, I wasn't in charge of your ward before, and the nurse who changed your dressing was suddenly in a hurry, so let me take her place.

A coolness flashed in Xin Ai's eyes: Oh, that's... thank you, Dr. Chen.

The person who was about to remove the injured gauze for Xin Ai was taken aback: What did you say?

Xin Ai smiled: Of course, thank you, Dr. Chen. You are right. How could you be in charge of my ward before? You should be in charge... An Xinya is right.

Xin Ai looked at him coldly: Isn't it, Chen Ming?

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