Can You Love Me?

Chapter 189 I want to see him so much

Xin Ai had a long, long dream. She ran one foot deep and one foot shallow in the darkness. She didn't know how long she ran.

Her body hurt, but she didn't dare to stop. There was always a horrible feeling. It seemed that as long as she stopped, she would never be able to get out of the darkness.

There was silence all around, no sound could be heard.

Xin Ai tried his best to shout, but no sound came out.

The body becomes heavier and heavier, and more and more tired.

When Xin Ai felt that she was really about to be unable to walk, a sharp pain suddenly hit her, as if she had been struck by a thunderbolt. Then, her body seemed to be grabbed by invisible hands in the dark, and she was carried away. Pulled forward at top speed.

Xin Ai's body seemed to fly in the darkness, and a pinpoint-sized light spot suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. The light spot gradually enlarged, and the dazzling light finally covered her whole body.

Xin Ai vaguely heard someone beside her shouting: Wake up, wake up... Doctor Fang, the patient is awake.

Really, really, my eyes are open...

Oh my god, I'm finally alive. Our hospital has been saved...

The sounds were a little noisy, and at first they were a little fuzzy, as if they were far away, but the sounds soon got closer, as if they were close to my ears, and even started to be noisy.

Xin Ai frowned, it was too noisy.

Her eyes were dry and her eyelids were very heavy. When she opened her eyelids little by little, it seemed like there was glue on her eyelids. Every time she opened her eyes a little bit, it took a lot of effort.

Finally, her eyes were all opened, and the figure reflected in her eyes changed from blurry to clear. She finally saw clearly who was leaning over her head.

Fang Ziheng stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Xin Ai's eyes: Don't you recognize me?

He reached out and pulled out the silver needles stuck in Xin Ai's body one by one.

Xin Ai's eyelids moved, and the fire that night reappeared in his mind.

That was a night that was unbearable to look back on. Thinking of that time, his body couldn't help but tremble with fear. However, Xin Ai was thankful that he was finally saved.

Xin Ai opened her mouth to speak, but when her lips moved, she realized that her throat felt sore and hot, as if boiling oil had been poured into it.

Fang Ziheng smiled: Don't be afraid. You inhaled the thick smoke at the fire and hurt your throat. You will have difficulty speaking temporarily, but don't worry. It will be fine in two days. Now I have some questions to ask you. If so, just nod. If not, just nod. Shake your head.

Fang Ziheng asked Xin Ai about his health. After asking, he comforted Xin Ai: Have a good rest and don't be mentally burdened.

I... Xin Ai opened her mouth and struggled to say a word, her voice was hoarse.

Fang Ziheng seemed to know what she wanted to ask, and told her: You have been in a coma for more than two days. If you don't wake up, I really thought you would sleep like this forever.

Xin Ai didn't wake up for a long time, which made a group of people anxious. Last night, Jian Si came to handle the transfer procedures for her and sent her to Fang's hospital.

Of course, this was what Jian Zechuan meant, but he still didn't show up.

I go to the company during the day, occasionally go to Yundian to participate in a game at night, and occasionally attend cocktail parties. My life is no different from before.

Do what you need to do in an orderly manner, and even your daily routine has returned to its previous state.

Fang Ziheng smiled at Xin Ai: Someone will bring you food soon. You are weak and your throat is injured. Your spleen and stomach cannot eat anything else now. In the past two days, you will eat some simple liquid food first.

Xin Ai's eyelids moved and he turned to look around.

Only the two nurses and Fang Ziheng were seen, and no one else was seen.

Xin Ai's eyes dimmed a bit. Fang Ziheng saw it and knew who she was looking for. He raised his eyebrows and showed a knowing smile: Have a good rest and ring the bell if you need anything.

Xin Ai nodded slightly.

Fang Ziheng stopped in front of the door, turned around, looked at her and said, Actually, you are quite admirable.

There are very few people, both men and women, who can survive from that kind of desperate situation with sheer force and determination.

Fang Ziheng was probably a doctor who liked to get to the bottom of things because of his professional habit and was very curious, so... he couldn't hold it back and found out all the causes and consequences of the matter from Jian Si.

Knowing what Xin Ai had done, Fang Ziheng couldn't help but sigh. He looked weak on the surface, but he was really ruthless in his heart.

Xin Ai's methods are actually not very clever, they are all about fighting to the death.

If it were anyone else, they might not think of it, but others might not be able to do what she did.

Because there are few people who can be more cruel to themselves than to others.

Xin Ai was able to get out of trouble because she was betting on death. She used 90% of her death in exchange for a glimmer of life.

I would like to ask, how many people in this world can really risk their lives and survive?

Xin Ai couldn't make any sound from her throat. She twitched her lips and showed a somewhat forced smile.

That night was a nightmare she couldn't bear to look back on. The moment she woke up, if Fang Ziheng's face hadn't appeared first, Xin Ai would have thought she had died and gone to heaven.

The memories of that night slowly flooded into his mind, and Xin Ai seemed to be able to smell the smell of his own hair being burned in his breath.

She vaguely remembered that before she fell into coma, she seemed to hear Jian Zechuan's voice.

Did he save her in the end?

Xin Ai bit her lip unconsciously. If he came to save her, would he come back to see her soon?

Xin Ai really wanted to see Jian Zechuan. The first person she wanted to see when she opened her eyes was him. This desire was so strong.

She knew that he was very busy, and she also knew that with their relationship, he would not be able to stay with her in bed no matter what.

However, Xin Ai still felt lost without seeing Jian Zechuan.

However, he...should come, right?

The nurse brought Xin Ai a glass of water and asked her to drink it slowly through a straw.

The warm water flows into the mouth and slowly slides down the throat.

Xin Ai felt as if his throat was cracked by the sun, and it was finally moisturized.

Not long after, a young nurse brought Xin Ai's food and rocked the bed so that she could lie down half-ly for easier eating.

She smiled at Xin Ai and said, You are too weak now, I will feed you.

Xin Ai's arm was still stuck with a needle. She tried to move it, but it was indeed difficult to lift it up. Moreover, her palm was wrapped in thick gauze, making it difficult to move.

She is now so weak that a four or five-year-old child could knock her down.

While Xin Ai was being fed, the young nurse chatted with her: You are finally awake. Doctor Fang said that you have not woken up for a long time because you are too tired, and most importantly, your body is too weak. Looking back, When you get better, you still need to eat more. Girls can't always think about losing weight... health is the most important thing. If a person loses his health, it's useless no matter how beautiful he is, don't you think?

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